“Dead children don’t go away. They stay at home
and have a separate preference for playing in the closed hallway
and every day they grow in our hearts, so
that the pain under our ribs is no longer from deprivation
but from growth.”
Giannis Ritsos
The Direct Action Cells take responsibility for the placing of an incendiary device at the entrance of the house of Eliza Wozemberg in the Varkiza area in the early morning hours of 26 February. We visited this piece of trash to place our small piece in the mosaic of acts of revenge against those who have cynically stained their hands with blood in the murder of 57 people in Tempe and have tried to cover each other’s asses in a coordinated manner. The chronicle of the crime and its cover-up is pretty much known. The vanguard to save the shattered government’s reputation is made up of some shit-sucking mouthpieces of the right-wing bloc, whether they are MPs and ministers or journalists (like an old acquaintance of ours, Portosalte, who doesn’t seem to have a brain) or even “simple and humble” executives and party members who in the social media also reproduce the party’s main line of laundering the money of those directly involved and attacking the victims’ relatives. Wozenberg could not stand back and keep a low profile. She stood out from this shitty crowd and attacked Karystianou, the mother of one of the victims and president of the Association of Relatives of the Tempi victims, accusing her of deceit, of slandering the country internationally and of having no right to accuse Kostas Karamanlis. For our part, we responded to Wozenberg as she deserves. We answered her because the dead in Tempi could have been us, our brothers and sisters, our mothers and fathers, our friends and comrades. We ask no one for an account to avenge our dead. This is our answer to Wozemberg. With fire, as she deserves.
“You hit one to scare 100” Mao Tse-tung
The reason our team targeted Wozemberg is because of the dirty role she has played at the European level in covering up the Tempi crime. Mitsotakis took advantage of his lobbying support for the re-election of Commission President Ursula von der Leyen and that support was compensated for, with 2 buffers. The appointment of Wozenberg to the position of chairman of the Transport Committee in the European Parliament and the appointment of Apostolos Tzitzikostas to the position of EU Commissioner for Transport and Tourism. In this way the Mitsotakis regime has also secured European immunity for its crimes as the 2 main positions in the EU dealing with transport issues are held by New Democracy appointees. Therefore, the New Democracy ensures that there will be no unexpected consequences for the crime of Tempe and its subsequent cover-up on the part of the “European institutions”.
Besides, Wozemberg had the audacity to recognize in Karamanlis an innocent minister without responsibility and at the same time to desecrate the memory of the dead by accusing their relatives of being politically motivated. She has probably forgotten the times when her ancestors (during the monarchy of Otto, which is her lineage) would have already sent people like Karastianou and anyone who would have questioned their God-given right to rule us to the gallows. That’s why, after all, she got what she deserved. Just as we also understand that it makes sense that a proud descendant of a royal family would become a shield for a descendant of a stinking family of politicians like the Karamanlis. A family that still has some property titles in the New Democracy so that so far at least it has managed to save from criminal liability the tub of guts who was angrily protesting train safety just days before their clash. One hand washes the other and the two together attempt to push the dead of Tempi into oblivion as an accident of the rank and file.
We are outraged that all these scumbags like Wozemberg, Mitsotakis, Adonis, Karamanlis, Voridis, Markopoulos, Voultepsi and dozens of other members of the government mafia come out without fear and with enormous arrogance to attack relatives of the dead, scientists and experts who question the government’s narrative. It infuriates us that this arrogance and the tone of a thousand hearts with which they speak is also stepping on the support of a section of society. A rotten piece that only looks out for themselves, the little extra money they make and supports a government of proven mobsters and murderers. On February 28th those of us who demand street justice must do everything in our power to break this arrogance of theirs. We should cut out their tongues and send them to the dustbin of history, that is, where their natural habitat is. Continue reading “Athens, Greece: ‘Direct Action Cells’ – Responsibility claim for the incendiary attack on the house of MEP Eliza Wozemberg”