Claim of incendiary attack on sixteen Amazon vans (Berlin, Germany, May 1, 2024)
Hey Jeff, do you see the clouds of smoke?
On the night between 30/04/2024 and 21/04/2024¹, with 6 incendiary devices we permanently disabled at least 16 Amazon vans in a company parking lot in Berlin/Thyssenstraße.
Notoriously, May 1 is the international day of struggle of the working class. Our gasoline barbecue is meant to incite the struggle against the oppression of people and nature and fuel the inevitable clash between exploited and masters.
Ralf Kleber, former head of Amazon-Germany:
“We are much more disturbed by a frostbite than a call for a labor struggle by ver.di²”
The dismissal or even socialization of large technology companies and global players such as Amazon, Tesla, Apple, Facebook or Google is inconceivable and cannot be a prospect for the exploited. We believe that reforming these companies or making them more “socially acceptable” is futile because their power is too great and the ideas and concepts of humanity inherent in them are diametrically opposed to our idea of freedom. We believe that the desire to scrutinize and control every human thought, every social relationship and even the smallest step in work processes is a threat to life itself. If then even these smallest dimensions are to be controlled and adapted to a predetermined appearance, it is violent domination in its purest form! Often it is the megalomaniac white men who seek to shape and exploit the whole earth according to their patriarchal ideas. All this is called progress, although in reality these patriarchs are only trying to direct society in an all-powerful way toward their abstruse authoritarian visions of the future! Jeff, Elon, Mark, Bill and the like, rest assured that you will not rest!
These large corporations plan to dominate, surveil, and exploit people more and more intensively. Their digital networks, algorithms and technologies have become indispensable and permeate all areas of our lives. They affect our existence, our daily lives, our feelings, our thinking, our communication and our social relations. The technological onslaught thus also targets everything that has so far resisted capitalist exploitation. A dystopia that tends toward its fulfillment: endless amounts of data are collected, selected, evaluated and analyzed so as to ensure continuous and real-time analysis of social and relational processes. They must be monitored in order to predict developments and (ir)regularities. Small changes and shocks in the fragile economic market can affect supremacy in the race to maximize profits.
Amazon Web Services (AWS) represents the symbol of the link between the repressive organs of the state and capital. Not surprisingly, AWS has also specialized in armaments. For example, offering a new type of data center that will be used to gain military advantage anywhere in the world: the so-called AWS – Modular Data Centre (AWS – MDC), which is basically a modular database system placed in a container. It provides access to many of amazon’s cloud-based services and can be easily expanded with additional modules (containers). It can be downloaded anywhere, which is a clear military advantage: of course, Amazon limits the availability of AWS – MDC to U.S. government customers eligible for “Joint Warfighting Cloud Capability” (JWCC). In this case, it is the U.S. Department of Defense that will be able to acquire cloud computing capabilities and services directly from commercial providers of such services (including Mircosoft, Google, Oracle, etc.) at the desired speed and at all classification levels, from core to tactical.
The struggle against the exploitation of people and nature is a struggle against the wars of the rulers, their military, their armament industry! For the social revolution!
There are endless arguments and possibilities for attacking companies like Amazon and Tesla. That is why we look forward to an exciting week of action against Tesla.
Hi Jeff! Do you think your ego is as big as Amazon’s tower? Can you see the clouds of smoke from up there?
Elon, your GIGAntesco ego won’t be able to protect your electric carts!
Our greetings go out to all those who took to the streets last night at the “Take back the Night” demonstration, to all the anarchists and anarchists in prison, to the comrades and comrades affected by the “We are conspiring”³ proceedings, and to all those who are currently on the run.
[Published in German at https://de.indymedia.org/node/355896 | Translated into Italian and published at https://lanemesi.noblogs.org/post/2024/05/03/rivendicazione-dellattacco-incendiario-contro-sedici-furgoni-amazon-berlino-germania-1-maggio-2024/]
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Notes from La Nemesi
1 There is likely an error in the date. From what can be learned from German regime media, the action was completed on the night of April 30-May 1, 2024.
2 German trade union, one of the largest in all of Germany.
3 In German Wir haben eine Verabredung. This is a campaign in solidarity with two anarchists who, in February 2023, were located by a German federal police helicopter (apparently flying a routine reconnaissance mission) in a Berlin railway tunnel. The cops who arrived in large numbers at the scene claim to have found near the tunnel, in a cable shaft, a backpack containing incendiary material, as well as other items of great interest to their investigation (gloves, radios, a list of license plates of plainclothes cops’ vehicles, lighters…). The two comrades were taken into custody and released after 40 hours in custody. They are currently subject to precautionary measures (requirement to sign), awaiting trial for “conspiracy to commit crimes (fire) in conspiracy with unknown persons.” The trial will begin on May 27, 2024. This is the website of the solidarity campaign: https://verabredet.noblogs.org/