Persistiendo en la propagación de ideas y prácticas que nutran el caminar anárquico
Buscamos con esta instancia -como en otras- contribuir con información, discusión política, reflexión individual y colectiva al sendero anárquico que decidimos transitar sin retorno. Es por eso que lxs dejamos invitadxs a esta nueva jornada que contará con la participación de varixs compañerxs, quienes le darán contenido y vida a la IV cena en Espacio Fénix.
– Danza: Malva Negra
– Poesía: Cidad
– Situación jurídica de la compañera Mónica Caballero
– Presentación libro «El sendero de las Panteras Negras», Claustrofobia Ediciones.
Menú Vegano
– Puré de papas c/ feijoada y ensalada de acompañamiento + Bebida ($3500)
Infusiones y repostería vegan – Feria anárquica (trae la tuya, no comida) – Acopio vegan para presxs.
Jueves 20 de junio, 18:30 hrs.
Juan Martínez de Rozas 3091, Metro Quinta Normal, Santiago Centro.
Text by Marco Camenisch for the day of Memory and Kontrakultura
Dear comrades and brothers and sisters,
To begin with, thank you very much for this initiative of commemoration by our dear compa and brother Punky Mauri and for being able to participate from a distance (geographically!) with some poor words.
On the one hand, commemorations do not excite me too much. Because dear compa and brother Punki Mauri is present and alive in my mind and in my life many days of each year. At this moment or another or without specific occasion as a presence that gives me courage in moments of courage, joy and sadness, reminding me of our common courage, our common struggle in the past.
And present and future! For this reason, on the other hand, this commemoration is very just and important. Comrade and brother Punki Mauri with all our other fallen reminds us and continues to live in our common duty (individual duty in front of our conscience!) to consolidate and give continuity to this struggle in a historical moment in which the situations, the reasons and the necessity of our resistance and struggle become more and more urgent and just as the only hope for our life, for the life of our planet! And for living a dignified life! Reminding us that we are nature, freedom and life that defends itself by attacking those who definitely want to exterminate us!
In this sense, this commemoration is very important for the continuity of our struggle, transmitting from generation to generation our experiences and “historical” memories as a living contribution to the present and future struggles.
And alone, but firmly, in these struggles of all our past, present and future fighting generations our brother Mauri and all our fallen comrades and brothers and sisters remain and will always remain alive!
And it still seems like yesterday… a comrade fell in action… and soon we know his name: Mauricio Morales!!!
Coherence, the determination to put together an idea as a project does not seem to be part of the path of many comrades… there has always existed and will always exist the singular individual who stands out among his comrades for his revolutionary exemplarity.
It has always been difficult to open the way and transmit confidence to our own… Our own? Yes! Our own!
Convinced iconoclasts, we believe that “our own” are those who practice what they say and with them we recognize ourselves in discourse and practice. We know the price of coherence… like Prometheus we share the word, the experience and the torment… we believe in what we think and consequently we speak.
We are persecuted when we say ours because in our discourse and practice we are irretrievable for the state and capital. And yet, indecently, when they kill us or lock us up, those who have turned ethics into an alternative programmed leisure enjoy the undeserved glow of individual rebellion.
None of our people lives and dies in vain… existence teaches us strongly refractory individuals and the absorption or alienation they relentlessly fight against.
We remember Mauricio with his wide and luminous smile… a smile that always accompanied his determination, the power of his words, the coherence of his actions.
To be consistent with our own ideas is a choice of Extreme Love and he knew (we know) that this could mean imprisonment or death and it was death that found him that early morning 15 years ago.
We continue to find our comrade and brother Mauricio beautifully violent in every sigh of dignity, in every breath of rebellion, in every action of solidarity and in every cry of Anarchy.
To fight against the States and all authorities is a duty and a revolutionary pleasure just as it is to fight against oblivion.
Dear Mauricio, we do not forget you and here we remain on the warpath without ever lowering our guard.
We embrace you in the creative chaos that drives us at every moment to reach Freedom and Total Liberation!
Words from Espacio Fénix in memory of Mauricio Morales
In memory of Punki Mauri
The complicity and affinity towards a comrade who met his death attacking the Gendarmerie School, on May 22, 2009 – 15 years ago – calls us and motivates us to raise a day in his memory.
We seek to contribute to the expansion of his memory, to the propagation of his ideas/actions, to the transfer of his life, so that it can circulate among new comrades, thus extending ties, crossing territories, temporalities, generations and all the fictitious barriers that could separate us.
