The anti-terrorist attack on the eve of the Tempi*
An anti-terrorist operation has been carried out since this morning in various regions of Greece. Houses have been raided and at least eight people have been brought in. They are talking about arrests as they link it to the bank bombing in Petralona. It is “interesting” that they are linking all eight to the same case. Journalistic reports are non-existent as everyone is reproducing the paper the GADA is sending them.
Source: athens.indymedia
DN: Since Tuesday morning 27th February, a major operation of the Anti-Terrorism unit is underway. At least eight people have been brought to the GADA after operations in various areas of Athens and in two prisons in the region. One person arrested apparently has been in prison formerly for bank robbery and armed actions.
According to the same information, the arrests are related to the bomb attack that took place on 25th January at a bank in Petralona. Searches are also being conducted at the homes of the arrested persons. Searches of the prisons were conducted as the cops are accusing there being communication between the accused and people in prison.
Three days after the bombing, the new organisation ‘Conspiracy Vengeance‘ had claimed responsibility. The same anarchist group had also claimed responsibility for the grenade in the car of a prison officer now serving in Korydallos prison & for the attack on the house – offices of the company ERGOMAR of the well-known businessman Dimitris Marinelis.
We will provide more information as we receive it.
* DN Note:
On 28th February 2023, a head-on collision occurred between two trains south of the Tempe Valley in Greece, about halfway between the Greek towns of Tempi and Evangelismos in the Thessaly region. The collision involved a passenger train and a freight train, killing 57 people. It was discovered that the passenger train had been allowed to proceed on the wrong track and pass signals at danger despite the presence of the freight train on the same track. Protests and riots occurred throughout Greece following the accident. Beginning on 2nd March 2023, railway workers of Hellenic Train and the Athens Metro went on strike to protest the dangers related to the crash. Following the accident, Transport Minister Kostas Karamanlis resigned, taking responsibility for the crash and for his failure to bring Greek railways to 21st-century standards. I fthis was not enough it is still being covered upo to this day that the crash was the responsibility of many governments of the past, underfunding due to the extreme austerity measures placed on Greece after the 2007-2008 financial crisis, but also rampant corruption in infrastructure projects that continues even up to the present.
We would also like to point out that the Greek state and its security forces have a habit of unleashing military junta-esque anit-terrorist operations when they feel their backs are up against the wall, whether it is the rise in urban guerrilla activity or scandals that totally expose their true nature that everyone knows about, in attempt to distract from themselves.
The Anti-Terrorist cops who conducted the searches of 4 prisoners cells and houses of other individuals have confirmed the repressive operation is connected to the organisation ‘Conspiracy Vengeance’. Six people have been arrested, along with the 4 already inside prison. Seizure of items at houses included assault rifles, hand guns and explosives. Mobile phones have been siezed in the cells of the prisoners.
The ten people are accused of participation and membership of a terrorist organisation, criminal support and provision of essential information, attempted murder, violence against officials and judicial persons, explosion, manufacture and possession of explosives, damage to foreign property and violation of weapons legislation.
Five particular attacks have been mentioned within the case already:
1. The sending a package with explosives to the Thessaloniki Courthouse, 12/02/2024.
2. An improvised explosive device at a bank branch in Petralona on 25/01/2024.
3. An improvised explosive device on 13/11/2023 in a building complex in Kifissia, where a company is housed.
4. Throwing a grenade on 08/07/023 at a car owned by a prison officer in Haidari.
5. Throwing a grenade and exploding an improvised explosive device on 24/06/2023 in the yard of a house in Larissa.*
The ten accused will stand before the judges to make a plea on Sunday 3rd March.
Already the journalist vultures are circling, the slime media machine is in overdrive especially about the parcel bomb that was sent to the Thessaloniki court that was intended for the President of the Court of Appeal.
Nothing is over, everthing continues.
DN Note
* This is an attack that has not been claimed, that the authorities are claiming was a failed attack.