Hi everyone!
Three years ago, when Resistenze al nanomondo took on the initiative to organize this annual and international meeting for the first time, I couldn’t have imagined what would follow in the years to come. In that very first meeting I tried to describe my thoughts and concerns on the ongoing fourth industrial revolution by focusing on the futuristic and technomaniac (gentrified) neo-theory of Singularity and what follows on from the transhumanist ideology and the practices of its priests.
Today, after more than two years of continuous health terror full of scaremongering propaganda, informational carpet bombing and psychological manipulation via humongous and humdrum lies, nefarious threats, blackmailing, curfews, lockdowns, punishment, hypocritical calls for “solidarity”, promises and “rewards”, we can clearly see what for many comrades – although they always seem to be just a few – was evident and foreseeable since decades or centuries: how the ruling class creates and/or exploits various successive “crises” under the guise of “states of emergency” to apply, impose or make desirable (by the populace) “new” technologies and techniques, but also to extend old and identical-to-the-core forms of psycho-social control and capitalist accumulation, lately going even up to the cellular and molecular levels of the human species by making our bodies living foundries and factories of protein production owned by the biotech pharmaceutical industry.
One thing is sure, two things are certain: a “new”, “green” and, of course, “safe and effective” nuclear power will be suggested to address the “energy crisis” as well as the “climate crisis”, while a huge push for the approval of “gene-edited” food passed off as non-GMO is underway supposedly to become the solution to a “food crisis” of some vague, obscure and undefined cause, or even the treatment of modern civilization diseases such as obesity, in the same way that “new” and – let’s repeat it with one voice – “safe and effective” gene therapies, in the form of injections that were deceitfully labeled and falsely accepted as vaccines, were introduced to deal with an alleged “health crisis”.
It should come as no surprise if the proposed solution to a possible surge of auto-immune or genetically inherited diseases, resulted from these incapacitating or deadly injections of genetic engineering and the generalized biotechnological omniviolence (spanning from genome editing of various species to bioweapons), would come from her majesty the “queen of all (pseudo-)sciences” Eugenics and the “safe and effective” way to come into the world would be growing GM embryos of medically assisted “procreation” and surrogate “gestation” in artificial wombs, i.e ex-vivo plastic bagssimulating the living functions of the maternal body. Let alone the scenario of artificial reproduction mandates, such like the “vaccine” mandates, becoming the “socially responsible” choice to have a child passed off as a “free and conscious” choice for the health of the social body, which eventually is about the health of the Machine.
I suppose that by saying such things I am risking to be labeled as a stupid and crazy “conspiracy theorist”, rather than a prudent and diligent “conspiracy realist”, but as Silvia Guerini recently pointed out by elaborating on the concept of resilience: “In the new normality of coexistence with emergency and the disaster made paradigm, everyone will become resilient to pesticides, dioxins, heavy metals, electromagnetic waves, nanoparticles, GMOs, gene serums. And when the reality of the irreversibility of certain processes and of mutagenesis – which no living person will be able to overcome with the much acclaimed resilience – will tragically break into the high hopes, the technologies of genetic engineering with embryonic genetic modifications and assisted fertilization clinics will take care of it. We need to prepare for a scenario where genetic mutations will become the norm. […] In the new post-human and post-nature normal, why, the transhumanist and eugenicist technocrats will ask, not to prevent and genetically modify living species by making them more resistant to radiation and contaminants of all kinds?” [1]
At the same time, while the intra-capitalist competition of interplanetary Power blocs is at an unprecedented turning point since the third world (“cold”) war era with rapid and really hot developments at both the level of armed conflict and blood-shedding and the level of economy, the Western (or Western-like) liberal “democratic” states continue to apply and expand their strategic plans of preventive counter-insurgency and control, in various occasions and with different excuses, as part of the (never forgotten by our masters) class war and as a sequel of the techno-medical dictatorship which we all experienced well enough, either in concentration camps of the “first world” as undocumented immigrants or in correctional facilities as prisoners or in hospitals, usually destroyed by neoliberal policies, as patients and their relatives or in the modern- day galleons as waged slaves or simply in the metropolitan streets as free-to-comply citizens. If one wants to confirm what I say, it is worth seeing what a corresponding “secret” plan of the EU Commission by the name RAN LOCAL is about, since it has been officially outlined and processed since last year. [2] In my humble opinion, there are precise and concrete reasons why this above-mentioned preventive counter-insurgency against the internal enemy of Domination is quite connected to the intra-capitalist and interstate competition and why it is targeting diverse subjects across many and different social strata, including even some of the upper classes, since discipline and obedience within the social factory are absolutely required not only in the case of a full-scale world capitalist war – because the fourth world war has already been on since, at least, two decades now, as it is extensively documented in the pages of numerous issuesof the Sarajevo monthly review and the notebook for workers’ use #01 [3] – but also for competitive economic growth.
