Turkey: Four DHKP-C Militants Killed by Turkish Border Guards

“We are guarded by thousands of fears: The fear of being buried alive in a prison, the fear of dying in action, the fear of being left alone without the cheers of the crowd or the fear of being isolated by our own comrades. Overcoming these fears would make us more lucid. Many struggles are built on these fears, they are products of these fears. Fear poisons us; compromise is its toxic fruit. Then, with eloquent words, comfortable theories, convenient long-term strategies, they make sure to embellish the whole humiliation by recommending wisdom and drawing us into political realism. Unfortunately, however, shit, no matter how pink you paint it, is still shit.” – Alfredo Cospito
The Direct Action Cells claim full responsibility for the arson attack on the home of judge Elias Kanellopoulos in the Cholargos area (a suburb in Athens). Our attack is an action of solidarity with the mobilizations of the prisoners in the prisons of the territory. It is also a continuation of the strategy of the personal targeting of those involved in the constant tightening of criminal repression and the repressive management applied in the field of prisons. From the architect of the new penal code, Lambros Margaritis, to the head of the Inspection and Control Body of the Prisons, Spyridoula Presvia, and now to Ilias Kanellopoulos, an appellant seconded to the Ministry of Justice, who was one of the close associates of the former Minister of Justice, Kostas Tsiaras, during whose days the new penal and penitentiary code was created and passed.
Our message is clear. The Direct Action Cells do not forget the people behind bars, the families who are suffering and tormented by the methods of the judges, the police and those prison officers who have the impression that they are untouchable. We do not forget the political prisoners who are paying the price for their choice of joining the revolutionary struggle. The explosions outside the homes of those who, in one way or another, choose to make the lives of prisoners a nightmarish reality, brings home, even if only on a symbolic level, the combative reality of the permanent anarchist threat.
As we previously stated, following the attack on the home of Lambros Margaritis:
“We are not finished with this particular issue. For us, any attack on the rights of prisoners that were won through painful struggles is taken very seriously, and in this regard we will try as hard as we can to keep it high on the priorities of the militant formations acting within the combative movement. We call on them to become a shield of protection for the rights of political prisoners in the prisons and to target those directly responsible for this anachronistic penal code that takes us back many decades.” Continue reading “Athens, Greece: Direct Action Cells Claim Responsibility for Arson Attack Against the Home of Judge Elias Kanellopoulos”