We present here for the first time 325 magazine in Indonesian, translated by our Indonesian comrades & Semerdekazine.
For the Black International & conflict with the Techno Prison World.
PDF: Jurnal-325-x-Semerdekazine
We present here for the first time 325 magazine in Indonesian, translated by our Indonesian comrades & Semerdekazine.
For the Black International & conflict with the Techno Prison World.
PDF: Jurnal-325-x-Semerdekazine
Hi everyone!
Three years ago, when Resistenze al nanomondo took on the initiative to organize this annual and international meeting for the first time, I couldn’t have imagined what would follow in the years to come. In that very first meeting I tried to describe my thoughts and concerns on the ongoing fourth industrial revolution by focusing on the futuristic and technomaniac (gentrified) neo-theory of Singularity and what follows on from the transhumanist ideology and the practices of its priests.
Today, after more than two years of continuous health terror full of scaremongering propaganda, informational carpet bombing and psychological manipulation via humongous and humdrum lies, nefarious threats, blackmailing, curfews, lockdowns, punishment, hypocritical calls for “solidarity”, promises and “rewards”, we can clearly see what for many comrades – although they always seem to be just a few – was evident and foreseeable since decades or centuries: how the ruling class creates and/or exploits various successive “crises” under the guise of “states of emergency” to apply, impose or make desirable (by the populace) “new” technologies and techniques, but also to extend old and identical-to-the-core forms of psycho-social control and capitalist accumulation, lately going even up to the cellular and molecular levels of the human species by making our bodies living foundries and factories of protein production owned by the biotech pharmaceutical industry.
One thing is sure, two things are certain: a “new”, “green” and, of course, “safe and effective” nuclear power will be suggested to address the “energy crisis” as well as the “climate crisis”, while a huge push for the approval of “gene-edited” food passed off as non-GMO is underway supposedly to become the solution to a “food crisis” of some vague, obscure and undefined cause, or even the treatment of modern civilization diseases such as obesity, in the same way that “new” and – let’s repeat it with one voice – “safe and effective” gene therapies, in the form of injections that were deceitfully labeled and falsely accepted as vaccines, were introduced to deal with an alleged “health crisis”.
It should come as no surprise if the proposed solution to a possible surge of auto-immune or genetically inherited diseases, resulted from these incapacitating or deadly injections of genetic engineering and the generalized biotechnological omniviolence (spanning from genome editing of various species to bioweapons), would come from her majesty the “queen of all (pseudo-)sciences” Eugenics and the “safe and effective” way to come into the world would be growing GM embryos of medically assisted “procreation” and surrogate “gestation” in artificial wombs, i.e ex-vivo plastic bagssimulating the living functions of the maternal body. Let alone the scenario of artificial reproduction mandates, such like the “vaccine” mandates, becoming the “socially responsible” choice to have a child passed off as a “free and conscious” choice for the health of the social body, which eventually is about the health of the Machine. Continue reading “A Contribution to the Fourth International Meeting Against Techno-Sciences – Dino Giagtzoglou”
Durante los días 27, 28 y 29 de Mayo tendrá lugar el «V Encuentro Anarquista contra el Sistema Tecnoindustrial y su mundo». Un lugar donde encontrarnos, conocernos, debatir, difundir y afilar nuestras ideas contra la organización técnica del mundo. Pretendemos que el encuentro sea una herramienta más para combatir el sistema tecno-científico-industrial, porque pensamos que el terreno del enfrentamiento se debe concentrar en el campo del progreso tecnológico, puesto que es y será lo que trace las presentes y futuras dinámicas de la dominación sobre todos y cada uno de los aspectos de nuestra vida: sociales, políticos, económicos y ambientales. Durante la duración de las jornadas habrá un espacio para distribuidoras (aquellas que quieran montar la distribuidora en el espacio les pedimos que confirmen su presencia con antelación) y comedores 100% vegetariano.. En los próximos días difundiremos el programa completo del Encuentro, que este año se realizará en el PVA Sputnik (C/Gonzalez soto, 21, Vallecas, Madrid)
