We present here for the first time 325 magazine in Indonesian, translated by our Indonesian comrades & Semerdekazine.
For the Black International & conflict with the Techno Prison World.
PDF: Jurnal-325-x-Semerdekazine
We present here for the first time 325 magazine in Indonesian, translated by our Indonesian comrades & Semerdekazine.
For the Black International & conflict with the Techno Prison World.
PDF: Jurnal-325-x-Semerdekazine
29-30-31 July 2022
4th International meeting
at Altradimora, strada Caranzano 72, Alessandria (AL), Italy
13.00 lunch
15.30 Presentation of the meeting by Resistenze al nanomondo – Bergamo
Presentation of FINAARGIT
International Feminist Network Against all Artificial Reproduction, Gender Ideology and Transhumanism (www.finaargit.org)
Out of hypnosis.
Mass manipulation theories and techniques.
The recent years of techno-sanitary propaganda, now flanked by new warmongering mystifications, have shown how the military-industrial and political complex has further refined and strengthened mass mental conditioning techniques: with strategies borrowed from psychiatry and depth psychology, perfected in an era of infodemic and electromagnetic control, have shown that they know how to mould public opinion with unprecedented effectiveness and precision, reaching new frontiers of neurophysiological and social domestication. The need to trace a critical profile of the linguistic and psychological strategies of domestication and manipulation currently at work is proposed, with historical and practical examples taken from psychological warfare of yesterday and today, from the exploitation of emotions to annihilate the critical spirit to mental conditioning. through subliminal messages and electronic stimuli.
Dario Stefanoni
20.00 dinner
Documentaries on the Target Malaria project in Africa
– A Question of Consent: Exterminator Mosquitoes in Burkina Faso
– Gene Drives in Africa: Civil Society Speaks Out
The Target Malaria project, also promoted and financed by the Gates Foundation, has since 2019 started the release of mosquitoes genetically modified with the Gene Drive genetic engineering technique in some villages in Burkina Faso. The first GMO insect released into the environment. The aim is to extinguish the entire population of mosquitoes, but what do these genetic experiments want to go?
Two documentaries (in English with Italian subtitles) by ETC Group (www.etcgroup.org) denounce the experiments in Africa and give voice to the opposition of the populations.
Remote interventions by local groups fighting the release of GMO mosquitoes are being prepared. Continue reading “Italy: THREE DAYS AGAINST TECHNO-SCIENCES 29-30-31 July 2022 4th International meeting”
In line with recommendations being laid out by the World Economic Forum and the UN 2030 Agenda, Bologna, Italy, plans to launch a social credit style app that has striking similarities with Communist China’s social credit system. The app rewards or punishes its citizens for their behavior. Dubbed “Smart Citizen Wallet,” the app will track activities such as recycling, public transportation use, and energy management.
The primary argument for the program is to “save resources” and promote climate-friendly behavior. Those displaying good behavior will collect digital coins and receive discounts at local shops based on the given scores.
The app is already active and in experimental stages in Rome and is set to go live in Bologna in Autumn. Bologna Mayor Matteo Lepore and Massimo Bugani, director of the city’s “Digital Agenda,” discussed the project at a March 29 conference. Bugani indicated the app was part of a more comprehensive effort by the city to invest in digital innovation.
