Contribution to the Internationalist Days in Prague May 20-26, 2024
First of all, I want to congratulate and salute the comrades from Třídní Válka, for their commitment and perseverance. In these last two sad years of war they have been active, including and especially in contacting revolutionary groups abroad, something that – in my opinion – few in our latitudes have done.
That said, I must point out, alas, a couple of issues. I have been invited (as has the entire editorial staff of “Bezmotivny”) to the week of international action against the war, to be held in Prague between May 20 and 26, 2024. As editor of the internationalist anarchist fortnightly “Bezmotivny,” it is fair to say that I will not be able to attend. Or at least, between now and May is a long time, but I don’t think the provisions the Italian state has imposed on us will change.
In fact, on August 8, 2023, we were all subjected to precautionary measures on charges of subversive association for the purpose of terrorism, incitement to commit a crime with the aggravating factor of the purpose of terrorism, insulting the honor or prestige of the president of the republic, and clandestine printing, for having, over a period of three years, published incessantly every fortnight the newspaper “Bezmotivny.”
The operation conducted by the District Anti-Mafia and Anti-Terrorism Directorate of the city of Genoa involved ten anarchists for whom arrest in prison had been requested. Some still have an obligation to stay (with overnight return) in their city, others have hopped between jail and house arrest with all the restrictions (prohibition to communicate with anyone, under penalty of jail). Currently there are four of us on house arrest, five on mandatory residence, and one at large. The whole repressive operation revolves around “our” newspaper, they do not accuse us of specific facts except precisely the editing, printing and distribution of “Bezmotivny.”
It seems important to me to say all this, because the repression operating in Italy (not only the one we were involved in, but during 2023 it affected many anarchists all over Italy) is fully part of the policies of war moved by this rotten country.
I don’t want to complain about this at all, I think it is normal and deeply consistent on the part of a state to arrest any revolutionary voice, so in truth I’m fine with the way it works, rather than the fringe pretense of democratic spaces I prefer the real struggle. Rather than dissenting games good only for political stands, I prefer confrontation. Continue reading “Luigi Palli: Contribution to the Internationalist Days in Prague May 20-26, 2024” →