Luis and Ignacio Avaca Mansilla, are comrades arrested in May 2021 accused of sending a parcel bomb to the police station in Talca, an action claimed by “faceless entities, nothing and nobody that you know”.
Facing a new commemoration of September 11:
Let the best commemoration be actions!!!
(I): Memory and action.
This date is loaded with a historical meaning that many share, and, even if it is mainly the democratic left that seems to feel more appealed by this event, the anti-authoritarians and anti-capitalists who dissociate ourselves from that position have been able to commemorate it as well.
We ourselves remember it by ” mobilizing ourselves ” on the occasion. And it is undeniable that, for the current development of the confrontation, we have to take into account, critically, the previous experiences of struggle.
September 11 evokes this. Apart from what exactly happened on that day, it reminds us of the difficult times that were inaugurated, of the diverse expressions and experiences of resistance to the dictatorship, of those who came before us: guerrillas, prisoners, the fallen, the tortured ….. And of the irreducible struggle that continued during the democracy, of which we are participants together with all the prisoners at war.
Against the complicit oblivion and indifference with this social order, we exercise our memory, an offensive memory that does not drown in labels, but gathers all the historical tradition of conflict exercised in this territory, in dictatorship or in democracy.
We do not forget, much less forgive, and that is what is manifested in each attack against authority, its accomplices and its executioners. Continue reading “$hile: Facing a new September 11. Words from comrades Luis and Ignacio from the Rancagua Prison” →