Defeat is not loss, nor is it death. Defeat is acceptance. It is the oblivion of the dead of the class war. It is the bloodless surrender of collective history to the dustbin of oblivion. Defeat is assignment and messianism. Prolonging the battle, truce and compromise to a life below the class necessities and circumstances of the times. Defeat is not to give one’s life and freedom for the struggle, but to live deadened by the lack of social solidarity and class consciousness. To look to save your own skin when the person next to you is losing his steps, being left behind, dying. The times we live in are characterised by a profoundly dystopian condition, where everything seems predetermined. It is a time of dilemmas and great decisions. In the face of this dark period, it is our revolutionary duty to light the way with the hope of overthrow. To believe in our powers, to justify the loss of those who believed in them and are no longer with us. That is the stakes today: to keep alive the flame of subversion, the flame of insurrection until it becomes a fiery revolutionary conflagration. To be the link between the struggles of yesterday and tomorrow. For this land will only be cleansed by fire. Only with revolution.
The concerted attack of the state and the bosses on the ranks of the exploited social base leaves behind dozens of dead every day in the sweatshops of wage slavery. The barbarism in this society is the normalization and acceptance of the death of the proletarian base for the profits of the employers. A condition which is enshrined through class blackmail and methodical intensity of exploitation by the bosses. And it is not only the pervasive lack of determination and social solidarity that prevails in the ranks of the exploited. It is the very need for survival that narrows the thought of assertion and negotiation in the face of collective doom. It is the steady work of the employers’ trade unionism of the GSEE and the reformist left to jointly deconstruct the class barriers and degenerate the workers’ struggle. Abuse workers’ rights, assimilate and manipulate the radical aberrations of the workers’ struggle. To bury any attempt to overcome class exploitation, opening an unbridgeable gap between representative protest and collective resistance and subversion. And while the list of the dead of our class grows longer, avenging their loss is a matter for fewer and fewer of us. But class duty remains unabated.
Our daily life is drenched in blood. A dead construction worker, a dead supermarket worker. A work accident at a power station, in the sweatshops of the multinationals. And the proletarian rank and file, spectators to their loss and with tears in their eyes, bow their heads in resignation to life. The responsibility is suffocating us more and more every day. For all those whose names history will not record, for all those whose lives were sacrificed for the great interests, for the great overcoming of the crisis of neoliberalism. For all of them we are still here to fight every day. So that they are not forgotten. For their loss not to become mere statistics and numbers on analysts’ lists. For all of them we are here to fight our daily battles, with our small forces. Because the losses on the field of class warfare do not bear any more tears but are a cry for new hostilities.
Every dead worker is a bullet in the chamber of class revenge.
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