Históricamente, los sistemas de dominación han aprovechado los momentos de crisis o catástrofes para transformar el mundo, para realizar una metamorfosis del mismo. En otros tiempos esta metamorfosis fue llevada a cabo cuando el capitalismo se vio amenazado por el avance de la lucha de clases o por la necesidad de cambios económicos y productivos con los que maximizar beneficios. En nuestro tiempo vemos como la tecnocracia aprovecha las emergencias ya sean energéticas, sanitarias, económicas, climáticas… para acelerar el tecno totalitarismo que supone el mundo-máquina. Se está llevando a cabo una nueva “gran transformación”, impulsada por las élites tecno-financieras, un Gran Reinicio. Reiniciar la vida en todas sus dimensiones para imponer una nueva forma de vida y un nuevo mundo bajo los imperativo de la 4º Revolución Industrial, es decir, reiniciar la vida para someterla al mundo-máquina que persigue optimizar al ser humano y todo lo vivo para convertirlo en un engranaje más de dicho mundo. Una vez artificializada y controlada la naturaleza el objetivo ahora es el ser humano. Continue reading “Spain: V Encuentro Contra el Sistema Tecno Industrial y su Mundo. 27,28 y 29 de mayo. Madrid / V Meeting Against the Techno Industrial System and its World. May 27,28 and 29. Madrid”
Telephone presentation about 325 #12 – ‘Against the Fourth and Fifth Industrial Revolutions’ by a comrade from the 325 Collective at the event (https://athens.indymedia.org/event/84890/ ) held at the libertarian hangout Pikrodafni in support of the Solidarity Fund for Prisoners’ & Persecuted Fighters.
I want to start off by saying that I regret not being there in person, to see the faces of the comrades in attendance today because we are increasingly existing in a reality that is being dominated more by the screen and devices that have become artificial substitutes for what is real, the human face to face communication, something really lacking in the present we are in. So maybe one day we will see each others faces, our expressions of complicity, exchange some conspiratorial words. We are living in times now where ‘the movements’, well the remnants of I would call it, are struggling to find a new energy, a new path, a new trajectory through these times of pandemic, the blatant repression and control inflicted on us all, not just ‘the movements.’ This is why I am speaking to you now, as a comrade with deep concern about what is coming across the horizon at us faster than it has before, to build connection internationally, to spread ideas that can transform into action, because we are anarchists, not philosophers, academics, leftists or activists, we are those who do not see a separation between ideas and action, transforming our everyday into the attack.
The 325 project with its publications since 2004 was born from a DIY ethos, with insurrection, crime, autonomy, anti-prison and anti-psychiatry themes evolving into an ‘insurgent zine of social war & anarchy’ in later issues. From the outset there has been an increasing concentration on an international perspective, but especially with the development of technology, the destruction, death and control it inflicts.
Recently in the last 3 issues, #10, #11 & the recent issue this presentation focuses on, Issue #12, have come to concentrate on an anti-technology perspective, even given name to such an accelerating shift within the state, capitalism and the technological-industrial system, as the 4th & 5th Industrial Revolutions and within it the threat of the Technological Singularity.
The recent issue of 325, is a coming together of international anarchist individuals and collectives concentrating on the similar theme, analysis of the new realities that are the 4th & 5th Industrial Revolutions. A definition I feel is required here for both. The 4th Industrial Revolution (also known Industry 4.0) is the ongoing automation of traditional manufacturing and industrial practices, using modern smart technology. Large-scale machine-to-machine communication and the internet of things (IoT) are integrated for increased automation, improved communication and self-monitoring, and production of smart machines that can analyze and diagnose issues without the need for human intervention. This will mostly marked by the breakthrough of emerging technologies such as robotics, artificial intelligence, nanotechnology, quantum computing, biotechnology, the internet of things, the industrial internet of things, decentralized consensus, cashless society, cryptocurrencies, fifth-generation wireless technologies (5G), 3D printing, and fully autonomous vehicles. All of these as most of you are probably aware are already permeating through our present society, which shows the 4IR is already under way. Continue reading “Athens, Greece: A presentation from 325 for the event at the Libertarian Hangout of Pikrodafni EN/GR”