We claim the sabotage carried out in the night of September 18 against the companies Áridos Bullileo and Asfaltos Maule, which belong to the Vega-Ruiz family. This family has accumulated its wealth at the cost of the destruction of the ecosystem and the precariousness of our lives. We solemnly declare that there is no such thing as innocent wealth, that anyone in possession of capital has gone through a path of abuse and prevarication, which makes them a target. We know that this family has a long list of abuses against its workers and against the ecosystem of the region; its participation in the destruction of the Achibueno River and its ecosystem is well known.
We denounce its complicity in the plundering of the environment, in all areas and in all corners of this territory called Chile.
The result of this action was the total destruction of :
3 truck mixers
2 hopper trucks
1 truck tractor
1 tractor
1 mobile sorting installation [the one in the picture above; NdAtt.]
1 backhoe
To make a long story short, an amount of 800 million pesos [about 835,000 euros at today’s exchange rate; NdAtt.] of damage. Continue reading “Maule, Chile: Arson attack against the companies Áridos Bullileo and Asfaltos Maule” →