Tag: Chile
Chile: Words of Tomas and Mawvnkho before a new March 29th, day of the combatant youth
Today again we hope you can feel the warmth of our words. We thank you for inviting us to share our feelings and reflections. Autumn has arrived and with it comes that mixture of nostalgia, rage, regret… among other emotions that well up in every young combatant and that day by day leads us to embrace our ideas and act coherently with them. If we are gathered here today, we agree that we must continue to nurture this historical and combative memory that we share among different warriors antagonistic to the system. Generations of fighters have made the streets and towns barricades of confrontation against the police, remembering Eduardo, Rafael, Paulina, Norma, Pablo, Araceli… And all those young fighters who committed their lives to fight against the dictatorship. More than 30 years have passed since their bodies perished but not their convictions, their ideas, their love for freedom. All these young people seeded rebellion and today we continue to learn from their successes and mistakes, every autumn we meet again, to observe ourselves, to contrast our realities, to analyze the disastrous context in which we live and although our present is very bitter we continue to resist. From different trenches our spirit continues committed to this struggle, for decades this flame has not been extinguished and every time a young rebel throws himself with his actions into the infinite abyss of the anarchic, subversive, nihil or insurrectional struggle it means that we correspond to those warriors who left us.
We cannot fail to remember through these words our everlasting compañera Luisa. Within these walls we always strengthen our fortitude with numerous memories and/or scenarios that our comrades live or have faced. Luisa is that weychafe woman who inspired and incited many young rebels to continue fighting, she moved us with her words as well as many times she was there with us in the midst of burning tires. In here our thoughts live a chaotic back and forth, but what has made us unbreakable has been the seed that people like Luisa have left us. Only in us is the way to not undermine, we decay, but we must continue standing. The seeds that Luisa left us are an inexhaustible source, as well as those left to us by her family who have never given up their struggle. Today we are transforming the prison into our barricade. The confrontation here is constant, not only with the prisoners, because sometimes the worst policemen are those who wear the cap in their hearts. Luisa urged us to learn from each of our experiences, to not leave or abandon each other, to leave superficial differences aside, because a huge machine is trying to crush us. In prison everything that we detest and repudiate is gathered and intertwined. In spite of everything we continue to use every tool at our disposal, attentive to every breaking point to slip away and break the isolation and silence. Every morning we remind ourselves of who we are, we will not let confinement rot our roots and rob us of our essence. We remember all our fallen comrades with love and rage. Permanently their spirit emerges wildly against every wretched institution, against every wretched authoritarian. None of you is forgotten, neither those who left us nor those who today are held captive in prisons around the globe. We embrace each one of you, as well as each family who lost their child in combat, each one of them lives in our restless minds and hands. Neither jail nor death will stop the permanent confrontation. In memory of all the fallen and their families.
With love, Tomas and Mawvnkho.
Source: Publicacion Refractario
Chile: Words by Mónica Caballero, Marcelo Villarroel and Juan Aliste for the day in memory of Luisa Toledo at Espacio Fénix.
Words by Mónica Caballero
Luisa Toledo’s persistence in the beautiful exercise of remembrance was probably one of the triggering factors that made us know and commemorate today the murder of Rafael and Eduardo Vergara Toledo by the police and at the same time that this day became the moment in which we evoke all the fallen young combatants.
It is difficult to separate the small and strong figure of Luisa from March 29th, I see in her resilience forged in the immense pain for the loss of her children, as the substrate that has nourished the path of the generations of young fighters of yesterday, today and tomorrow, who continue and will continue to confront domination in its different forms.
Comrades like the mother of the Vergara Toledo brothers leave us multiple teachings, which can be felt in practice, in their example. An example that shows us that no matter how many blows you receive, you can always get up and that scars heal better among comrades and that they are worthy of pride.
With our pains and our dead we continue in the persistent combative memory.
No one is forgotten
Vergara Toledo Brothers
Luisa Toledo Pte!
