Tag: Repression
Kalinov Most. Publicación Anarquista Internacional #10. Noviembre 2023.
La décima entrega de la revista Kalinov Most sale a la luz mientras uno de los compañeros encargados de la redacción, Francisco Solar, se encuentra finalizando el juicio junto con Mónica Caballero. Estos días el poder descargará toda su furia contra quienes han decidido rebelarse.
… Los muros y las alambradas nunca han sido obstáculos suficientes para seguir construyendo caminos de negación a este mundo.
En este número podrás encontrar:
-Reflexiones de una lucha
-El individuo contra el Estado
-Entre el crimen organizado y el Estado. Límites, reflexiones y
superaciones antiestatales.
– Bolivia. No es una cara «social» del anarquismo, son los falsos críticos. Ecos de un golpe represivo
– Francia. El corte es posible. Silencio! Las antenas se están quemando
– Italia. Asfixiando al movimiento anárquico. Sobre la operación represiva contra el periódico Bezmotivny.
Este y otros números los puedes encontrar en:
Chile (Editorial Memoria Negra), Argentina (Expandiendo La Revuelta), Uruguay (Criaturas Fantásticas), Colombia (Taller Incendia) y México (Konspiración Iconoclasta)
UK: Fireworks at HMP Bristol for Imprisoned Anarchist Toby Shone + Moved to HMP Garth
Anarchists gathered at HMP Bristol on Friday 21 September at 8pm. As darkness fell, fireworks were launched over the prison to protest the rearrest of anarchist Toby Shone and to let him know he is never alone.
Toby was arrested by an armed police unit while he was driving to Gloucester at 9am on Tuesday 19 September. The arrest was apparently ordered by Ashley Fussell from the National Security Division Wales and South West. The armed police unit is based at Bamfurlong, Gloucestershire, and was involved in Toby’s original arrest in November 2020.
Toby was arrested and recalled to prison for alleged breach of license conditions. He is accused of having an unauthorised phone and of attending an “anti-state” dinner and letter-writing night for anarchist prisoners held by Bristol Anti-Repression Campaign at BASE Social Centre in August. These alleged breaches apparently warranted an arrest by an armed counter-terrorist unit. The cops want him to serve the remainder of his sentence which means he will not be released until November 11, 2024.
Toby had just been released from the Approved Premises in Gloucester where he had been forced to live since getting out of prison at the end of December last year. Probation could no longer make a case for keeping Toby there under extreme curfew as the hostel needed the room and also didn’t understand why he was still there. He had been in his new flat in the Forest of Dean for just 9 days.
Donations to his support fund can be made to The Bottled Wasp which can be found at brightonabc.org.uk/bottledwasp.html
Fire to the prisons!
Some Anarchists
Imprisoned Anarchist Toby Shone moved to HMP Garth
Imprisoned anarchist Toby Shone has been moved 265 kilometres from his home in Forest of Dean, Gloucestershire and nearly 300 kilometres from support in Bristol to HMP Garth in Leyland, a high security prison near Manchester. Despite being in the resettlement part of his sentence, a vengeful probation and counter-terror team are attempting to isolate Toby from his perceived support base and loved ones in the south of the country and deliberately place him at risk of harm in a notoriously violent Category B prison for those serving sentences of 10 years or more. Probation has demanded Toby serve the rest of his sentence which is just short of 13 months, due for release on 11 November 2024.
Toby was imprisoned in Wandsworth, Bristol and G4S Prison Parc for nearly two years accused of being the administrator of counter-information project 325.nostate.net. After the political prosecution failed and the cops had to drop the case 5 days before trial in October 2021, Toby received a sentence of 3 years 9 months for possession of psychedelic medicines. He was released on 28 December 2022 under heavy restrictions (license conditions) overseen by a multi-agency team (MAPPA) including the National Security Division (counter-terror) and was forced to live in a filthy bail hostel in Gloucester for 9 months. He had just moved back into a flat in the Forest of Dean in Gloucestershire when, on the morning of 19 September 2023, he was pulled over and arrested by an armed police unit a few miles from the city of Gloucester. He was accused of being in possession of an [unauthorised] phone and attending a dinner and prisoner letter writing night at BASE anarchist social centre in Bristol in August.
Toby continues to be held as a TACT (Terrorist) prisoner despite being proclaimed Not Guilty of any terrorist offence by a High Court Judge in a court of law in October 2021.
Toby is in great spirits as ever and requests letters and emails. Emails are getting through very quickly on emailaprisoner.com (please get him a reply sheet). You can also write to him at:
Toby Shone A7645EP
HMP Garth
Ulnes Walton
PR26 8NE
If anyone in the north of the country would like to visit Toby, please contact his soli group at forestcase@riseup.net
Books must be ordered and sent direct from Waterstones, Blackwells, Wordery, WH Smiths, Foyles and Mr B’s Emporium Bookshop.
