On Saturday, July 22, comrade Zukato suffered burns to his body when he handled some accelerant in the midst of the occupation of the Liceo de Aplicación, an educational establishment of which he is a member. Due to the seriousness of what happened, he was taken urgently to the Posta Central where he was hospitalized and underwent surgery.
Amidst the expectation and manipulative practices of the hegemonic press, Zukato’s family informs that around 8:30 in the morning of Wednesday, July 26th, the comrade entered the Emergency Ward for the second time. These interventions, by the way quite long, were accompanied from the street by students from Liceo Tajamar, L1, Liceo de Aplicación and individuals who held vigils in different parts of Santiago.
On Wednesday evening, Zukato’s mother was intimidated inside the former central hospital. She, having authorization to move freely around the hospital, not only because her 16 year old son is in serious condition but also because of the Mila Law (law of dignified accompaniment), was prevented by security guards who obstructed her steps to prevent her from seeing Zukato, who entered the ward. In resistance, she refused, advancing through the corridors until about 10 guards arrived and pushed her out and, at the same time, called the carabineros, who arrived quickly, handcuffing her and transferring her to the first police station. After a few hours, she was released without first being threatened by the Carabineros.
These scenarios of permanent harassment against those who fight, occurs in all possible scenarios, in all generations, whether they are children, mothers, grandparents. In spite of this, solidarity did not cease, with a massive march along Alameda, where pamphlets and banners were displayed, in addition to the communication of words of his comrades outside the National Library, while Zukato remains hospitalized, breathing on his own and trying to return little by little to his stability, passing from the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) to the Intensive Trauma Unit (ITU).
On August 1, he went into surgery at 8:30 a.m., this time for specialized and deep procedures. Continue reading “Chile: Case of compañero Zukato” →