PDF: Informativo IMPRESIÓN detenidos talca paquete bomba
Source: Publicacion Refractario
So what about vaccinations?
While the Greek state – like many other European states – is ramping up the pressure on its population to get the Covid19 vaccination, many seem to have ceded to this imposition of “making the responsible choice”. Let it be clear that we think individuals can have legitimate reasons to get the vaccination. We do not hold a moralistic judgment on getting vaccinated or not. But we keep on being reluctant. We think that the whole discourse about taking responsibility actually aims to give greater powers to the state by creating a dual society with privileges for those who comply and sanctions for those who don’t want to or cannot comply. This means a reinforcement of control and inequalities.
Believe the leaders
We don’t think we have to dwell on this very long. We have been forced to wear masks while walking alone in a park. We have been fined for being on the street at night while the metros were overcrowded during the day. We have been insulted for sitting on the squares while the indoors work places were running at full capacity. And we have seen them cynically calculating the costs of providing extra hospital beds against shutting down parts of the economy. We have seen them opting to hire more cops while the health of people was at stake. We have seen them trying to smother any form of protest while ramming through more exploitative and oppressive policies. They have lost all credibility and they know it, the only thing they can still do is twisting our arms and blackmailing us.
Believe the data
We are told that the data are clear, that getting the vaccination is the safe(r) choice. But even if we might accept that the existing data on vaccinations is correct, there is a whole lot of data we don’t have (yet). The first thing that springs to attention is that all the available vaccinations are temporarily approved through an emergency process. None of the Covid19 vaccinations are fully approved and they cannot be because we don’t have any data on the long-term effects. We can make assumptions based on other similar vaccinations in the past (although the vaccines based on the new mRNA technology don’t have such a history), but there are no guarantees about the long-term. Everyone taking the vaccination should be fully aware of this. And already because of this fact alone any obligation or pressure to take the vaccination should be ethically wrong. Continue reading “Athens, Greece: So what about vaccinations? by Anarchists, Mid-July 2021”
pdf read : ‘Rage Against Video Surveillance’
pdf print: ‘Rage-against-video-surveillance’
Translated from French by an anarchist comrade
for Act For Freedom Now!
July 2021
Targets that exist everywhere – a strategic proposal for building a common front against the profiteers of war and repression Rapidly, time marches on; we are already in the 2nd year of the Covid-19 state of emergency and, knowing that no power will ever voluntarily relinquish its new mechanisms of control, anarchist and other libertarian movements all over the globe are looking for strategies and practical means against it. In some regions, social tensions have recently erupted into riots.
Elsewhere, there are short-lived outbreaks known as Corona Riots. As anarchists, we are often surprised by the dynamics, sometimes finding ourselves in the crowd of the street battles or perplexed as spectators on the sidelines. Almost every state deals with us, small groups or individuals, sabotaging, agitating and roaming restless in the cities. Continue reading “PDF: Targets that exist everywhere – a strategic proposal for building a common front against the profiteers of war and repression”
PDF: Publicación REBELIÓN N 17
El tiempo pasa y la autoridad permanece, de ahí mismo, surge otro virus en la tierra. Contra ésto, una nueva rebelión es inminente.
Compartir un nuevo momento entre compañerxs a la distancia, es un placer. Pasar de la última edición en la que el mundo entero ardía en protestas y la elite temblaba, al nuevo genocidio de un virus mortal, junto con él de los gobiernos, el capitalismo y el sistema carcelario que siguen intactos. Representa el claro ejemplo, que la autoridad avanza a pasos agigantados.
Mediante su abance, millones de pobres más, millones de ricxs más ricxs y en el medio, millones de muertxs con cada pisada. Para no parecer menos, la policía hizo lo suyo también, matando a Facundo Castro, a cientos más en nombre de la ley y luego victimizandoce (huelga show) por un salario digno. Matando a Ursula Bahillo para luego abogar hipócritamente contra los femicidios de sus propios compañeros y los de ésta sociedad patriarcal-policial. Emilia fue asesinada de un balazo en la frente, por otro sicario del poder. Tehuel sigue sin aparecer y la Iglesia y su moral siguen demostrando lo genocidias que siempre fueron, con el grito de mil niñxs aborígenes torturadxs y enterradxs en fosas common bajo sus templos. Mientras tanto, se idiotiza toda una la sociedad entera undida en deudas y enfermedad con el circo sin pan, con
el patriotismo-popular de otra copa América. Demostrando nuevamente que toda la religión, Capital y Estado son misántropos desde sus orígenes.
Y como buenos justicierxs de burgueses, reprimieron en desalojos de tierras y casas, en protestas, defendiendo el capital a capa y espada, torturando, matando o encarcelando a todxs lxs que atenten contra lo establecido. Sicarios de lxs que generan miserias. Esclavos miserables, que protegen a sus amos y sus intereses …
Our seventh issue (including issue #0) sees these columns return, in many ways, to our classic format. Nine months ago, the unprecedented release in the form of a wall-newspaper (issue 5) was part of our need for communication and a proposal for an instrument to break, materially, the pandemic home isolation; a sheet of paper, a cry on the wall to pierce the silence of the curfew. But the project of “Vetriolo” has always been in a laborious sowing of analysis and provocations, suggestions and insights, the study and understanding of the existing, against the commonplace and the foolish boast of ignorance, in order to its negation, its destructive overcoming in a revolutionary sense.
And so we have returned to dealing with history and philosophy, economics and politics, analysis of the present and dissection of the future. Starting from our first page, which wants to be, in its brevity, an immediate attack to the politics of National Unity – a horrible concept for internationalists.
