Three police vehicles vandalized, and several police motorcycles were set on fire overnight.
Officers were dispatched around 1 a.m. to 890 Memorial Drive regarding damage to vehicles.
Upon arrival, they discovered three APD vehicles with broken windows. The Path Force Unit is located at that address.
Atlanta Fire and Rescue responded to a multi-vehicle fire inside a parking deck at 180 Southside Industrial Parkway around 2:20 a.m.
Several motorcycles were set on fire inside a parking deck near the Atlanta Police Training Academy on Southside Industrial Parkway.
Found On Local News
Source: Scenes from the Atlanta Forest
È uscito “Bezmotivny”, quindicinale anarchico internazionalista, anno III, numero 11, 12 giugno 2023
— L’uomo che cadde sulla terra, “Le vite degli altri”
— Rivoluzione, “Il rinvio”
— “Il vento dell’anarchia”
— “Appello all’azione internazionale in solidarietà con l’anarchico in sciopero della fame G. Michailidis”
— “Stop cop city. Appello internazionale alla solidarietà con gli anarchici ad Atlanta, USA”
— “Notizie dalla Sicilia. Nuovi progetti militari”
— Qualcun* dal territorio che non c’è, “Contro il militarismo. Per una vita fuori dagli Stati”
— “Vademecum per gli amici della lotta”
— “Strage di via dei Georgofili. Indagata un’anarchica”
— Alfredo M. Bonanno, “L’amore e la morte”
— Assemblea di solidarietà con Alfredo Cospito e i prigionieri rivoluzionari, “Uno più mille insuscettibili di ravvedimento. Contributo sulla mobilitazione in solidarietà con Alfredo Cospito”
— “Operazione Panico”
— “Arrestato Greg”
— un’anarchica, “Con l’acqua alla gola. Uno sguardo anarchico sull’alluvione in Romagna”
— Brígadas Anárquicas Luis Ramírez Olaechea, “Attacco esplosivo contro la Fundación Paz Ciudadana”
— “UK: rivolta a Cardiff”
— “Cardiff. Una notte di rivolta, vendetta, rabbia e sfida”
— “Patrasso. Raffica di attacchi alle banche”
— “Salonicco, Grecia. Incendiato un furgone della COSMOTE”
— “Roussillon, Francia. Sabotaggio della linea ad alta tensione che alimenta l’azienda Hexcel in solidarietà a Serge”
— “Tolosa, Francia. Né metro né lavoro”
“Bezmotivny”, quindicinale anarchico internazionalista, anno III, numero 11, 12 giugno 2023. Per ricevere copie e/o abbonarsi scrivere all’e-mail senzamotivo@riseup.net oppure alla seguente casella postale: Bezmotivny, c/o Casella postale 59, 54033 Carrara (MS).
Prezzo di copertina: 1,50 euro. Abbonamento annuo: 35 euro. Abbonamento sostenitore: 50 euro. Abbonamento distributore: contattatare la redazione.
[Ricevuto via e-mail e pubblicato in https://lanemesi.noblogs.org/post/2023/06/12/e-uscito-bezmotivny-quindicinale-anarchico-internazionalista-anno-iii-numero-11-12-giugno-2023/]
“There are many people today who see that modern society is heading toward disaster in one form or another, and who moreover recognize technology as the common thread linking the principal dangers that hang over us… ”
T.J.Kaczynski, Anti-Tech Revolution: Why and How
Kaczynski will be looked back as one of the individuals who tried to do what they could to hasten the demise of techno-industrialism. Years without the chance to interact with the natural world and wilderness that he tried to defend, walking only in brutal concrete yards and without any chance to escape to the wild, the existent collapse and horror we are living in today and which only a small elite are profiting from, serves to vindicate this incredible man and stands as it falls – a bewildering and tragic testament to Ted Kacznski’s vision, warning and courage. Vengeance for the comrade. For the end of the machine world.
Dark Nights
From La Nemesi:
It is with grief that we learn of the death–a few hours ago, on June 10–of Ted Kaczynski, an inmate in U.S. maximum security prisons since 1996. We publish some words from fellow anarchists.
More rational words will surely come out shortly. Now as anarchists we feel compelled to break the news of the death of revolutionary prisoner Ted Kaczynski. We mourn this passing and will add his name to the list of our revenge, continuing to weave the black thread of our paths of denial.
Dear Community, Family and Friends,
Thank you for the work you are doing to make the change we need to make into the world for our collective survival. Your dedication, support and love are a constant source of inspiration and motivation for me; and I am betting for other prisoners, as well.
This has been as eventful year and a half here at FCI Danbury. My transfer to a male facility had been viewed with great trepidation both by those supportive of trans people and by those who are adamantly opposed to our existence. I’ve had many memorable experiences; some humiliating, some merely annoying and awkward. But, also several that have been rewarding and deeply affirming.
There has definitely been a sense of working things out as we go—the way strip searches have been conducted has been all over the board. Sometimes they have been done by one male staff person, sometimes by one female staff person and several times by several male staff people. Strip searches occur before and after visits, before and after medical trips out, and also when going into the SHU (I had to go there before a medical procedure to fast).
