On Friday 3 May eight people were arrested in front of Ex Latteria Occupata with the accusations of aggravated resistance and injuries and for one of the people also outraged and refusal to provide general information. Those who were there that evening is well aware how power works. He knows how absurd the reactions of the cops, complaints and requests of the public prosecutor are. Currently all the defendants have precautionary measures: seven of them have daily signatures and one signatures, the obligation to stay and the night return. A few days ago the news arrived that the prosecutor again requires prison for everything. Evidently we try to give a legal justification to a disproportionate reaction of the cops to a moment of normal anger, which can be shared by anyone every day the militarization and gentrification of this city lives, increasingly invaded by puppets in uniform. Since we do not recognize courts nor divided our answer is always the same: to go to the street and to pour our anger against those who try to suffocate every dissent and all existence that does not conform to a showcase thrown to the mass tourism & sold off by the businessmen who have recently risen.
On May 31, see you in Piazza della Commenda at 18:00 in solidarity with the arrested.