Incendiary outbreak at Liceo de Aplicación in memory of Mauricio Morales
On Monday, May 22, a rally was held in the vicinity of the Liceo de Aplicación leading to barricades and confrontations with Molotov cocktails against the presence of the Carabineros (COP) in memory of comrade Mauricio Morales who died in combat when he detonated in advance the explosive device he was trying to install in the Gendarmerie School in 2009.
Banners and leaflets were read: “May 22nd, day of chaos”, “Before sleeping I embrace kaos. For a May as black as gunpowder. Mauricio Morales”, ” There are still backpacks like Punky Mauri’s”, “Mauricio Morales present, let anarchy live”, “14 years after your departure, you are still alive in our anarchist hearts and souls.”
Below are some records:
Incendiary outburst at Liceo Manuel Barros Borgoño in memory of Mauricio Morales
On Monday, May 22, leaflets and banners were displayed, barricades and confrontations with Molotov were set up against the presence of carabineros (COP) in memory of comrade Mauricio Morales 14 years after his death in the context of the attack with an explosive device on the Gendarmerie School.
Banners and pamphlets were read: “The press points, the police shoot”, “With memory intact, Mauricio Morales present. In your action we find the example of putting words into practice, attacking prison scum. This is why we make your name present in every bomb and keep your memory alive, vindicating your endurance, solidarity, uniqueness and happiness… Mauri, the offensive does not forget you” and “Fighting youth, permanent insurrection.”
Here are some records:
Incendiary outbursts at Liceo 4 and Instituto Nacional in memory of Mauricio Morales
On Monday, May 22nd in both high schools banners, leaflets, barricades and confrontations with Molotov were displayed against the presence of carabineros (COP) in memory of the anarchist comrade Mauricio Morales, also known as “Punki Mauri”.
Banners and leaflets were read: “Because there is much to change, we go out to the streets to fight”, “Propagating direct action. Punky Maury” and “Day of kaos May 22. Commemoration 14 years after the death of Punky Maury”.
Here are some records:
Incendiary outburst at Usach in memory of comrade Mauricio Morales
On Thursday, May 25, leaflets were displayed, banners were hung and barricades and confrontations with Molotov were set up against the presence of carabineros (COP) in memory of the anarchist comrade Punki Mauri, who in life was part of multiple countercultural and educational initiatives such as the Social Center and squatted Sacco and Vanzetti and the Barrial 3 channel. His experiences are contagious to the coming generations, who seek with their ingenuity to keep anarchy alive.
Canvases and pamphlets were read: “Only good paco, dead paco” and “Ideas without action are worthless, it’s theoretical bullshit. Therefore idea and action must be and are one and the same thing.”
Here are some records: