Sentences for Comrades Monica Caballero and Francisco Solar
December 8, 2023
Today, December 7, 2023, the 6th Oral Criminal Court of Santiago decided to impose long sentences on the freedom of the comrades, attempting to strike and bury in concrete anarchist ideas and practices with this nauseating sentence. In detail the sentences are as follows:
For Monica Cabellero 12 years in prison, convicted of being an accomplice in the double explosive attack against the Tánica building (https://es-contrainfo.espiv.net/2019/07/29/santiago-chile-adjudicacion-de-atentados-con-paquetes-bomba-contra-rodrigo-hinzpeter-y-el-mayor-de-carabineros-manuel-guzman/) in February 2020.
Meanwhile for Francisco Solar, a total of 86 years in prison. Two counts of sending explosive artifacts (54th Precinct and Hinzpeter) (https://web.archive.org/web/20191014185550/https://actforfree.nostate.net/?p=34434): 12 years + 12 years. One count of attempted homicide of a carabinero: 15 years. One count of serious injury to a carabinero: 6 years. One count of less serious injury: 600 days. Five counts of minor injuries: 100 days (each). 500 days. One count of aggrivated damages (Commussioner): 818 days. One count of attempted homicide of Hinzpeter: 12 years. Two counts of placing an explosive device (Tánica): 12 years + 12 years. (https://es-contrainfo.espiv.net/2020/02/28/comuna-vitacura-chile-colocacion-de-dos-artefactos-explosivos/)
During the next days, the defense will make known if they plan to appeal the convictions, otherwise, there will be no modification on the sentences imposed by the judges.
The disproportionate determinations of the democratic inquisition are an example of the permanent bother that anarchic actions generate for power and its defenders, it is nothing more than the statist need to warn those who seek to travel along confrontational paths, however, we know that no condemnation will stop the expansion of anarchic ideas against the world of authority.
Complicit and combative solidarity will annihilate the walls that hold our relatives hostage!
Death to the State and Long Live Anarchy!
Source: Informativo Anarquista
Via & Translated by Act for freedom now!