Because we’re the ones who hang out at night, conspire in our meetings and constantly think of ways to act. When we are hit, we have an obligation to make our presence felt, to show a signal of resistance, to give a breath of life to what we call solidarity.
We are hit in many ways, at work where the need to survive is exploited, on the street where a person may think a person is vulnerable and become abusive or an immigrant is dangerous and let out their racist rant, in the marches with the mats attacking, but we have shown that we have aggressive characteristics too and we will be confronted, in our social and political spaces where the power with the bullshitocracy thinks it will suppress us. But we will not let that happen.
We experience violence in various forms every day, we have learned to resist through our relationships, collectively and individually we are determined and we will win.
The road to anarchy is rough, if it doesn’t happen today, it will happen tomorrow, if you and I don’t see it, the next ones will see it, but we will not give up, that is the only certainty.
And when one is imprisoned, that is when one is confronted with power in all its glory, that is when the system thinks it has a victory to show its masters. But no. Because inside and outside the walls that separate us we continue to act. For each other, we are side by side, fighting to change what oppresses us, what we will no longer tolerate.
With all our strength, thought and patience, we never lose the appetite to come back, to challenge the existing that you have turned into a giant prison of fear and repression.
We have sharpened our blades to cut the chains you are passing through our bodies.
As a minimal sign of solidarity with imprisoned comrades on Thursday 29/12 at dawn we placed an incendiary device in a bank in Martiou Street in Thessaloniki.
Source: athens.indymedia
Public communiqué of anarchist, subversive anti-authoritarian, nihilist anti-speciesist and anarcho-feminist affinities in the face of the current situation of comrade Alfredo Cospito in the Italian fascist prisons almost 90 days after the beginning of his hunger strike.
As comrades who support the anarchic struggle against prisons, prison society and the system of domination, we express through these words our unwavering support for comrade Alfredo Cospito, kidnapped by the Italian state in the prison of Bancali, Sassari, Sardinia; a center of extermination in which the nefarious regime of 41 bis has been applied to him, with the aim of destroying him as a subject and preventing him from maintaining any kind of contact with all his comrades inside and outside of the prisons.
Alfredo has been on hunger strike for almost 90 days demanding the end of the application of the damned regime, which extorts our comrades through the torture of isolation to induce them to give information or die, only in these two situations 41 bis ceases to be applied.
As like-minded comrades we repudiate the torture applied to Alfredo and other comrades, we know that they fear us because of our unrestricted commitment to end the system of domination, a commitment that does not end with torture, nor with prison, nor with death itself, and for this reason today Alfredo is risking his life firmly and without hesitation.
From the territory occupied by the Chilean colonialist state and from different territories of Abya Yala we tell you that the struggle of our comrade is also ours and that the consequences of a bad end to it will be seen and felt everywhere. Continue reading “$hile/Abya Yala: Communique from different territories of Abya Yala for Alfredo Cospito almost 90 days into his hunger strike against the 41 bis punishment and isolation regime” →