Hi, I’m Boris. I’ve been incarcerated in the Nancy Maxéville prison for 9 months now for the burning of two cell towers in the Jura in April 2020.
If I decide only now to write a few public words about my case, it is mainly because the State has just judged me and it seems vital to me to put down on paper my impressions and my rage against this techno-totalitarianism which have not faded at all since I have been locked up. On the contrary.
While the States were agreeing to muzzle the population by summoning it to stay quietly at home under the pretext of curbing the covid-19 pandemic, waves of sabotages broke out in France and in Europe (Netherlands, England, Italy,. From East to West, from South to North of France, pylons have been knocked down, their cables cut and most of them burned by dozens, interrupting telecommunications, the geolocation of cell phones and the spying of those in the target of the repression organs.
At the time of writing, the sabotage of telecommunication networks continues unabated, even though it is in the interest of the ruling power to conceal or minimize it. Sometimes, the scale of the destruction is such that it is impossible for them to mute it, like the fire of a TDF relay in the Bouches-du-Rhône at the beginning of December 2020, or the claimed incendiary sabotage near Limoges to start the year 2021 with good resolutions.
The technological web, which covers all the territories, spreads at full speed and perfects its functioning with the new 5G network, allows to make accept a whole bunch of new social norms imposed by the State, under the recommendations and the blessing of doctors and scientists. Just like a whole bunch of products and drugs that keep the population wise and docile, screens play a leading role in getting the greatest number to accept confinement: telecommuting, tele-apéro, tele-school, tele-… How could the domination have “respected” this large-scale house arrest without all this techno-structure?
The time has come for the acceleration of flows and data, for the connectivity of everyday objects in order to control, listen to, trace, and spy on more and more, to make human beings more and more slaves of the machine. It is all this that domination calls “progress”, “civilization”. In reality, this project of society has everything of dystopia.
Faced with this digital grid, there are not 36,000 solutions. It seems to me necessary to go beyond the stage of criticism and to act here and now, by linking ideas to actions, by taking the necessary precautions to avoid falling into the meshes of repression. And unfortunately I know what I am talking about.
The whole affair starts with a new-looking blue cap covered with an oily plastic substance at the foot of one of the two relays of Mont Poupet, on which my DNA is taken. Being on file, I find myself in the sights of judges and cops who will put large human and financial resources to spy on my daily life (my habits, my frequentations) during the summer of 2020 (imsi catcher, cameras in front of homes, gps under the cars of my relatives, listening and geolocation, civilians of the GIGN (Versailles) on tail and stakeout…) Continue reading “Prison of Nancy-Maxeville, France: Why I burned the two antennas of Mont Poupet” →