The state, using the doctrine of law and order, intensifies its repressive action. It sells security to the rich and all those who have decided to live with their heads down. Everywhere around us there are cameras, cops, security guards to ‘guard’ the squares, the parks, the universities, the neighbourhoods, always ready to suppress any wrongdoing. The aim of any state is to create widespread fear and to deaden parts of society that continue to struggle.So let us make it clear that neither their copocracy nor their laws scare us. Our voices and our actions will continue until the destruction of all power. We did not expect nor do we intend to wait for all the oppressed to rise up to return the violence they do to us daily. ‘
‘We need struggle, struggle, struggle; struggle with shouts and slogans at demonstrations, struggle with flaming Molotov cocktails, struggle with stones and paint, struggle with guns, grenades and bombs, struggle with pencils, pens and books, struggle with arson and conspiracies, struggle and always struggle.’
Ch. Tsakalos
We fight in the here and now and we attack every state and capitalist objective. The destruction of every such goal is a breath of our own freedom. We take responsibility for the arson of a van of the telephone company OTE in N. Chalkidona.
Source: athens.indymedia