On Thursday, March 9, the first incendiary attack took place at the Internado Nacional Barros Arana (INBA), a high school for high school students, which last year was quite active in the dynamics of the street struggle against the Carabineros (COP) and a military regiment adjacent to the place. The presence of hooded students exceeded 40, responding to the call of “Mochilazo” along Alameda to exert pressure against Boric’s government.
Colonel Pedro Alvarez Ortega of the Central Santiago Prefecture commented: “There were Molotov bombs thrown and incendiary barricades set up (…) Between 25 and 30% were white overalls. We have no information regarding any damage to the interior, only what I have just commented, we are coordinating with the Army and also with the school’s directors”.
A banner was displayed in solidarity with Alfredo Cospito: “Inba 2o23. End to the 41 bis regime. Insurrectional solidarity”.
Below are some records:

Source: https://informativoanarquista.noblogs.org/post/2023/03/26/primera-salida-incendiaria-del-ano-en-el-internado-barros-arana/