UK: Anarchist comrade Toby Shone abducted by armed cops & sent back to prison!
Toby Shone is an anarchist who was imprisoned in Wandsworth, Bristol and G4S Prison Parc for nearly two years accused of being the administrator of counter-information project 325.nostate.net. After the political prosecution failed and the cops had to drop the case 5 days before trial in October 2021, Toby received a sentence of 3 years 9 months for possession of psychedelic medicines. He was released on 28 December 2022 under heavy restrictions (license conditions), oversight by a multi-agency team (MAPPA) including the National Security Division (counter-terror) and forced to live in a filthy bail hostel in Gloucester for 9 months. He had just moved back into a flat in the Forest of Dean in Gloucestershire 9 days ago.
On the morning of 19 September 2023, he was driving to an appointment with his probation officer when he was pulled over and arrested by an armed police unit in-between the Forest of Dean and Gloucester. He was taken to HMP Bristol. He is awaiting more detailed information, but his legal team say that the allegations are that he breached two of his license conditions: being in possession of an [unauthorised] phone and attending a meeting in Bristol in August.
Toby is in great spirits as ever and requests letters and books. ■
Please write to him at:
Toby Shone A7645EP
HMP Bristol
19 Cambridge Road
Let him know he is not alone and we stand with him.
WHEN: 8pm this Friday 22nd Sept.
WHERE: The Golden Lion, 244 Gloucester Road, BS7 8NZ
Bring banners, noisy things, and friends
Italy: The state would like to silence revolutionary anarchist propaganda… we will neither be silenced nor stopped. Poster in solidarity with those investigated in the Scripta Scelera operation IT/EN
The state would like to silence revolutionary anarchist propaganda… we will neither be silenced nor stopped. Poster in solidarity with those investigated in the Scripta Scelera operation (Italy)
The state would like to silence revolutionary anarchist propaganda…
Four house arrests with restrictions on visits, communication and the electronic bracelet, five obligations to stay in the municipality of residence combined with the obligation to return home at night from 7 pm to 7 am (including one subsequently aggravated to house arrest), in front of a request of ten arrests in prison; house searches and against the Circolo Culturale Anarchico “Gogliardo Fiaschi” and a commercial typography in Carrara (initially placed under seizure and released after a few days); huge seizures of papers and anarchist and revolutionary publications… This was the outcome of the repressive operation Scripta Scelera of August 8th against the internationalist anarchist fortnightly “Bezmotivny”. A “surgical raid” against a paper that for three years has published analyses and reflections aimed at the critical in-depth analysis of social reality, as well as claims and informative texts concerning actions of attack against structures and figures of the state and capital, responsible for all forms of exploitation and social oppression.
After the media hullabaloo and pompous declarations, if you allow, we also have something to say
We are not surprised by operations like this. Ever since anarchism emerged – not from the scholarly abstractions of some philosopher, but from revolutionary experiences, from the aspirations of the oppressed – anarchists’ papers have been hit. States have a long history of massacres, torture, assassinations, thousands of years of imprisonment against revolutionaries. We have the impetus of the dream and the risk of action, the determination of the will and the strength of necessity. And we continue on the path we have taken… Let inquisitors and illustrious magistrates get over it, beyond and against all censorship and repression, we will continue to rejoice every time this authoritarian social reality is attacked, its certainties shattered and troubled by the roar of revolt.
Faced with an increasingly bleak present – the abyss of global war, misery, generalised ecological disaster, techno-sciences, increasingly repressive political-economic manoeuvres at work, at the borders, against youth – the state needs to run for cover, trying to eradicate the “domestic enemy”: the exploited who do not lower their heads, those who do not resign themselves to this state of things, those who continue to cultivate the revolutionary transformation of the present through thought and action.
Let us not be discouraged! With the consciousness of revolutionary and internationalist solidarity with proletarians and the exploited throughout the world, we will continue to dream, seeking to lay the foundations and contribute to the destruction of the state, of capital, of all authority.
…we will neither be silenced nor stopped
Let us persist in upholding the justness of revolutionary action, against every state and every war of the masters!
PDF: (in english, for printing in A3 and A4 formats) The state would like to silence revolutionary anarchist propaganda… we will neither be silenced nor stopped. Poster in solidarity with those investigated in the Scripta Scelera operation (Italy)
Russia: Anarchist Azat Miftakhov was arrested immediately after his release from prison
On 4 September 2023, former Moscow State University graduate student and political prisoner Azat Miftakhov was released from penal colony. On the same day Federal Security Service (FSB) has charged Miftakhov in a criminal case for «justifying terrorism». According to FSB, Azat discussed with other prisoners the war in Ukraine and the actions of the anarchist Mikhail Zhlobitsky, who caused an explosion in the FSB building and died in 2018.