In 2020, Italy and six other nations signed an agreement to become “Agile Nations” in partnership with the WEF. Besides Italy, the deal—co-organized by the OECD—includes Canada, Denmark, Japan, Singapore, UAE, and the UK and sets “each country’s commitment to creating a regulatory environment in which new ideas can thrive.” Expressly—with the Fourth Industrial Revolution front and center. Continue reading “Italy: Social Credit Score – Rome & Bologna testing new app that monitors & rewards behavior”
Durante los días 27, 28 y 29 de Mayo tendrá lugar el «V Encuentro Anarquista contra el Sistema Tecnoindustrial y su mundo». Un lugar donde encontrarnos, conocernos, debatir, difundir y afilar nuestras ideas contra la organización técnica del mundo. Pretendemos que el encuentro sea una herramienta más para combatir el sistema tecno-científico-industrial, porque pensamos que el terreno del enfrentamiento se debe concentrar en el campo del progreso tecnológico, puesto que es y será lo que trace las presentes y futuras dinámicas de la dominación sobre todos y cada uno de los aspectos de nuestra vida: sociales, políticos, económicos y ambientales. Durante la duración de las jornadas habrá un espacio para distribuidoras (aquellas que quieran montar la distribuidora en el espacio les pedimos que confirmen su presencia con antelación) y comedores 100% vegetariano.. En los próximos días difundiremos el programa completo del Encuentro, que este año se realizará en el PVA Sputnik (C/Gonzalez soto, 21, Vallecas, Madrid)
Históricamente, los sistemas de dominación han aprovechado los momentos de crisis o catástrofes para transformar el mundo, para realizar una metamorfosis del mismo. En otros tiempos esta metamorfosis fue llevada a cabo cuando el capitalismo se vio amenazado por el avance de la lucha de clases o por la necesidad de cambios económicos y productivos con los que maximizar beneficios. En nuestro tiempo vemos como la tecnocracia aprovecha las emergencias ya sean energéticas, sanitarias, económicas, climáticas… para acelerar el tecno totalitarismo que supone el mundo-máquina. Se está llevando a cabo una nueva “gran transformación”, impulsada por las élites tecno-financieras, un Gran Reinicio. Reiniciar la vida en todas sus dimensiones para imponer una nueva forma de vida y un nuevo mundo bajo los imperativo de la 4º Revolución Industrial, es decir, reiniciar la vida para someterla al mundo-máquina que persigue optimizar al ser humano y todo lo vivo para convertirlo en un engranaje más de dicho mundo. Una vez artificializada y controlada la naturaleza el objetivo ahora es el ser humano. Continue reading “Spain: V Encuentro Contra el Sistema Tecno Industrial y su Mundo. 27,28 y 29 de mayo. Madrid / V Meeting Against the Techno Industrial System and its World. May 27,28 and 29. Madrid”
July 23-24-25, 2021
3rd International Meeting
at Altradimora, Strada Caranzano 72, Alessandria (AL), Italy
13.00 Lunch
15.00 Presentation of the meeting
15.30 Introduction by Resistenze al nanomondo
Immunity and the machine
Contribution by Sarajevo (Athens)
World-Laboratory: from the health emergency to the techno-sanitary dictatorship
Contra Toda Nocividad (Madrid)
As a result of the “health emergency” decreed practically all over the planet, our lives have been regulated and structured under the imperatives of health: social distancing, confinement, masks, “vaccines”, virtual relationships, etc. All these pharmacological and non-pharmacological measures have been taken from a sanitary-securitarian and authoritarian vision by the health technocracy. Measures that are solely and exclusively ideological and political and in no case show improvements in population health.
The catastrophic story of the media and authorities has meant the exposure to high doses of fear and terror of a large part of the population that has accepted this health dictatorship, we wonder if it would have accepted with the same submission a dictatorship of any other type. This catastrophic history has led us to a war scenario in which we have seen the invasion of space by the military and the acceleration of repressive measures and laws. In the course of this war against the ‘virus’ the enemy to be beaten are our own pathologized bodies and possible carriers of the ‘virus’, we will focus the discourse on the critique of this attack on our bodies and especially on our immune system that will involve pharmacological measures. Especially gene therapy, which is hidden behind mRNA “vaccines”, which will mean the expropriation of our immune system, the mechanization and conversion of our bodies into a drug factory at the service of the pharmaceutical industry and the cellular-genetic alteration of our bodies that will lead to a true epidemic of autoimmune diseases.
20.00 dinner
21.00 Screening of the documentary Bioethics and the new eugenics by James Corbett
At first glance, bioethics might seem like just another branch of ethical philosophy where academics endlessly argue with other academics about how many angels dance on the head of a pin in far-off, science fiction scenarios. What many do not know, however, is that the seemingly benign academic study of bioethics has its roots in the dark history of eugenics. With this knowledge, the dangers inherent in placing some of the most important discussions about life, death and the health of humanity in the hands of a select few become even more apparent. Continue reading “Italy: Program Three Days Against the Techno-Sciences 23-24-25 July”