Mónica Caballero S.
Anarchist Prisoner
Santiago, Chile: First incendiary outburst of the year at Internado Barros Arana
On Thursday, March 9, the first incendiary attack took place at the Internado Nacional Barros Arana (INBA), a high school for high school students, which last year was quite active in the dynamics of the street struggle against the Carabineros (COP) and a military regiment adjacent to the place. The presence of hooded students exceeded 40, responding to the call of “Mochilazo” along Alameda to exert pressure against Boric’s government.
Colonel Pedro Alvarez Ortega of the Central Santiago Prefecture commented: “There were Molotov bombs thrown and incendiary barricades set up (…) Between 25 and 30% were white overalls. We have no information regarding any damage to the interior, only what I have just commented, we are coordinating with the Army and also with the school’s directors”.
A banner was displayed in solidarity with Alfredo Cospito: “Inba 2o23. End to the 41 bis regime. Insurrectional solidarity”.
Below are some records:
Rome, Italy: Claim of the incendiary attack on Poste Italiane in response to the internationalist solidarity call for the release of comrade Marcelo Villarroel
Claim of the incendiary attack against Poste Italiane in response to the internationalist solidarity call for the release of comrade Marcelo Villarroel (Rome, March 18, 2023)
Francisco Solar
We greet the 150th day of our brother and comrade Alfredo Cospito’s hunger strike by giving ourselves the joy of attacking with fire the infrastructure of the Italian state, specifically we set fire to 16 cars owned by Poste Italiane.
Proud to join the campaign of revenge, against the abomination of 41 bis, the hostile life sentence and Alfredo’s death sentence launched against the Italian state, we choose to respond with this attack to the internationalist call to action in solidarity with Marcelo Villarroel 15 years after his arrest and in the context of the permanent campaign for his release proposed by comrades:
– Individualidades Afines
– Red Solidaria Antikarcelaria con Juan y Marcelo (RSAJM)
Against an existent that oppresses us on a daily basis and so that the impetus given to us by the hunger strike of anarchist comrade Alfredo Cospito does not fade, we declare a permanent emergency (which gives us the urgency of our short lives) regardless of the outcome of the struggle our comrade has undertaken.
To the wait-and-see hope of a social revolution we place before the joy of denying the present without being clouded by the future.
REGIME MEDIA NEWS LINK: https://www.romatoday.it/cronaca/viale-togliatti-incendio-auto-poste.html
[Received by e-mail and published at https://lanemesi.noblogs.org/post/2023/03/18/rivendicazione-dellattacco-incendiario-contro-le-poste-italiane-in-risposta-alla-chiamata-di-solidarieta-internazionalista-per-la-scarcerazione-del-compagno-marcelo-villarroel-roma-18-marzo/]
Chile: Necessary words. 15 years in prison. Text by comrade Marcelo Villarroel
I have been in prison for 15 uninterrupted years. 22 months in Patagonia, territory occupied by the Argentine state where I was detained and the other 13 years and 2 months in the maximum and high security sections of Santiago and Rancagua where I am today at the time of writing these letters.
Necessary letters as an inevitable reference of the passage of time and its implications.
As an inescapable trace of an oiled memory Kon la gazolina ke has lit thousands of barricades and vindictive fires demanding the release of anarchist and subversive prisoners through the years of struggle and resistance inside Chilean prisons.
I have been living for 15 years in high and maximum security confinement regimes in which sensory deprivation tends to be normalized as well as the hostilities of the environment, the structure and the internal order of the whole prison daily where the goal is to break your will and make you a citizen prisoner respectful of all its repressive and authoritarian internal order built to break the indomitable spirit of those of us who walk standing up, dignified and without fear within the prison reality through which we have had to pass.