We believe it is important and vital not to leave our dead in oblivion and anecdotes. Rescuing their lives, their war choices, their contributions, contributes to strengthen and nurture our own journey. It puts up a fight against death and combats stagnation, making it possible for us to meet with different comrades, regardless of whether we were close, whether we live in the same territory, speak the same language or walk the same paths of time.
The black memory, as a weapon, a tool; the memory that gives us strength when we seem to lose it, that allows us to grow, in ideas, practices, values; the black memory that nourishes and teaches us, that allows us to express love, complicity, hatred of the enemy, complicity between comrades and the pain of absences.
The black memory helps us to cross the sky in any of the strokes of the kaotic star. Each one chooses how to express it, how to give it life, how it manifests itself, individually or collectively. The important thing is that he/she throws him/herself into the challenge of fighting against oblivion and domination, as he/she sees fit.
We can all contribute to the expansion of memory, in a permanent exercise, where the last word has not been said and there is still much to contribute, to say/do. This fire of black memory is cared for, fed and spread among all of us.
Mauri, tireless warrior, anarchist of action (aspiring anarchist as he liked to say), walked different paths of the anti-authoritarian idea, deploying different tools and fighting domination in every way he could.
He sharpened different spears with which he tried to stab power, its defenders and false critics. Avid in the search for coherence between deed and word, he set his sights on the jailers, trying to annihilate every last bastion of prison society.
That’s how death found him, attacking, eager to be a contribution to Anarchy. And although that stab of pain went straight to the hearts of his comrades in ideas/practice, 15 years after that cold dawn, we are still here, gathered to remember him, to talk about him, but, above all, to dialogue with him, with his ideas, successes, mistakes, with his attempts and continuous searches to keep Anarchy alive.
In this way we also discover that in the pain of absence there is also some beauty… the complicity and love for a comrade show us that death is not absolute, that it does not erase what we have lived, nor does it stop new bonds. Fifteen years after his death, Mauri is still alive among all of us.
This activity does not pretend to be a pleasant panorama, a variety of different “entertaining” acts, no. It intends to give space to different comrades, with their different expressions and ways of making memory, but always proposing to contribute to the anarchic memory.
We decided to give space to the words and reflections of comrades in prison, not only because it seems important to us to listen to them, but also because we want to contribute to the construction of that tunnel through which their ideas escape and generate that bridge that connects them with a brother who died attacking the jailers’ school, the same institution that today imprisons them.
May the idea not die, may the action spread like the worst black plague.
We continue embracing kaos.
Punki Mauri presente!
“Because when in his heart freedom, love and anarchy accompany his heartbeat: Anarchy does not die in the mouth, it prevails in the active hands”-Mauricio Morales-.
At a time when the long arms of power seek out and strike hard at our comrades and surroundings, it is up to us to respond to these blows with greater strength and determination. And one of our most dangerous weapons is anti-prison solidarity. Those concrete acts of support for those who, accused of going on the offensive against this world of bars and cages, have themselves been locked up in the prisons we seek to destroy. But the prison is not only sustained by concrete walls, closed spaces and gendarmes; it is also sustained by the annulment of the wills of those it imprisons, and by intimidating through fear those of us who declare ourselves in open war against all forms of authority.
Therefore, on this new 11th of June, a date that has managed to establish itself as a day of anarchic anti-prison solidarity, we invite you to meet, inform ourselves, discuss and nourish ourselves about the different ways to confront the imprisonment of our comrades and to make our solidarity one more trench of combat against prisons and the society that needs them.
– Judicial update Marcelo Villarroel
– Judicial Update Francisco Solar
– Conversation
– Screening
In addition:
– Vegan collection for prisoners
– Fair and anarchic propa (bring your own – no food)
Tuesday 11 June 2024 – 18:00 hrs.
Juan Martínez de Rozas 3091, metro Quinta Normal, Santiago Centro
En momentos donde los largos brazos del poder buscan y golpean con fuerza a nuestrxs compañerxs y entornos, queda en nosotrxs responder a esos golpes con mayor fuerza y determinación. Y una de nuestras armas más peligrosas es la solidaridad anticarcelaria. Aquellos actos concretos de apoyo hacia quienes, acusadxs de pasar a la ofensiva contra este mundo de barrotes y jaulas, han sido encerradxs ellxs mismxs en las prisiones que buscamos destruir. Pero la cárcel no se sostiene solamente en muros de concreto, espacios cerrados y gendarmes; también se sostiene sobre la anulación de las voluntades de quienes encierra, y de amedrentar a través del miedo a quienes nos declaramos en guerra abierta contra toda forma de autoridad.
