Since 23.5, comrade Giannis Michailidis chose to put his body on the line, starting a hunger strike demanding his immediate release. The comrade has served 3/5 of his sentence and meets all the formal conditions for his release. However, the judicial council vindictively rejected the comrade’s request, using as an excuse that Giannis does not meet the substantive conditions for release as the same council considers him to be a risk of committing new offences.
Class power wants to impose on us a world where ‘danger’ is identified with the vision of a world of equality and solidarity. Where any form of self-determination, self-institution and self-organisation, any attempt to overcome state mediation is considered a crime. The same system that creates and reproduces exploitation, oppression and the culture of power uses itself as regulator and judge. Thus it imposes laws that protect sovereignty, punishments that unfold at the grassroots level. And when the latter realises that if it does not fight it cannot survive and chooses self-defence, the omnipresent regulator puts on its most bloodthirsty face, because at this moment not only is sovereignty threatened but its own role is called into question. This is how his political courts are built. On moments of practical questioning of a devastated world, moments of questioning those who guard it.
Incarceration is nothing but the consolidation of the proletarian condition in contemporary capitalism. Democracy is imposed not only by tactical victories, but also through the constant effort to subjugate those who challenge its rule and fight for their survival through its overthrow. It attempts to bring the resisting parts of society to their knees by burying them in mass repositories of souls, condemning them to a fate of permanent captivity, deprivation and torture. Continue reading “Athens, Greece: Incendiary attack against a National Bank branch in solidarity with Giannis Michailidis”