Update from today’s intervention at ESIEA
The assembly in solidarity with the hunger striker Giannis Michailidis, who has been on hunger strike since 23/5, held an intervention today at the ESIEA building, in order to give visibility to the struggle of his comrade. As soon as the intervention started, the vice president of ESIEA was negative even with the hanging of the banner. We made it clear to him that we had come with the specific purpose of highlighting the hunger strike and that we would leave when we felt that the comrade’s hunger strike had been sufficiently highlighted. He threatened us that he would call the police and we replied that we would not leave the building until we had left safely and had achieved our purpose. He ordered all the telephone lines and computers in the building to be shut down to prevent the propaganda of the action.
We are not in a position to know if the vice president ultimately called the cops or if they came on their own. Two Delta groups (Motorcycle cops) came to the scene and even without any legitimacy they entered the ground floor and threatened us with arrest. We re-stated that we would not leave unless the police forces left.The determination of the solidarity groups to remain in the building made it clear to the president that in order to end the intervention the cops had to leave.
The banner was hung from the rooftop and leaflets were thrown.
About the choice to intervene in the ESIEA
We have no illusions about the mainstream media. However, against the constant tactic of the state apparatus to silence the hunger strikes, we had to intervene in order to make the demand for the immediate release of Giannis Michailidis heard. The regime media that wrote about the intervention did not post the text. Continue reading “Athens, Greece: Intervention at ΕΣΗΕΑ (Athens Daily Newspaper Editors Union) in solidarity with the hunger strike of anarchist comrade Giannis Michailidis”