Por ello en este nuevo 11 de junio, fecha que se ha logrado instalar como un día de solidaridad anticarcelaria anárquica, les invitamos a encontrarnos, informarmos, discutir y nutrirnos sobre las distintas maneras de hacer frente al encierro de nuestrxs compañerxs y hacer de nuestra solidaridad una trinchera más de combate contra las cárceles y la sociedad que las necesita.
– Actualización judicial Marcelo Villarroel
– Actualización judicial Francisco Solar
– Conversatorio
– Proyección
– Acopio vegano para presxs
– Feria y propa anárquica (trae la tuya – no comida)
Martes 11 de junio 2024 – 18:00 hrs.
Juan Martínez de Rozas 3091, metro Quinta Normal, Santiago Centro
Words by Mónica Caballero for the Memory and Counterculture day
15 years after the death of Mauricio Morales, it is always necessary to remember.
15 years ago, the media of the powerful were feasting on the news… the one that spoke of the death of a young man who was about to place an explosive device in the Gendarmerie School. This young man was one of the suspected anarchists that the police already had among those possibly responsible for the approximately 200 bombs that had been placed in the city of Santiago in recent years. That young anarchist was Mauricio Morales.
With the identification of one of the explosive planters, the lines of investigation of the police and prosecutors were reduced, and in turn the urgency to go hunting for seditious criminals grew. It did not take long after the death of Mauri for the Chilean state to let fall all its power and bring the first anarchists before a court, a matter that had not happened since about 1920.
So it was that 14 years ago I first set foot in the prison where I am currently held.
It can probably seem annoying and even unnecessary for some people who still exist to commemorate the death of a comrade who fell in action. But what would have happened if Mauri’s death had not been commemorated in these 15 years? Most likely, May 22 would be an important date only for those of us who knew and loved Mauri. In this way, your memory, your ideas and most importantly… Your practices would not have transcended.
Today, May 22, I remember and commemorate Mauricio Morales because doing so is part of my own history. Because I loved him and above all I do and will continue to do so because he was a like-minded comrade who until his last breath tried to put into practice his ideas that are also mine.
15 years ago, today and tomorrow. Long live anarchy.
¡Mauricio Morales pte.!
Mónica Caballero Sepúlveda
Anarchist prisoner
CDP San Joaquín
Words by Marcelo Villarroel for the Memory and Counterculture day
15 years after the death of Punki Mauri, an eternal call for offensive resistance with fist raised from confinement, maintaining the memory of the insurrection, as a living manifestation of an anti-authoritarian struggle that is neither extinguished nor stopped by the state, the prison and the capital.
The daily combat inside the prisons manifests itself in millimetres. Breaking apathy and silence, contributing to the transmission of experiences and stories so that our experiences are not submerged in oblivion and are also a real learning tool for all those who are exposed to confinement as a result of a life choice in struggle. It is about making a concrete contribution in all possible and imaginable initiatives that maintain the link between prisoners and active comrades in the street.
Along these lines, Mauricio Morales maintained a permanent exchange of ideas and actions, as prisoners and with those who had gone through confinement, thus evidencing a freely assumed commitment of active solidarity and insurrectionary complicity for the destruction of prison society, inherent in his anarchist position of offensive against domination.
Fifteen years ago, in this territory, the attacks sustained to the social peace of the rich also expressed a solid disposition of combat of different anti-authoritarian, subversive and anarchist tendencies. It is in this context that Punki Mauri took his flight to some place in the universe and the stars to continue pushing the combat from there, helping his brothers in struggle scattered around the world and thus renouncing us that he has never left the side of those who do not give up, for convenience or accomodations, to the inescapable path of the conflict.
Nothing is over, everything continues!!
Memory, Resistance, Subversion!!
Punk Mauri you live in the social/anti-social war!!
Until the last bastion of prison society is destroyed!!
As long as there is misery there will be rebellion!!
Opening the tensions of dialogue, we present the following section of interviews with individuals, collectivities and related spaces that make up the anarchic body in different parts of the world.
