We publish a series of updates translated from Spanish on the hearings that took place last week, beginning July 18, in the context of the trial of anarchists Francisco Solar and Mónica Caballero in Santiago, Chile. In particular, we publish those on the July 19-20 hearings and an informational update (in Spanish) on all the hearings from solidarity radio stations. Francisco and Mónica’s presence during the trial in the coming weeks will be via videoconference, while for the final phase, the closing arguments and the reading of the sentence, they will be back in court. During the July 18 hearing, prosecutor Álex Cortez said that for the prosecution he intends to impose a sentence of more than 150 years on Francisco and between 20 and 25 years on Mónica , while during the July 19 hearing Francisco reiterated his assumption of responsibility for all the actions, arguing their reasons and revolutionary significance. To supplement what has been published about the first day of the trial (updates, propaganda agitation activities and the live broadcast of the solidarity radio frequencies), we also include a brief and additional photographic account of the July 18 hearing.
To contextualize the trial and the actions for which the comrades stand accused today, we also invite you to read the following articles, updates, and statements: “Assuming responsibility” (Francisco Solar, December 2021), “Statement in view of the upcoming trial” (Mónica Caballero, Francisco Solar, April 2023), “Statement on the struggle of anarchist and subversive prisoners in Chilean jails” (Mónica Caballero, Francisco Solar, Joaquín García, Juan Aliste, Marcelo Villarroel, July 2023), “Declaration Facing the Beginning of the Trial” (Mónica Caballero, Francisco Solar, July 2023), “They are not the first, nor will they be the last. In view of the beginning of the trial against Mónica Caballero and Francisco Solar, accomplice words from the anarchist and subversive anti-authoritarian brotherhood in prison” (Joaquín García, Juan Aliste, Marcelo Villarroel, July 2023), and “Trial against Francisco Solar and Mónica Caballero for the actions of the Cómplices Sediciosos – Fracción por la Venganza and the Afinidades Armadas en Revuelta: Agitation and propaganda, live on solidarity radio frequencies, presence outside the court (July 18, 2023).”
Revolutionary solidarity with Francisco Solar and Mónica Caballero!
More pictures from the July 18 solidarity presence
Some of what happened today at the solidarity presence at the hearing for Mónica and Francisco [photographs are at the bottom of the article, ed.]
Let’s overflow in solidarity with comrades!
(Published in Spanish on the Coordinadora por la libertad de lxs prisionierxs politicxs 18 de Octubre facebook page)
The trial against Mónica Caballero and Francisco Solar has begun.
Around 08:30 this Tuesday morning [July 18, ed.], in Santiago’s Centro de Justicia, oral arguments began on the first day of the oral trial by which authorities intend to punish anarchist comrades Mónica Caballero and Francisco Solar for attacking the former minister of the first Piñera government (nefarious repressor Rodrigo Hinzpeter), the 54th police station, located in the northern zone, and the Tánica building in the rich quarter.
The day was held in the Rondizoni building, with the presence of Mónica, transferred from San Miguel prison, and Francisco, transferred from La Gonzalina prison in Rancagua.
At the beginning of the hearing, the defense of the comrades asked for the removal of the excessive and ridiculous security measures, which consisted of handcuffs on the wrists, chains on the feet and a yellow vest, a request that was withdrawn only for the latter, maintaining the remaining measures.
Nicolás Toro, Francisco Solar’s lawyer, during a special broadcast of free anarchist radio stations in support of Mónica and Francisco, said that the trial because of its magnitude could last until September and that as a defense they are trying “to see the different legal aspects that will allow us to have the lowest possible sentences in relation to this attack by the state, this revenge.” The lawyer also referred to the pressure exerted by the media: “Mega has already launched a totally biased service, where they try to criminalize the actions of our comrades. We are facing this situation permanently,” he explained. Continue reading “Chile: Trial against Francisco Solar and Mónica Caballero for the actions of the ‘Cómplices Sediciosos – Fracción por la Venganza’ and the ‘Afinidades Armadas en Revuelta’: updates on the July 18-20 hearings and continuation of the trial” →