“They fought, like the puppies of May play, it was normal;
they had time even for prison.
Waiting for them outside was
The same rage, the same spring…”
(History of an employee, Fabrizio De Andre, 1973)
0- Note
Not long after beginning to write this text which intends to reaffirm our concrete and destructive internationalist anarchic solidarity, a brutal offensive in the territories of the Wallmapu began at the same time. The hitmen working for the companies with interests in the forests (in the province of Río Negro) assassinated a Mapuche commoner – Elías Garay -, and gravely injured another one. At the same time, far-right paramilitary groups from Bahía Blanca city, issued responsibility claims for grave attentats (against native groups); encouraging and foreshadowing more criminal acts. As if that wasn’t enough, the shit pro-fascist mass-media newspaper Clarín was attacked with molotov bombs, and now an “anarchist witch-hunt” has begun, with one arrest (so far) and in search of capturing another eight. Black storms are coming… It seems fitting of the surrealist tradition, that in the face of such a panorama, we insist on focusing on things that happen thousands of kilometers away…. But it just so happens that we’re capricious and inveterate like that, us anarchic ones: our fatherland is our feet; and we walk barefoot, but with the fury of an Ideal beating in revolt, in our black hearts.
I- Prologue
The light is better observed from the dark. To see the frame, it’s necessary to be outside the frame: Danilo is one of the four compas in the Brians I, CATALONIAN prison. The manipulation by the left (which has always been an enemy, and let’s not forget that) has no limits, nor scruples. It just so happens that they control a pseudo-campaign for the liberation our affines, from a supposed “assembly”. And the saddest part is the inaction of those who claim to be anarchists in Barcelona, and they allow it to happen, without moving a finger… And they use us even in Milan, to make propaganda for their disgusting rapper. The support campaign organized by the pro-amnesty Movement – read neo-ETA-oids, Catalonian branch- in a separatist athenaeum belonging to “Arran” (who are part of the same government that’s holding them in prison!) was an absolutely ruinous and detestable farce. No one says anything? And they even took the opportunity to use our captive compa to announce their annual nationalist statist Stalinist and inter-class procession with torches, very “anti- prison”. Nothing to do with calling for a wild nocturnal manifestation. Their task was precisely that: demobilize, pacify… Hate and war against the CUPolice, compas.
II- Liberi tutti?
Not much imagination is required to have a simple vision of what the “separatist Catalonian left” intends to put in place in the territories they consider belong to them (?). There are too many coincidences between what they call Pandania in the north of Italy (Rome is a thief, say the ultra-rightists of the Liga Nord) and the “Espanya ens roba”, in the Barcelonian version. An uncomfortable truth, if there’s such a thing, is that for centuries, its imperialist bourgeoisie amassed immense fortunes by slaving thousands of Africans in the Caribbean and within the borders of the current metropolis, and big avenues and copious monuments are named after these aberrant families. Every now and then (in a hypocritical historical revisionist manner) someone proposes to rename them. This is just to try to clumsily erase the trace of that past. When what was later known worldwide as “May 68” blew up, few remembered that it was revolt with a bourgeois slant; detonated by restrictions to enrollment in the most elitist universities. A corseted and frustrated middle class. Best not speak of working class revolt! Continue reading “New Call for Direct Action Against Catalunya” →