Received 20/05/24
Nothing is Over, Everything Continues
In these days it will be 15 years since the physical departure of comrade Mauricio Morales, the Punky Mauri… a thousand sensations are coming to the surface. May 22, 2009 seems like yesterday.
Facts, situations, feelings always alive, which remain burned in the memory, because the power with which they emerged was of such a magnitude, that not even the passing of the years can appease that force.
The news of your death, the hunt unleashed; the power, its defenders and false critics spewing threats, mockery and defamation. The pain of your depature, the complicity between comrades, the love, the solidarity, the combat and non-resignation.
The defiant confrontation, the haughtiness of offensive gestures. Anarchy, as a living idea, that moves into action and gives us strength, while pushing us to raise our heads, to fight defeat, stagnation, fear and pain.
The affinity and solidarity among comrades, the gestures that materialize in different forms, but always with the clear objective of continuing to aim at the destruction of power and all authority.
All that was May 2009, all that and more, it is difficult to translate it into words, because they all seem pale, washed out and short to convey what we lived. Even so, we must try, going beyond our own walls.
Mauri’s death marked a turning point on different levels. To the police, it finally gave them a name, an identity to persecute and to adjudicate explosive actions that had been going on without rest since 2004 (and where they had no other clues than those of a cowardly and delirious collaborator, El Grillo).
The anarchic comrades were left with the impact and pain of the departure, calling them to action, in different intensities, but with a sincere desire to contribute to the memory and the combat. In these same environments the paths of those who denigrate direct action and only give value to mass violence, denying individual action, social war, permanent insurrection and the arsenal that this may choose, are finally to be separated.
This separation and rupture was already brewing, but undoubtedly the death of Mauri, makes many masks fall, insults, opportunism and defamation come to the surface. History is full of nefarious characters and tendencies that, in order to accommodate themselves, to stay safe from any danger or to obtain political dividends, are capable of falling defamations, insults or trickery. The ever-living memory of our dead should not forget with ease and lightness those who have insulted them, denigrated their life choices and mocked their dead bodies.
The explosive 2009 brought raids, arrests, the press vomiting reports, comrades targeted, persecuted, clandestinities, but the anarchic bravery enjoying excellent health and a significant number of comrades giving their best, striving to contribute to the anti-authoritarian tide, with the urgency to live, in the here and now, everything that was built with words.
Then the police moves followed one after the other, simultaneous raids, the closing of our squatted home, arrests, pompous trials, clandestinity, flight for years, but the same desire to fight power, to continue advancing towards total liberation.
What is left after so many events?…. perhaps many will ask themselves, we do not, we do not digress, because we are clear, the deep pride of living as we have wanted, with the values and tools that have seemed right to us, without regrets. What remains is the joy of having crossed paths with beautiful, dedicated, dedicated people, without half measures, without compromises, without compromises.
What remains is the love for an idea and the burning desire for it not to die in the mouth, but to prevail in active hands. There remains the infinite eternal love for a brother who has accompanied us and who will accompany us even in the darkest night and on the most dangerous path.
Fifteen years later, the idea, the projects that united us, are still alive, as are you, among new anarchic comrades.
With eternal love…
Comradeship, solidarity, love, confrontation, resistance/offensive, war and anarchy…. For an always Black May.
Until the last bastion of prison society is destroyed.
Biblioteca Antiautoritaria Sacco y Vanzetti
May 2024
“The snake cannot understand the hawk.
Why don’t you rest a little here in the dark, in the beautiful, slippery dampness?” asked the snake. “Why fly in the skies, don’t you know of the dangers that lurk there, the violence and the storm that awaits you and the hunter’s gun that knocks you down and destroys your life?” But the hawk paid no attention to him. It spread its wings and flew; its triumphant song was heard and echoed in the sky. One day, the hawk was shot down, blood gushed from his heart and then the serpent said “Fool, I warned you, I told you to stay where you were, in the dark, in the beautiful humidity, the warmth, where no one could find you and harm you…” However, with his last breath, the hawk answered “I have flown, I have ascended in immense heights, I have seen the light, I have lived, I have lived!”
For Mauricio Morales…
For the comrades who have departed…