On the top of it, while the African continent has always been and remains a disputed territory for all colonizers and imperialists in pursuit of plunder and enslavement, by exploiting natural resources, cheap labour and transnational trade or transportation routes, we shouldn’t ever forget the importance of the “grand chessboard” of Eurasia (and vice versa). And while the US dollar’s empire is gradually yet quickly disintegrating, as long as China’s economic and technological boom is increasingly closer to the takeover of the global lead, the most powerful European states and private companies are trying to float above the Western capitalist shipwreck, even though inflation in the Eurozone is record-high and public debt is ever-growing making financial stability (once again) a ticking time bomb. Thus, looking at the budgets of the national recovery and resilience plans (RRPs) of the EU member states is telling to understand how the reputedly legendary so-called digital and “green” transition of the economy and society as a whole, which is annunciated by the “saviours of humankind” themselves, is nothing but a massive paradigm shift in the context of the current capitalist restructuring, per which the total and multifaceted, technocratic and algorithmic control over the human population and its natural or artificial environment is the desideratum. The EU, among other national and international entities, with hot money and certain goals set by its Recovery Fund and via the intelligence-IT-media complex, class formation and politics of fear (as Dutch communist and political scientist Kees van der Pijl put it), seized the (staged and engineered) opportunity of the Coronavirus casedemic to bring in the forefront and implement long since premeditated plans of militarization, datafication and centralized cybernetic control of healthcare and health insurance, food production and energy supply, culture and education, urban/spatial planning and digital/telecom infrastructure, public services and, certainly, the entirety of working, economic and social relations, by means of public-private partnerships along with the necessary legislative changes.
The central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) and the digital IDs are being introduced with or without the justification of – who knows what – new “states of emergency” making social credit systems, in a forthcoming cashless society, totally feasible by tracking every (contactless and disinfected of course…) transaction in real time, and perhaps making “green energy” vouchers or certificates mandatory just like COVID-19 immunization passports, implanted or otherwise, labeling blockchain technology as essential not only to sustain “privacy”, but also to combat the invisible enemy… of “climate change” or tax evasion and crime in general, as if the strongholds and the lords of legal usury and “white-collar” crime couldn’t find a way out to do their dirt… It’s also noteworthy that “driver’s licenses” for the Internet (as Microsoft’s chief research and technology officer Craig Mundie once said), and mass surveillance of chat messages with “artificial intelligence”, to effectively put an end to online anonymity, were recentlyadvocated by Ursula von der Leyen and the EU Commission, on the grounds of dealing with “fake news”, cyber crime and “child abuse”. [4] [5] [6]
In parallel, new e-living standards are promoted and established as the new normal ways of working, learning, curing, socializing, loving, hating, having fun and living in general, while the “experts” of Power, be they program developers or economists or environmentalists or medical doctors or behavioral scientists or sociologists or any other kind of bullshit-o-logists, will be always tele-controlling our Existence, sparing no efforts to mentally mutilate all those who are eager to conform rather than confront the norms of the fourth industrial revolution, by letting no possibilities of disabling free and critical thinking to escape. Even a subculture of “resistance” has taken real struggle away from public space of the physical world and has transformed it into an embalmed pseudo-dissent inside the virtual museums of (anti-)social media, where talking is “cheap” and harmless because it is easy and costless in terms of absolute risk, albeit censorship is frequently lurking. Yet it goes without saying that what our rulers are really afraid of is active, aware and conscious, organized and passionate, collective struggle with stamina and persistence, with determination and commitment over the coming years.
