Leftovers of the municipal police car
Thouars (Deux-Sèvres) : Municipal police targeted 10/10/2022 https://sansnom.noblogs.org/archives/13868
Municipal police targeted in Thouars
Courrier de l’ouest/La Nlle République (newspaper), 10 octobre 2022
It was 6.30am, this 10 october monday, in Thouars city hall backyard (department Deux Sèvres), when a maintenance worker heard crackin noises. And noticed someone escaping. In the night, he saw flames devouring a vehicle. Firepeople quickly intervene : 31 firepeople are engaged and a fire hose is used. The calcined corpse is the one of the second intervention vehicle from municipal police.
This monday morning, the staff of the town hall is appalled. Firepeople limited the spread of flames to the wood parts of a reprography office, located in an annex building of Thouars town hall. A computer has also been damaged and the office will be unusable for some times. Upper floor windows, which is the temporary local of the municipal police, are also heavily damaged. The investigation was taken by the national police.
Blagnac (Haute-Garonne) : Gers perturbated after an optical fiber sabotage 13/10/2022 https://sansnom.noblogs.org/archives/13882
Free : the sabotage trail explaining the generel breakdown in Gers
La Dépêche (newspaper), 12 octobre 2022 (extract)
An important network breakdown touch hundreds of households in Gers since this tuesday 11th october. Clients of Free operator are services cut victims following a potential vandalism act on an optical fiber cable, located in Blagnac commune (31). Neither the calls, nor the internet access are possible since more than 24h. From Auch to Vic-Fezensac and passing by Lectoure or Monblanc, the area touched by the incident almost spread on all the department and beyond. Some Haute Garonne and Tarn et Garonne communes are also touched by a network breakdown.
Technicians were mobilized since tuesday afternoon to find the breakdown origin. It’s on the commune of L’isle-Jourdain, with the help of a “reflectometer” (device permitting to determine the integrity of an opitcal fiber cable), that the source of the incident was detected.. 35km away, in the neighbour department. Beginning of the afternoon, this wednesday, a Free technician was checking one of the fiber installation, on the Auch commune distributor, when one of their colleagues give them the news : one of the operator equipment was the target of a vandalism act. The latter precised that the incident was detected around the A621 highway entry road on the Blagnac commune.
An intervention needed the pulling of a 1500m long cable along the ring road. According to the Free technician, the act was commited by qualified people, the cable was cut on 2 spots.
Professionals are touched.
A lot of operator clients signal this breakdown. Among them, numerous professionals bear the brunt of this incident. Internet access impossible, electronical paying terminals out of order… Conditions which give some difficulties to also exercise in schools like the Pardailhan high school. Writing down the class missings, updating agendas or sending emails by the school intranet becomes impossible without internet. “We do everything by phone, we write notes”, say the school administration.
But it’s more specifically in the medical branch that the situation can get complicated among the practicians using Free network. In the Dr Khater cabinet, Auch resident dentist, appointment taking is only made face to face. For the consultation fees, don’t even think to use bank card, the internet connected paying terminal, is out of order. “People pay by cheque, by cash or we postpone(..) i hope they will understand”, the cabinet say.
Villers-les-Pots (Bourgogne) : cut the railway traffic 27/09/2022 https://sansnom.noblogs.org/archives/13701
Villers-les-Pots : vandalism act lead to traffic difficulties on the SNCF (french railway main compagny) Dijon-Besançon axe Le Bien Public (mainstream newspaper), 27 septembre 2022
If you have to take the Dijon-Besançon railway line this tuesday evening, you will have to be patient. Indeed, according to the TER Bourgogne-Franche comté Traffic Twitter account, this axe is now experiencing pertubations in both ways caused by “an act of vandalism touching signalisation” on the Villers-les-pots commune. According to SNCF, it should be repaired aroung 7.30pm.
Toulouse : perturbation of the 2nd public survey about the construction of a new jail in Muret 09/10/2022 https://sansnom.noblogs.org/archives/13847
Originally published on the local anti athoritarian website : https://iaata.info/Perturbation-de-la-2eme-enquete-publique-sur-la-construction-d-une-nouvelle-5484.html 8 octobre 2022
This monday 3 october at 6pm, we gathered at 10 people to go to charles de gaulle high school of Muret where a meeting was held in the frame of a public survey which takes place from the 15 september to the 14 october 2022.
