“If we are warriors let this condition be expressed in jail and in the streets and never be defeated by fear, silence and even less by repentance.”
For Sacco and Vanzetti
For our cries for freedom!!!
In memory of my Father.
More than 100 years ago the anarchists of action in some places of the world claimed to be subversives.
94 years ago were assassinated in the electric chair the insurrectional anarchist comrades of Italian origin Nicola Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzetti on August 23, 1927 after a trial that lasted 7 years, 4 months and 17 days.
They were held responsible for acts in which they did not participate, but above all they were murdered for being anarchist subversives of action, convinced of the need for constant confrontation with the state and its oppressive violence. The excuse of power: robbery and homicide.
During the rigged process that ended up seating them in the electric chair, the solidarity of a wide range of anti-authoritarian sectors was not long in coming. All over the planet, through countless actions and gestures coming from the deepest illegality, this indestructible bond of insurrectionary complicity was expressed, capable of crossing territories, languages, temporalities and all kinds of limitations that left an indelible mark in the history of the struggle against the prison society that lasts until today.
Since then, the carictaturized figures in the innocence and victimhood of both comrades have been the predominant discourse of those who have distorted their stories of struggle with the purpose of morigrating the indesmentible insurrectionist character of the anarchic universe of axion of which they were a part. Continue reading “$hile: Words of the subversive comrade Marcelo Villarroel from Rancagua Prison”