On September 22, 2021, the anarchist comrade Francisco Solar was hospitalized inside the La Gonzalina prison in Rancagua after being diagnosed with diabetes and found to be on the verge of a coma. Today the comrade is returned to module 2 of maximum security and since then medical staff/prison guards, through negligent and insufficient treatment have tried to stabilize him.
Immediately, both Francisco and part of the solidarity environment from the outside, we began to make arrangements for the entry of a private doctor, to perform a series of tests, modification of the diet and move towards a treatment as autonomous as possible by Francisco, without depending on the mood swings of the jailers who must provide him with insulin.
As expected, the prison guards have given no response or facilities for the entry of a private doctor or the delivery of the medical record of the comrade.
The call is to generate pressure for the entry of a private doctor and the lifting of any obstacle for proper treatment. Therefore we call on all those who feel the urgency of the comrade’s life and health to mobilize and agitate to unblock this situation of prohibitions and obstacles to the comrade’s care.
Letters, militancy, agitation, visits to embassies and all initiatives that each comrade, group or collective deems pertinent within the mutuality. Everything is useful to succeed in bending the infinite prohibitions in the prison world.
Solidarity, agitation and action for the life and health of comrade Francisco Solar!
Subversive prisoners and anarchists to the street!
Source: Publicacion Refractario