Miftakhov refused to plead guilty. On 5 September 2023 the court arrested him for two months, since the new criminal investigation has been opened. You can help the family pay for a lowyer. From abroad: paypal ABC-Moscow is abc-msk@riseup.net (write in the message “for Miftakhov”). From Russia: 5469 3800 5929 3380, Sberbank, Elena Gorban
Azat Miftakhov was arrested on 1 February 2019, after law enforcement officers searched his student’s dorm room, and accused of building an “explosive device” that had been found a year earlier in a city near Moscow, Balashikha. He subsequently claimed that, during interrogation, he was tortured by the police. The prosecution authorities twice ruled that there wasn’t enough evidence to charge Miftakhov so he was released from detention on 7 February 2019.
The same day, he was arrested again and charged with attacking the ruling political party’s office in Moscow. On the night of 31 January 2018, unidentified persons had broken a window at United Russia’s office on Onezhskaya Street, Moscow, and threw inside a smoke grenade. On 18 January 2021, the court found Miftakhov guilty of hooliganism and sentenced him to six years in a penal colony.
More information:
https://caseazatmiftakhov.org/ (eng),
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Azat_Miftakhov (eng),
https://t.me/freeazat (Russian)
Czech Republic: The Fenix 2 trial
On 18 and 19 September 2023, at 8:30 a.m., the District Court in Most will hold the next hearing in the Phoenix 2 case. https://antifenix.noblogs.org/post/2019/03/27/what-is-fenix-2-about/
The main charges concerned the support and promotion of the Network of Revolutionary cells (SRB) https://revolutionarycells.noblogs.org/, insurrectional anarchism, as well as blackmail and harm of others property. SRB focused several years on sabotage of the property of police and capitalists. So far, no one was convicted and condemned for these actions.
The defendant Lukáš Borl https://lukasborl.noblogs.org/ admittedly confessed to spray the walls of prison lettering “desire for freedom the repression will not stop” and “death to the state”. He also admitted that he was identifying by amended identity documents. The damage he caused to the prison, he paid. The Court in these two points acknowledged Borl guilty, but dropped from punishment. According to the Head of Senate, Dagmar Šebková the delicts were not serious and also happened long time ago.
The Court in Ústí nad Labem overturned the judgment of the District Court in Most and remanded the case for a new hearing. An expert in the field of in odorology to look into the issue of “scent traces”.
Recall that four anarchists and one environmentalist are charged with offenses punishable by 3 to 10 years in prison. Support the accused directly in court or by another solidarity action.
More information about the Fénix 2 case on the blog https://antifenix.noblogs.org/
Italy: Operation ”Scripta Scelera” against the fortnightly “Bezmotivny”: first initiatives in solidarity, a brief update, some observations
Soidarity is our weapon! Actforfree receive and translated and spread :
Operation ”Scripta Scelera” against the fortnightly “Bezmotivny”: first initiatives in solidarity, a brief update, some observations
In the early morning of Tuesday, August 8th, a repressive operation – ridiculously named Scripta Scelera (these fine people always come up with some “ambitious” or suggestive name for their operations) [Latin: “written crimes”] – was unleashed by the State’s repressive apparatus in various cities. It was aimed at shutting down the anarchist internationalist fortnightly magazine “Bezmotivny”, thereby striking the action of publication of analysis and reflection as well as, and in particular, texts claiming actions, sabotage and initiatives of attack undertaken by anarchists and revolutionaries throughout the world against the State and capital.
Let’s take a brief look at the facts. Mainly involving anarchist comrades in Carrara and the “Gogliardo Fiaschi” Anarchist Cultural Circle, the operation consisted of notification of an investigation against 10 comrades, all of whom were subjected to house searches (as well as that against the above-mentioned anarchist circle), and significant seizures of newspapers and various publications. Concerning the 10 under investigation (for whom Genovese public prosecutor Manotti twice requested their arrest in prison), the judge for the preliminary investigations ordered house arrest with all restrictions (including electronic ankle bracelets, which were not applied due to lack of the necessary equipment) for four of the comrades, a night curfew from 19.00 to 7am for another five, while one comrade has no restrictions (at the police station they notified him of a two years’ compulsory expulsion order from the province of La Spezia). One of the comrades under house arrest was initially taken to prison on order of the same prosecutor, due to the fact that he did not have a certificate of residence. In the context of the operation, a printing press in Avenza, where the paper had recently been printed, was also shut down (and later re-opened).
Poster: Against the repression against anarchists in Indonesia
Against the repression against anarchists in Indonesia
In the past few years we have seen a massive crackdown on anarchist individuals and cells by the State. Though in some cases it was arbitrary arrests of individuals, the recent state-sponsored studies on anarchist activity in Indonesia has been brought to our attention.