Beginning 2021, a first public survey already occured about the 615 new jail places construction project for 2027. Despite numerous oppositions gathered and an unfavourable opinion given by the investigation commissary, the jail’s public utility was anyway declared during summer 2021. All of this was only advisory, with the initiative of a 15 000 jail places plan, it’s the state which decide in last resort and do as it wants. Despite everything, a second public survey is actually occuring and got for goal to obtain a derogation for the destruction of protected species caused by the project. It’s in this frame that the 3rd october meeting was held between commanditaries of the project and muret inhabitants.
Arriving to the high school, the atmosphere is there : serigraphied banner against the 3rd jail of muret hanged on the fence, opposition sign about the protected species threaten by the project, and 2 gendarmes (military cops) waiting like stakes.
The path to go to the high school is marked by 2 civil cops and bags are searched at the entrance (we will learn later that 3 gendarme vans were hidden behind the building). “They arrive” say one of them, putting on his gloves, at the moment we entered inside. In the room, a stage with the different parts of the project, and in the public, around 30 people, including the mayor of muret (who recently found a relative opposition to the project in himself because he would prefer a 200 places jail !), diverse opponents and a journalist camera.
An opposition exists since some months on nimby arguments (“no jail in my home, do it somewhere else”), against nuisances (noises, delinquency, traffic jam…), ecological arguments of environment preservation, or in favor of jail alternative development. We’re not interested in those arguments because they don’t question the horror this system is representing, which needs jails and justice to function. For the very same reason, we don’t agree with the different ways to oppose the project.
This is why we didn’t want to participate to this meeting but perturbating it.
The public meeting starts. After the the different people on the stage presentation, it’s the turn of Jean pierre Wolff, survey commissary of CNDP, to speak. From the beginning, we applaud him strongly, which has for effect to shut his mouth. Impossible for him to speak again, one person denounce the trick which is this public survey whereas a call for offers was already launched concerning the project and that “all jails are not to build, but to destroy”. At the opposite side of the room, a flyer is read with loud voice, whereas other distribute it in the public :
“AGAINST A NEW JAIL IN MURET ! Why we are perturbating this public survey ?
The public survey occuring is a masquerade : whatever goes out of this meeting, the state will pass through an unfavourable opinion as it already did with the past year public utility first declaration opinion. By the way, the state launched an offer call for the construction : everything is already decided. So we will not make “observations” or “propositions” for this project, because we don’t want to live in a jail world.
Useless to say this project, which plan a new jail next to the two already existing, will be harmful to grasshoppers and other protected species, but moreover to all the human beings who will be locked in, might it be 600 or 200 people (as proposed by muret mayor).
More broadly, the state plan the creation of 15 000 jail places for 2027 and is proud of working for the well being and dignity of prisonners. Overcrowding in jails was never solved by successive jail construction plans in france those past 50 years..
For example, Seysses jail was already overcrowded some months after its start, and obviously it is still the same today.
Jail is a monster to destroy, not to build. Might one thinks to their close ones or prisonners, it’s the anguish and contempt which permeates its walls and control the daily life of a huge amount of people.
Between parlors always too short, money to spend for mandates, pure and mere exploitation for a misery salary inside, aftermaths on different scales caused by confinement (hearing, vue…).
It’s also a juicy business for numerous compagnies which participates to their construction or work later inside into cleaning, food or in the workshops.
But jail, it’s not only 4 walls on a precise ground. It’s the consequence of a generelised control society, where cameras and cops grid towns and country sides.
It’s the threat above every head who doesn’t want or cannot live by a legality dictated by the ambient morality interests, by wealth and private property defence.
It’s the unchained capitalism tool which needs to confine to continue to exist.
As long there will be jails, there will be freedom for no one !
Then slogans are thrown : “brick by brick and walls by walls, we will destroy all your jails”, applauded by some other persons.
Quickly, one of the organisers from the stage regrets through the micro that we don’t express our contestation through the “debate” and a gendarme calls for calm through the shoutings and noises. Some seconds later, around 10 of his colleagues enter the room to evict us, so can pursue the presentation of this disgusting project, where only one type of opposition is tolerated.
Let’s be everywhere they are and let’s perturbate everything which is possible to perturbate ! Because grasshoppers are nice, but liberty is better !*
*translator note : liberty for all species