Therefore, WE OUGHT TO BE well informed and prepared considering all possible scenarios, I would anxiously add echoing and advocating the words of Silvia. We need to support each other’s run in this marathon and to coordinate our efforts against the modern and now, mostly, post-modern ways of living (which, as a matter of fact, are mere survival…), by setting concrete priorities of struggle in an international network of counter-information and resistance, by deepening our relationships, by exchanging information and experiences, by strengthening and encouraging each other in order not to give up fighting, just like our political ancestors did. Resistance is more urgent than ever! Solidarity is necessary as always! It is our duty to keep (not the one measured in
Mega-, Giga-, Tera-, Peta-, Exa-, Zetta-, Yottabytes or what have you, but…) the human and class Memory alive because it is essential and instrumental to any genuinely revolutionary prospect!! To remain human instead of becoming mere accessories and gears in the mega-machine of Power. To fight for freedom, against organized ignorance and pacification. But, as it was beautifully written in the presentation of these Three Days Against Techno-sciences this year, meeting each other is a perfect start and it is not a small thing. The rest is yet to come…
For better or worse, heads will roll – on all sides of the social war. It is not me he who dictates it, but the historical necessities. Let’s be strong!
Dino Giagtzoglou
political prisoner of the Greek Republic
Athens, July 2022
A (linguistic) postscript on the concept of solidarity:
The word solidarity in Greek is a compound word that originates from the junction of the ancient prefix alilo-, meaning inter-, mutually and fellowship, and the word eghίi, which in turn derives from the preposition en-, meaning in, and the Proto-Indo-European root gew that, in Homer’s writings, became ghiίon, meaning hand or limb. All of them together make up the word alileghίi which is of the same ancient-Greek origin of both the word closeness (eghίtita) and the word guarantee (eghίisi). Thus, in my view, solidarity signifies mutual help through nearness/closeness to one another not only in the spiritual dimension but also in the physical/corporeal sense, as well as pledge and security, which are the essence of guarantee, since both words are basically of the same origin and, as we all know, guarantee entails responsibility and solid bonds on a material and voluntary basis. Solidarity then can never be mandatory, dictated or imposed by state power – by no means – as well as it can never be “remote” or digital. Neither a mere figure of speech nor some humiliating and ridiculous applause on one’s own balcony. Solidarity is born from the people and for the people. It can never be achieved by following orders and obeying either government officials or right- and left-wing professional politicians or mainstream and state-driven journalists or the venal “experts” of Power. The sooner more people comprehend these basic facts, the better place this world will be. Let’s keep the true essence of ΑΛΛΗΛΕΓΓΥΗ (solidarity) out of the post-truth worlds of any metaverse…
[1] Resilience: adapting to a toxic world, Silvia Guerini, June 2022 (Italian)
[3] Notebook for workers’ use #01, Terrorism: the “fourth generation war” (Greek) https://www.sarajevomag.net/tetradia.html
[4] https://business.time.com/2010/01/30/drivers-licenses-for-the-internet/
[5] https://ec.europa.eu/info/strategy/priorities-2019-2024/europe-fit-digital-age/european-digital-identity_en
[6] https://www.ccc.de/en/updates/2022/eu-kommission-will-alle-chatnachrichten-durchleuchten
Source: Resistenze al Nanomondo