It is because of these reasons and also to secure our comrades that are already targeted by the State that we need better infrastructure of resistance in this era of social control and surveillance. The necessity of this proposed solidarity infrastructure is part of our continual revolt against the state and its apparatus. We are not paranoid or overwhelmed by fear, in fact the opposite, we want to strike harder than before and we want to get better at storming the heavens. You can support our infrastructure of resistance project:
Paypal: https://www.paypal.me/PalangHitam
Bitcoin: bc1qdnwyn9pwccngewszyq67azztdc6cznjhj346vt
Informal Anarchist Groups and Individuals / West Java
Call for revolutionary solidarity with anarchist comrades in Indonesia
Again the repressive international security state moves against the anarchist tendencies who fight to establish and maintain their existence as a threat to the system. The anarchists in Indonesia who are principled enough to put their words into actions are our comrades in struggle. In an increased atmosphere of anti-anarchist repression against the movement in Indonesia, alongside the criminalization of the Anarchist Black Cross group there, we call for international solidarity and closer contact for mutual aid and common projects, to aid anarchists under repression and help support anarchist infrastructures.
In April 2022, Muh Taufiqrrohman, a security consultant writing for Stratsea, published a short analytic article as part of calls for repression of the anarchist movement in Indonesia. The language of this security ‘expert’ is clearly drawn from the European ‘anti-extremist’ playbook. Since this analysis was no idle threat from Stratsea and the Indonesian regime, we can learn from, and analyze the strategy of European and American security companies to export repressive techniques to new countries for adoption of common approaches at a local level. Similar repressive analysis and implementation can be found as practiced in other countries and we can examine their proposals, understand them and act against them.
For a black international.
Stratsea: Uncoding the Indonesia Lone Wolf Anarchist
Written by the author, security consultant Muh Taufiqurrohman
Italy: ‘How does it change?’ (Come si cambia?) from the 12th issue of the internationalist anarchist newspaper “Bezmotivny”
DN Note: On 8th August a repressive operation has been inflicted upon 10 comrades, resulting in four house arrests with all restrictions, five residence obligations with overnight return, and one comrade in prison due to not having proof of residence. All are accused of the charge of subversive association for the purpose of terrorism (art. 270 bis c. p.) and incitement to commit crimes (art. 424 c. p.) aggravated by the purpose of terrorism, in connection with the publication, as of 2020, of the fortnightly internationalist anarchist “Bezmotivny,” as well as offense to the honor and prestige of the president of the republic and clandestine printing.
We translate and reproduce below the editorial from the last publication of Bezmotivny No.12 ‘Come si cambia?’ (How does it change?)
More about the unfolding operation: https://darknights.noblogs.org/post/2023/08/11/italy-crackdown-operation-against-anarchist-newspaper-bezmotivny/
How does it change?
Within the Italian anarchist movement, is the need and importance of a printed newspaper still felt? In a world dominated by digital and immediacy, is it still subversive and revolutionary to print and disseminate a material tool of anarchist propaganda?
These are two questions that we have been asking ourselves over the two and a half years that the fortnightly “Bezmotivny” has been out, and which become all the more urgent now, at a time when the paper has been going through, unfortunately for several months already, a deep crisis that seriously threatens its existence.
Yes, comrades, “Bezmotivny” is in danger of never coming out again, seriously beset by two fundamental problems.
The first is financial: there is no more money to be able to pay for the printing and mailing of the newspaper. The fact is that nearly 50 percent of subscribers have not yet renewed their subscriptions for the current year, although they continue to receive the periodical. In addition, some places that receive 5 or 10 copies to disseminate it have long since stopped sending us money from newspapers sold. Add to this the increases in paper and shipping costs, and that’s it.
The second problem involves both the editorial staff and, in our opinion, the anarchist movement itself. The editorial staff, inasmuch as only 3 or 4 comrades are now left to work constantly for the release of each issue of the journal, while the others make minimal material contributions. The movement, in that the initial project of “Bezmotivny” to enlarge the editorial area to include other and different comrades outside the Carrara area (from which the idea of the fortnightly came and which saw comrades give heads and arms to the paper) has essentially failed. Failed both in the enlargement of the editorial staff itself and as contributions on certain issues or debates. Because, if there were contributions at certain times, these were unfortunately occasional and did not lead to more constant collaboration on the part of the comrades involved, as was the initial intention of the paper. Collaboration that, beyond the articles or interventions sent, also concerned the diffusion of the periodical within the area of anarchism to which it, for good or ill, referred, and that if on the part of some realities was constant and passionate, on the part of many others unfortunately did not develop. Continue reading “Italy: ‘How does it change?’ (Come si cambia?) from the 12th issue of the internationalist anarchist newspaper “Bezmotivny””