Even from the captivity I have seen and lived the oblivion and amnesia of the majorities, the comfort and the conveniences of many, the complicit silence and the artful attack of the press and the police, their politicians and all those who in some way or another have made us invisible, defamed and attacked us from the comfort of a computer, from their comfort zones, from their privileged positions as harmless citizens servile to the normality of what exists. Continue reading “Chile: Necessary words. 15 years in prison. Text by comrade Marcelo Villarroel”
Chile: The Wound is still bleeding and the fuse is still burning. A new March 29th. Text of the anarchist prisoner Aldo Hernandez
The Wound is still bleeding and the fuse is still burning. A new March 29th. Text of the anarchist prisoner Aldo Hernandez.
Metal against metal, heavy blows at the entrance of the building where that night I slept with my beloved daughter and my brother, the reaction I had before their machine guns and imminent violence to which we would be subjected was to wake up and dress my daughter and tell her that the police were coming for me, I managed to tell her that I loved her forever and ever, to be strong and be calm. I stood in front of her in the face of their weapons and arrogance.
Damn cowards, they investigated me for more than a year, followed me, placed cameras, photographed me, listened to me …while they were on my heels and preferred to expose a minor to the violent raid that we lived that early morning of December 22, 2022. Despicable beings that only because of their fear did not stop me before, they were clear that this individual would not receive them in a good way, but on the contrary, with all the courage that those of us who carry the confrontation to power and its servants carry, that courage that runs through our veins, that the enemies will never be able to understand. In the pure style of the fascism of the D.I.N.A or the C.N.I. they came to me, I cannot forgive and even less forget that they subjected my daughter to a “subtle interrogation”. I hate them every second a little more, remember that my body is the one that is imprisoned today, my ideas and projects continue to travel illegally through the streets of this territory with the desire to concretize in action what I have reflected with different comrades and sisters and brothers.
I send hugs in this month marked with our blood in the history of which I am also a part. Encouragement and strength to those who make memory a daily exercise to nourish us. On certain dates the streets are ours and we can give way to the possibility of attack against the different police, those who carry in their history and uniforms the blood and pain that we have been forced to feel for the loss of beautiful loved ones.
My warmest greetings and complicity to the beautiful and historic population of La Victoria, to the beloved Villa Francia where the words of Luisa Toledo and Manuel Vergara are echoes that resound loudly in every passage and avenue forever, to the brothers and sisters of Lo Hermida and Peñalolen who create scenarios of confrontations, to La Pincoya that does not forget its subversive and rebellious character.
Aldo Hernández Valdés
Anarchist Prisoner
Extermination and isolation center “La Gonzalina”.
Rancagua-$hile March 2023
Source: Publicacion Refractario
Chile: Words from Monica, Mawvnhko and Itamar on the occasion of another March 8th
Today 8M millions of women fill the streets of large cities around the world, we gather here again in this space of commemoration and struggle. We wish to keep alive the flame that those rebellious women decided to ignite hundreds of years ago and that today comrades continue to embody day by day from different trenches.
Over the years the struggle against heteropatriarchy has sprouted, resisted and persisted in many territories. Heteropatriarchy is present in multiple areas of our lives, both in our interpersonal relationships and in ourselves, we are constantly learning and unlearning, inhabiting new experiences that make us question and reflect from different realities and environments.
The heteropatriarchy hits harder to those who resist the subjugation of their nature, that which the system defines as normal, it is not the same experience that we live indigenous, intersex, trans, gay, non-binary, pans, lesbians. Above all, it is not the same for those who decide to attack every bastion that seeks to dominate and destroy us. For the same reason we do not raise the banners of passive victimhood, on the contrary, we aim at constant confrontation against everything that seeks to subdue us.
