On Tuesday, August 1, an incendiary attack was made on a Red bus outside the Liceo Barros Borgoño in solidarity with the Liceo de Aplicación student and classmate Zukato. A weapon was also displayed from the windows of the front of the establishment, intimidating the presence of the Carabineros who arrived to extinguish the fire on the bus and transfer it to the terminal to be inspected.
A banner and pamphlet read: “Zukato, we support you with kaos and rebellion” and “Solidarity and newen to those who do not hesitate to attack this world of misery. We call for solidarity with compa Zukato, who was injured and has been caught up in the morbidity and criminalization of the bourgeois press. In this same way we make it clear that as combative and subversive supporters we are not even in the sewer with their media, dominated and manipulated for the good of the powerful. Newen and speedy recovery for Zukato! Continue reading “Santiago, Chile: Incendiary attack on Red bus in Liceo Manuel Barros Borgoño school by Zukato” →