Solidarity presence at the appeal hearing for the recalculation of sentences against Alfredo Cospito and Anna Beniamino as part of the Scripta Manent trial (Turin, Dec. 5, 2022)
The Scripta Manent trial has reached its final stages. Last July 6, the Supreme Court requalified as a so-called political massacre one of the crimes (inherent in the double explosive attack against the Fossano Carabinieri Cadet School on June 2, 2006, claimed by Rivolta Anonima and Tremenda / Federazione Anarchica Informale) for which anarchists Anna Beniamino and Alfredo Cospito were convicted in the Scripta Manent trial. Life imprisonment is the basic penalty under the penal code for political massacre. After requalifying the crime, the Supreme Court sent the case back to the Court of Appeals to redetermine the sentences. The hearing that will decide the extent of those sentences is set for Dec. 5 in Turin. We publish below the manifesto for the solidarity presence with the imprisoned comrades.
Solidarity presence in front of the courthouse where the sentence recalculation hearing for Alfredo and Anna will be held
Turin, Monday, December 5, 2022, 09:00 am.
Close 41 bis, free all, free all

Some dates of the mobilization in solidarity with the imprisoned anarchists on hunger strike (Turin, Nov. 20-Dec. 5, 2022)
Since last October 20, the anarchist Alfredo Cospito has been on hunger strike to the bitter end against the 41 bis prison regime to which he is subjected and against the hostile life sentence.
That is why an international mobilization of solidarity is underway for him and for the other imprisoned anarchists who have decided to accompany him on strike: Juan Sorroche in Terni prison, Ivan Alocco in a French prison, and Anna Beniamino in Rome’s Rebibbia prison.
Alfredo has been in prison continuously for ten years, spent in High Security sections until his transfer to 41 bis. The 41 bis is a prison regime of annihilation, in that it is designed to cause physical and mental damage through the technique of sensory deprivation; it is a political and social death sentence designed to sever all forms of contact with the outside world.
Alfredo was convicted, along with Anna Beniamino and other anarchists, in a trial aimed at criminalizing ideas and practices hostile to authoritarian oppression, and now the sentence for Alfredo and Anna has been recast as “political massacre,” the only punishment for which is life imprisonment. The recalculation of the sentence will take place at the Turin Court of Appeals on December 5.
The Italian state, which has always protected fascist mass murderers, now wants to convict two anarchists for massacre for an explosive attack that caused neither casualties nor injuries.
This affair breaks into the increasingly grim repressive climate with which we all find ourselves dealing: that is why the struggle of Alfredo, Juan, Ivan and Anna is close to the heart of those who do not want to resign themselves to a world that is increasingly an open-air jail.
Their struggle is our struggle!
Rebels and solidarity, always!
Some events of the mobilization in Turin
– Sunday, Nov. 20, 10 a.m., Michelotti Gardens parking lot, solidarity presence around the city.
– Thursday, Nov. 24, 7 p.m., at Radio Blackout (Via Cecchi 21/A), assembly for mobilization; 9:30 p.m., readings and discussion around the book Which International?, by Alfredo Cospito and many others, by the editors.
– Sunday, Nov. 27, 3 p.m., Cavallotti Gardens (Vallette), procession against prison and repression.
– Thursday, Dec. 1, 7 p.m., at Radio Blackout (Via Cecchi 21/A), assembly for mobilization.
– Monday, Dec. 5, 9 a.m., solidarity presence in front of the Palace of Justice where the sentence recalculation hearing for Alfredo and Anna will be held.
Source: La Nemesi