I missed one that was conducted down at the Rec when a fight between inmates was suspected. For the most part, as embarrassing as strip searches can be (they definitely trigger my dysphoria), most staff have been professional about them. There have been some unprofessional remarks made on occasion, though, that have been dehumanizing and dispiriting, but actually have happened a lot less often than I was expecting. A nice surprise. Continue reading “U$A: 2023 Statement from Marius Mason for June 11 EN/ES”
Greetings comrades. Let me tell you about this prison, the federal supermax ADX [in Florence, Colorado]. In this joint there are different levels and units with varying levels of physical isolation and communication, but there are things we all experience. Everyone is locked down at least 21 hours a day, at max 24. When you have inside rec you are by yourself in a room without a pull up bar. Outside rec cages are 8 x 10 foot dog kennels surrounded by concrete walls and a chain link roof — a cage within a cage. Unless you are in the pre-release unit (K-A) or long-term elder unit (K-B), you will never be in the same room as another person. And even in those units you only come around your ‘group’ — which is one to four other people — for inside rec. The other 22 ½ hours are in your cell by yourself. I have been in C-unit, the discipline unit and K-A; there is one other person in my group.
The cells are sparse. Concrete walls and double doors make any communication between convicts very difficult. Cells feature a low concrete beed, an oddly shitty mattress, a concrete desk, concrete stool, and in some units, a shelf above the desk. You never have solo interactions with staff — you are always double-manned with one of them carrying a steel baton, and you’re always cuffed behind your back. Depending on the unit, you can get 4–10 calls per month. I’ve made two ‘live-monitored’ calls in the past 10 months, but I’m being told that by participating in psychology programs I’ll earn a few calls per month. Time will tell. We’re allowed five visits per month, all non-contact in a concrete booth over the phone. All visits have to be scheduled in advance, which can be difficult with such restricted communication. I’m the only Anarchist here, but I’m definitely not the only political prisoner. Within this prison there is a group of prisoners the US government has attempted to bury. The general abolitionist community has consented to this, and it’s devastating.
The most restrictive unit in the most restrictive prison in America is H-Unit, which is for people on SAMS (Special Administrative Measures). These restrictions are placed by the Attorney General, and they are sickening. SAMS vary per captive, but all entail only being allowed to write to direct blood family and your lawyer. The FBI must read and approve all letters, magazines, and books. Calls are severely limited, live-monitored by the FBI, and reviewed by magistrate judges. These convicts get three showers per week. The vast majority of people on SAMS are Muslim and foreign born. Because their families are in Afghanistan, Yemen, Pakistan, or in Africa, it is nearly impossible to get visits, calls, or mail. These people will never see their families or home countries again. Their children will get married, have kids, grow old, and they will never know it. If that doesn’t make you sick, I don’t even know what we’re doing here. Continue reading “U$A: Eric King Statement for June 11, 2023 EN/ES”
We begin by quoting the recent press release from the governor’s office:
“The Governor’s budget continues to support initiatives that keep communities safe, including supporting law enforcement personnel and community-led prevention programs. As part of the Governor’s efforts to reduce violent crime in the State, the budget makes significant investments in the Division of Criminal Justice to staff new units and expand existing units with a focus on reducing gun violence, auto thefts, and exploitation, such as human trafficking and labor cases.
The budget also makes significant investments to strengthen the ranks of the New Jersey State Police, allocating $120 million to begin building a new training center for the next generation of New Jersey State Police and proposing an additional $5 million for the 166th State Trooper recruit class.
In an effort to ensure that the State’s first responders and law enforcement professionals receive the training and equipment necessary to protect and serve the State’s nine million residents, the Governor has proposed doubling the successful Firefighters Grant Program, bringing the total to $20 million.
The Governor is also recommending over $8 million in increased State funds for the first-in-the-nation statewide expansion of the Alternative Responses to Reduce Instances of Violence and Escalation – the ARRIVE Together program – which pairs police officers and State Troopers with mental health professionals when responding to a person who is experiencing a mental health crisis.”
It is our firm belief that what is to be done here is obvious.
The U.S. white power establishment wants to build cop city everywhere.
You are encouraged to heed the call and example from the Welaunee Forest: give them hell, everywhere.
Your courage, creativity, and connections will determine just how badly the U.S. empire will regret their choice to double down on policing the planet after 2020.
No Cop City Anywhere!
Fuck The Police!
Burn Down The Amerikan Plantation!
-some anarchists
Originally posted on Jersey Counter-Info
Volume 9 Issue 1 (PDF for reading 8.5×11)
Volume 9 Issue 1 (PDF for printing 11×17)
In this issue:
In the last few weeks, comrades in Eastern MA used high intensity glue to render a Bank Of America ATM near Belmont inoperable. As long as they fund Cop City (in addition to countless other exploitative projects), it is our collective responsibility to interfere with their operations in any way we can. This action was not very difficult, and we encourage others to emulate it in their areas. Solidarity to all forest defenders.
Submitted anonymously over email
Source: Scenes from the Atlanta Forest
After the fall of Fascist Germany, the creation of another totalitarian regime should have been made impossible. The goal was to have a democratic, world society, made up of free, equal and emancipated human beings. Global computer networks, mirrors of reality, which would be accessible to all, would make this dream possible. The euphoria for new, emerging technologies fuelled their hopes. With Cybernetics, System theory and Constructivism being their bibles, they thought of the human brain as an information processing system, which hence could be connected to similar electronic systems.
In personal interviews, this film tells their story, which is also the tale of the birth of the Internet.
It also tells the story of the traitor. The man from within their midst, who decided to turn his back on their utopia; who left the machine and tried to bring it down.