Today we want to remember different comrades who with their struggle have nurtured the antagonistic path that we have decided to embrace. Herminia Concha, Luisa Toledo, Cláudia López, Aracely Romo, Jill Phipps, Guilly Peachy. We also wish to emphasize those comrades who have fallen in confrontations or have been assassinated for their fervent commitment to the defense of land, water and territories and animal liberation. Nicolasa Quintreman, Macarena Valdes, Emilia Baucis, the three Mapuche weychafe comrades. Nicolasa fought hard against the installation of ENDESA’s Ralco project in Pehuenche territory. At the age of 74, she was found dead in the artificial lagoon of the same project. Macarena Valdes, seed guardian, defender of water and forests in the Newen-Txagil community, was found dead in her own home at the hands of hired killers from the companies RP Global and SAESA at the age of 32. Emilia Baucis, defender of water and territories, anti-speciesist, part of Lof Llazkawe, was murdered at the age of 25 by hired killers from the Riñimapu condominium in the context of a territorial recovery in Riñiwe Lewfu.
We remember every compañera/e who has been killed for fighting against the killing of animals and the devastation of their habitat. Because we recognize speciesism and patriarchy as two oppressions that share the same system. One seeks the subjugation of other species, considering them inferior, despite their capacity to feel. And the other seeks the oppression and invisibilization of women and dissidences, considering them inferior beings that can be violated and commodified. Therefore, we believe that it is not possible to fight for the liberation of human women and dissidences and ignore the violated females of other species. Continue reading “Chile: Words from Monica, Mawvnhko and Itamar on the occasion of another March 8th”
Greece: One-day hunger strike in response to the internationalist call for action in solidarity with Marcelo Villarroel
One-day hunger strike in response to the internationalist call for action in solidarity with Marcelo Villarroel
“These are times of clarity and definitions”
“I am from the war, a classic son of the working class, of the city growing up in a population where the code of struggle was and is for survival in the always precarious material conditions, but with strong bonds of communal solidarity as a life practice… Respect for the mapu ñuke, the search for a harmonious relationship with the planet, the recovery of spaces and territories and their clean control to build an autonomous path with values that oppose the bourgeois way of teaching and the ideology of the great God of Capital, perpetuated with blood and fire by the Chilean national state, and all its death apparatus, are aspects that make it impossible for me to ignore the bonds with and deep feelings about the struggle for the liberation of wallmapu.
These are times of clarity and definitions. Autonomous, anti-authoritarian and anarchist subversive practices in this part of the world cannot ignore the territoriality of the conflict, nor can they remain only in general and tepid solidarity….
The mode of confrontation is our inalienable choice in prison and on the street, we are not victims of circumstances, but conscious warriors of a fight to the death for the Total Liberation of peoples, individuals and communities. This is where all our efforts are made and renewed. “1
On March 15, Mapuche anarchist comrade Marcelo Villarroel Sepúlveda passed 15 years of captivity. The decisions of the Chilean state want him to serve 13 more years in prison, according to its junta laws (from Pinochet). Continue reading “Greece: One-day hunger strike in response to the internationalist call for action in solidarity with Marcelo Villarroel”
Chile: Before the preparation of the trial against Mónica and Francisco
The police station of Huechuraba after the explosion
Before the preparation of the trial against Mónica and Francisco
On March 14, 2023 a series of hearings will begin in the so-called preparation for the oral trial against the anarchist comrades Monica Caballero and Francisco Solar. In this instance, which we expect to last a month, it will be decided which evidence will be brought to trial and which will not.
Both are accused of the explosive attack against the Tánica Building in the midst of the revolt (2020), while Francisco is accused of sending explosive packages against former Interior Minister Rodrigo Hinzpetter and the 54th police station (2019). The prosecution requests 30 years in prison against Monica and 129 against Francisco.
The comrades will be taken from the San Miguel prison and the Rancagua prison to the justice center for the first hearing, from then on, they will face this judicial instance telematically.
In this next step of the judicial process, it is still more necessary than ever to leave aside victimist speeches to open debates on the vindication and legitimacy of political violence in all its scales, not only from the applause in the box but from the concrete support and solidarity to those who face justice for such actions.
Without any room for indifference: Solidarity and complicity with those who attack the powerful and repressors!
Monica and Francisco to the streets!
Anarchist and subversive prisoners to the streets!
Source: Publicacion Refractario