Last weekend, December 10 and 11, an electric car charger was set on fire in Madrid.
Solidarity with Alfredo Cospito.
Source: barcelona.indymedia
Last weekend, December 10 and 11, an electric car charger was set on fire in Madrid.
Solidarity with Alfredo Cospito.
Source: barcelona.indymedia
Last week the windows of an Endesa headquarters, a company owned by the Italian multinational Enel, were smashed.
In Solidarity with Alfredo Cospito, Anna, Ivan, Juan ……
Against 41-bis, against all prisons!
Source: barcelona.indymedia
Durante los días 27, 28 y 29 de Mayo tendrá lugar el «V Encuentro Anarquista contra el Sistema Tecnoindustrial y su mundo». Un lugar donde encontrarnos, conocernos, debatir, difundir y afilar nuestras ideas contra la organización técnica del mundo. Pretendemos que el encuentro sea una herramienta más para combatir el sistema tecno-científico-industrial, porque pensamos que el terreno del enfrentamiento se debe concentrar en el campo del progreso tecnológico, puesto que es y será lo que trace las presentes y futuras dinámicas de la dominación sobre todos y cada uno de los aspectos de nuestra vida: sociales, políticos, económicos y ambientales. Durante la duración de las jornadas habrá un espacio para distribuidoras (aquellas que quieran montar la distribuidora en el espacio les pedimos que confirmen su presencia con antelación) y comedores 100% vegetariano.. En los próximos días difundiremos el programa completo del Encuentro, que este año se realizará en el PVA Sputnik (C/Gonzalez soto, 21, Vallecas, Madrid)
Históricamente, los sistemas de dominación han aprovechado los momentos de crisis o catástrofes para transformar el mundo, para realizar una metamorfosis del mismo. En otros tiempos esta metamorfosis fue llevada a cabo cuando el capitalismo se vio amenazado por el avance de la lucha de clases o por la necesidad de cambios económicos y productivos con los que maximizar beneficios. En nuestro tiempo vemos como la tecnocracia aprovecha las emergencias ya sean energéticas, sanitarias, económicas, climáticas… para acelerar el tecno totalitarismo que supone el mundo-máquina. Se está llevando a cabo una nueva “gran transformación”, impulsada por las élites tecno-financieras, un Gran Reinicio. Reiniciar la vida en todas sus dimensiones para imponer una nueva forma de vida y un nuevo mundo bajo los imperativo de la 4º Revolución Industrial, es decir, reiniciar la vida para someterla al mundo-máquina que persigue optimizar al ser humano y todo lo vivo para convertirlo en un engranaje más de dicho mundo. Una vez artificializada y controlada la naturaleza el objetivo ahora es el ser humano. Continue reading “Spain: V Encuentro Contra el Sistema Tecno Industrial y su Mundo. 27,28 y 29 de mayo. Madrid / V Meeting Against the Techno Industrial System and its World. May 27,28 and 29. Madrid”
On October 29, 2018, two anarchist comrades from Madrid, we were arrested accused of a sabotage with fire to a Bankia ATM on April 13 of the same year. The action was framed in solidarity with Lisa, who was sentenced to 7 years for a bank robbery in Aachen (Germany), right now in third degree.
There has been a deal between the sides: 1 year suspended sentence for each partner and 7000 euros civil liability paid before the trial.
We were facing 3 years in prison and 17,000 euros of civil liability. Having assessed all the options, we made this decision taking into account all the surrounding factors. The deal is to assume the guilt.
Thank you very much for the solidarity expressed in a thousand and one ways to all comrades around the world.
Fight against all authority now and always!
A Caixabank attacked in solidarity with the companions accused of setting fire to an ATM of Bankia
The windows of a Caixabank (formerly Bankia) are broken in solidarity with our comrades accused of burning a Bankia ATM.
Fire to the banks!
Via: Attaque
On June 29th and 30th a new NATO summit will be held in Madrid. This military organization was created after World War II as a weapon to defend the interests of the winner of the war: capitalism.
During these days the streets will be filled with military, owners of arms companies, leaders… with the aim of planning and developing new war scenarios, new weapons and ultimately prepare for all the difficulties and adverse scenarios that the techno-capitalist project may encounter.
In a world increasingly precarious and full of miseries we have been able to see how little by little the military presence in the streets has been normalized, as for example the military deployment during the pandemic generating a climate of war, terror and social control. A demonstration of force, of government of the catastrophe with military forces as protagonists such as, for example, NATO.
NATO not only defends the geostrategic projects of capitalism and imposes its way of life on the entire planet, but will also be the main shock force against the revolts that follow. One of these geostrategic conflicts is the one taking place right now between Russia and NATO, with Ukraine as a scenario. That region has been destabilized in a state of permanent low-intensity warfare and with elements of the so-called “hybrid war” between the imperialist powers since 2014.
From the media, the army has been getting a facelift since the pademia and now they pretend to sell us the idea of NATO as a pacifying force, which is totally far from reality.
That is why we launched this blog with the aim of providing information, analysis and calls against the NATO summit because we refuse to become merchandise for their wars.
On October 29th, 2018 two anarchist comrades from Madrid were arrested accused of a fire sabotage to a Bankia ATM on April 13th of the same year. They have recently received the news that their trial has been dated for April 7, 2022.
The Prosecutor’s Office together with Bankia and Mapfre (the bank’s insurer) are asking for 3 years for Damages and 17,000 euros in Civil Liability. In the police statement, the fact is related to a statement uploaded to counterinformation websites in which the action was vindicated in solidarity with Lisa, sentenced to 7 years (now in third degree) for a bank robbery in Aachen (Germany). They also say that the comrades are recognized anarchists, mentioning identifications at rallies, poster-attachments or arrests in evictions. All this rhetoric is used to justify the ideological aggravant since the comrades, being anarchists, hate the banks, and Bankia in this case would be a victim of this “ideological hatred”. Continue reading “Spain: Solidarity with the repressed comrades, accused of burning a Bankia ATM EN/ES”
The windows and lock of a building of Telefónica were destroyed a few weeks ago in Madrid. Against the Covid-passport and digitalization.
A small gesture of solidarity with the companions of Bergamo, hit by repression for their struggle against the Health Pass.
Source: Attaque