The interviews are a valuable contribution to the observation in detail and depth; they come, in a certain way, to broaden the view to give us feedback among comrades and to debate with perspectives and projections, that although they may be different, they converge in the ideas and practices of freedom against all authority.
Without further ado, we have in this first venture of dialogues the comrades of Espacio Fénix.
1-How and when did Espacio Fénix arise, and what projects converge in the space?
Espacio Fénix was born in the middle of the pandemic, at the beginning of 2021, in the midst of a series of ridiculous mobility restrictions and increased police intervention under the excuse of controlling and preventing the spread of covid-19.
Thus, a group of compañerxs got together, seeking to open a crack, a fissure within the asphyxiating panorama that was regulating everything, imposing the rhythm of power and where many seemed to be accommodating or waiting for the authority to give us “permission” to resume our lives.
We embarked on the idea of opening a physical space where comrades could converge, where anarchic material could circulate and where new comradeships could be woven and articulated. Thus in May 2021 we opened the doors of the space, we began to set up its infrastructure and in July we held our first activity in memory of compañero Santiago Maldonado.
Claustrofobia Ediciones, the Biblioteca Antiautoritaria Sacco y Vanzetti and various anarchic individualities converge in the space.
2-The “Ciclos de Cine” (Film Cycles) is the tool you have used the most to carry out activities. What is the significance for you of the screening of films, documentaries, etc.?
We started with the film cycles in October 2021 and we have not stopped every Tuesday, month after month, grouping the films by specific themes, seeking to stress our ideas and nourish our arguments with content, it is the beauty of the feedback between colleagues with diverse experiences and views.
From the very beginning, we proposed the screening of films as an excuse to sit down and converse, because after each screening, the central part of the activity comes to life, which is the discussion about what has been screened. There the words run, without leaders, where everyone can expose their dislikes, their liking or the results and analysis that is made of what we have seen. With this gesture we also seek to break the logic of passive spectators, of consumers, very typical of socially imposed roles.
In this sense, we have screened diverse audiovisual material, industry films, documentaries made by compañerxs, films that we like or dislike, always aiming at the discussion and tension between compas.
We do not seek to fill the cultural gaps of authority, nor to be the free panorama for those who lack resources; we seek, by different means and tools to spread our anarchic and anti-authoritarian ideas/actions, therefore the film cycles are just one more tool we choose.
3-Regarding the written material, what is the importance and power that you perceive in it?
The written material certainly has another power, another depth and transcendence, of course the spoken thought is important, but writing allows the ordering of ideas, so as to be able to reflect more carefully on what is going to be exposed and to assimilate/discuss more deeply on what is read.
In a present where immediacy, image culture, the digestible and pyrotechnical, where almost the medium is the message, emptying of content many of our tools, writing/reading is a weapon, which can also serve as a refuge, where to continue polishing and sharpening our ideas.
The written material is an instrument that impels us to grow, to argue and continually revise our positions, widening our views, shining light where there was darkness.
On the other hand, it is necessary to say that written material has always accompanied anarchists, as propaganda for the dissemination of ideas, it is an effective tool to enter into dialogue with more comrades wherever they are: in the street, in prison, or other territories. It is important because it nurtures individual thinking, as well as possible collective discussions.
The written material as propaganda can bring together comrades and depending on the objectives and projections that we have, we can realize initiatives of various kinds. In the same way that we can find ourselves on the path of anarchic struggle, we can also distance ourselves from people who spread anarchist propaganda of other tendencies, for us those who are called to participate in the electoral circus, appeal to platform organization, dream of unity and large federations and those who reject legitimate political insurrectional violence – to give just a few examples – puts us in another place on the sidewalk and in several cases as enemies.
4-There are political-cultural spaces that coexist peacefully with power, while others attract police attention. Why do you think this happens? Are there more dangerous ideas-practices? If so, what would these be?
We don’t think this was the intention of the question, but it is worth clarifying to avoid pejorative atmospheres. For us, anti-power spaces/ideas/practices (truly anti-authoritarian and anarchic, leaving out and fighting the bullshit of “popular power”) by definition do not coexist peacefully neither with power, nor with authority, nor with the police and their investigators of all kinds.
Police eyes and ears are always there, to believe otherwise is naive and dangerous. They let themselves be seen or directly attack depending on conjunctures or panoramas that mark a change of rhythm.