The whole is, we would not say summarized, but further deepened and expanded by a long insert by Silvio Bellico ranging from the analysis of historical times to those that as we say run today, in the context of a firm conviction: the anarchists of today and tomorrow must necessarily undertake what has not yet happened.
Convinced that the state, however much in crisis, will not collapse on its own. It is no use waiting like the poet, that his demise is communicated along with the Civil Defense bulletin at “cinco de la tarde”. “The rest was death and only death, at five in the evening.”
– Our Internationalism. Against National Unity
– Fire & Phlegm. Heat, mood & disease
– Science and State
– Patricia de la Ville
– Economy of Misery
– Lest we be dumbed down. On the subject of the appellate ruling of the Scripta Manent trial.
– Sante Pollastro and Revolutionary Violence
– Stories (by Alfredo Cospito)
Content of the insert “What has not yet happened”, by Silvio Bellico:
– Introduction
– Anarchy is… or is not…
– I stagger but do not give up: crisis and collapse of the State
– Chronicles from the State at the time of… capitalism
– Where there was grass there is now a city… and vice versa
– Class is not water
– Critical revolution and criticism of the revolution
– No gulf between individual and revolution
– If hope is the last to die, authority will die first!
– Conclusions
For requests for copies: vetriolo@autistici.org
One copy: 2.00 euros. One copy, with insert: 4.00 euros. For distribution, five copies or more: 25% discount. Excluding shipping costs. Free for imprisoned persons.
Continue reading “Italy: Number 6 of the anarchist newspaper Vetriolo has come out”
Anarchist publication RUMOER #4 is out! Check it on: rumoer.noblogs.org
BOOOOOOOM!!! RUMOER number four on your screen (or preferably, on paper). Loaded edition with thoughts and reflections. About the curfew riots in the Netherlands, corona-stress of anti-authoritarian people but also on accountability-processes. Also there is lots of news from very far and pretty nearby…
Like the last issues, this RUMOER will be spread on the streets, in spots that are not 100% hygienic. You may also find it in your better bookstore or (anti)social-center. If you cant find it there you can also just print it, or send us an email with your order. You could order a couple more, so your friends and family profit from it as well. Quite nice is that you can send us some money, if you have any, otherwise we will just send you one for free. Send your request to RUMOER at RISEUP dot NET.
We send hugs and strength to all our anarchist fighters, lovers, and rascals around the globe, see you soon on the streets.
Continue reading “Anarchist Publication RUMOER #4”
It may be due to the fact that I will spend a large portion of my remaining life in a prison, that lately I feel inclined to “necrophilia”, to “historicize” what has just been. After all, the last action claimed ‘Federazione Anarchica Informale – Fronte Rivoluzionario Internazionale’ in Italy was “just” a year ago. Usually we historicize the things “dead”, past, but in me the fear that everything that has been deleted or worse, distorted, has taken over. And I say this with the conviction (maybe I’m wrong) that the FAI-FRI has exhausted its vital charge and has passed the “baton” to something more essential, the revolutionary campaigns. Campaigns that, from one continent to another, relaunch revolutionary solidarity, not by an organization but by groups and individual comrades who never need to know each other personally. Dynamic alive, linear process as effective in the world goes by the name of “Black International” and that in fact does not even need the coordination, there is no need to meet, to know each other personally. The anarchists of action usually neglect the historical introspection, the anarchists who postpone the violent action instead tend to exhume distant experiences that are more unlikely to give rise to criminal retaliation and “imitations” in today. “It was a different time …”, this phrase still rattles in my head repeated to me as a boy endless times by anarchists / and more conscientious, anarchists / and other times precisely …
If our history is not written by us anarchists and anarchists will do so others. If the anarchist “historiography” ignores the relevance of anarchist action in time will be the official one to deal with distorting it, showing it. Then there are fortunate cases, as rare, in which to deal with it are revolutionaries of other “schools”, as in the case of the book The work of the mole that is presented in these initiatives. A book the result of the work of revolutionary communists that comes in its last pages to talk about anarchists and in particular of the FAI and then the FAI-FRI. They do it honestly, but they do it with an interpretation that leads to distortions, inaccuracies. It is more than natural that coming from an “other universe” (let’s say so) something escapes, but this does not mean that we cannot but be impressed by their work. Let’s put aside certain statements that are the heavy baggage of a Leninist thought that sees in the organization to conquer and direct the proletarian state its point of no return, indisputable. Statements that support the thesis that “the anarchist approach is often by definition (sic) devoid of strategic depth” or that the basic “contradiction” of anarchism would be the “refusal of organizational and programmatic structuring [which would prevent] the development of unity and high capacity/possibility of confrontation”. Statements that, when they do not distort the reality of things by supporting our lack of “strategic depth”, transform our strengths, “the refusal of organizational structuring”, into “contradictions”, into weaknesses. Not understanding that our innovative and potentially disruptive strength, our strong point, is right there.
The thesis that sees the FAI as “daughter” of the experience of Revolutionary Action is certainly a stretch. The thing that unites the two experiences in addition to the constant use over time of an acronym is the turmoil that both created within the anarchist movement. As for the FAI, the reactions of the movement were far more virulent than those had against AR, the accusations of being infiltrators, provocateurs flocked. The thing finds its explanation in the acronym used, and in the mockery of some claims against the so-called official anarchists. Continue reading “Contribution of Alfredo Cospito from the AS2 section of the Ferrara prison for the cycle of presentations “Guerrilla and Revolution””