On Monday, May 25, different street confrontations took place in the framework of a new commemoration of the death of comrade Mauricio Morales. From the Ex Pedagogico, the Instituto Nacional and the Liceo de Aplicaciones.
It was in the incendiary outbreak from the Liceo de Aplicaciones that the police of the sector managed to hide and then attack the encapuchados (hooded ones) who were setting fire to a bus in the middle of the Alameda, managing to arrest a comrade in white overalls. The action is captured by the surveillance cameras of the sector and is widely reported by the press.
While the bored conspiracy theorists fantasize and rave about policemen “disguised” as encapuchados in white overalls.
The detained friend, is 16 years old and is formalized by the North Central Prosecutor’s Office, so that later the 7th Court of Guarantee decreed 90 days of investigation in “provisional internment”, that is to say, locked up in the SENAME (National Service for Minors).
To leave no one alone. To fight for the liberation of comrade Kuyi!
Source: Publicacion Refractario