In this sense, it is not the police harassment that defines our comrades’ ties -it is defined by our ideas, values and projections- because valuable initiatives that are undoubtedly a contribution to the anarchic tide, may not receive the police onslaught in an evident and grotesque way and not for that reason be considered “legal”, “innocent” or in any way aspire to coexist peacefully with the power. For example, at present there are activities that do not receive police interference, but that 3 or 4 years ago were seen as a danger and received harassment; we are talking about common pots or self-defense activities. It does not change the activity or the background, but it changes the perception of power or the effect it seeks to achieve as a chain reaction (fear, disarticulation, etc.).
Now, it is important to emphasize that these types of practices carried out by those in power are part of their work, and must be understood as such. They have always existed and will continue to exist, we do not say this in an alarmist way, much less to call for immobility or to “disappear” from certain spaces. Simply because it must be clear, those who consciously decide to undertake a confrontational path to power and propagate it in multiple ways, may encounter those enemy dynamics, therefore, the consequences must be assumed. Continue reading “Chile: Interview with Espacio Fénix EN/ES”→
Luisa Toledo’s persistence in the beautiful exercise of remembrance was probably one of the triggering factors that made us know and commemorate today the murder of Rafael and Eduardo Vergara Toledo by the police and at the same time that this day became the moment in which we evoke all the fallen young combatants.
It is difficult to separate the small and strong figure of Luisa from March 29th, I see in her resilience forged in the immense pain for the loss of her children, as the substrate that has nourished the path of the generations of young fighters of yesterday, today and tomorrow, who continue and will continue to confront domination in its different forms.
Comrades like the mother of the Vergara Toledo brothers leave us multiple teachings, which can be felt in practice, in their example. An example that shows us that no matter how many blows you receive, you can always get up and that scars heal better among comrades and that they are worthy of pride.
With our pains and our dead we continue in the persistent combative memory.
No one is forgotten
Vergara Toledo Brothers
Luisa Toledo Pte!
Public communiqué of anarchist, subversive anti-authoritarian, nihilist anti-speciesist and anarcho-feminist affinities in the face of the current situation of comrade Alfredo Cospito in the Italian fascist prisons almost 90 days after the beginning of his hunger strike.
As comrades who support the anarchic struggle against prisons, prison society and the system of domination, we express through these words our unwavering support for comrade Alfredo Cospito, kidnapped by the Italian state in the prison of Bancali, Sassari, Sardinia; a center of extermination in which the nefarious regime of 41 bis has been applied to him, with the aim of destroying him as a subject and preventing him from maintaining any kind of contact with all his comrades inside and outside of the prisons.
Alfredo has been on hunger strike for almost 90 days demanding the end of the application of the damned regime, which extorts our comrades through the torture of isolation to induce them to give information or die, only in these two situations 41 bis ceases to be applied.
As like-minded comrades we repudiate the torture applied to Alfredo and other comrades, we know that they fear us because of our unrestricted commitment to end the system of domination, a commitment that does not end with torture, nor with prison, nor with death itself, and for this reason today Alfredo is risking his life firmly and without hesitation.
Public communiqué of anarchist, subversive anti-authoritarian, nihilist anti-speciesist and anarcho-feminist affinities in the face of the current situation of comrade Alfredo Cospito in the Italian fascist prisons almost 90 days after the beginning of his hunger strike.
As comrades who support the anarchic struggle against prisons, prison society and the system of domination, we express through these words our unwavering support for comrade Alfredo Cospito, kidnapped by the Italian state in the prison of Bancali, Sassari, Sardinia; a center of extermination in which the nefarious regime of 41 bis has been applied to him, with the aim of destroying him as a subject and preventing him from maintaining any kind of contact with all his comrades inside and outside of the prisons.
Alfredo has been on hunger strike for almost 90 days demanding the end of the application of the damned regime, which extorts our comrades through the torture of isolation to induce them to give information or die, only in these two situations 41 bis ceases to be applied.
As like-minded comrades we repudiate the torture applied to Alfredo and other comrades, we know that they fear us because of our unrestricted commitment to end the system of domination, a commitment that does not end with torture, nor with prison, nor with death itself, and for this reason today Alfredo is risking his life firmly and without hesitation.
From the territory occupied by the Chilean colonialist state and from different territories of Abya Yala we tell you that the struggle of our comrade is also ours and that the consequences of a bad end to it will be seen and felt everywhere. Continue reading “$hile/Abya Yala: Communique from different territories of Abya Yala for Alfredo Cospito almost 90 days into his hunger strike against the 41 bis punishment and isolation regime” →