A Day at the Barracks …1
Allez Allez Allez! …7
Abolitionist Futures or Insurrection Now? …9
Children of Grey Squirrels Poetry Corner … 18
United States of Emergency …19
Source: Act For Freedom Now!
A Day at the Barracks …1
Allez Allez Allez! …7
Abolitionist Futures or Insurrection Now? …9
Children of Grey Squirrels Poetry Corner … 18
United States of Emergency …19
Source: Act For Freedom Now!
Source: Bure Bure Bure
Here is a map of the territory around Bure, with indications in the following text. It is a representation of the area, in order to better understand the different places and the high points of the struggle (Andra laboratory, the former station of Luméville, Lejuc wood, the struggle against Unitech in Joinville, the archives of Houdelaincourt, the GIP,…). The map, which is more of a bird’s eye view of reality, could be completed with other more precise documents, for a more refined vision of the territory. What was important to us here was the space left to the text.
The struggle in Bure has been going on for almost 25 years, and in order to have a more complete vision of the past years, the second part of the zine is a chronology of the struggle against Cigéo. The two parts go together, but can also be read separatly. This is why historical sequences can be redundant from time to time (Lejuc wood and 2016-2017, for example).
As with any written perception of the territory and past events, this is a subjective (although collective) vision, a kind of tool, a mean. It should not be taken for granted and is only willing to be criticized, confronted with other opinions or testimonies.
The present zine is also available in French, German and Italian.
On this beautiful pompous verbiage, we wish you a nice reading session (and more if desired) against Cigéo!
Summury :
The ANDRA’s Laboratory
La Maison de Résistance à la Poubelle Nucléaire
The Lejuc wood
The former station of Luméville-en-Ornois
In Froncles (42 km to the lab) : POMA, subcontractor of CIGEO
In Joinville (22 km to the lab) : UNITECH, another example of territory’s nuclearization
The GIP’s funding
The SAFER of land, forest and building grabbing
1) 1987-2000 : Where will be the storage site that nobody wants ?
2) 2000-2014 : Early years in Bure
3) 2014-2015 : Bure is not just a Meuse and Haute-Marne problem!
4) 2016-2017 : occupation of the Lejuc wood and agricultural resistance
5) 2017-2019 : repression on opponents intensifies
6) 2019-nowadays
7) Today’s issues : 2021 and the risk of acceleration for Cigéo’s project
Page by page format – zine format
Volume 7 Issue 5 (PDF for reading 8.5×11)
Volume 7 Issue 5 (PDF for printing 11×17)
In the issue:
What Went Down
Hunger Strikes
Chilean Models
On Noise Demos
Brooklyn Center Riot Interview
Ecodefense Roundup
Everything Will Go
Progressives Refund Police
Fires At Ford For Floyd Uprising
Source: https://anathema.noblogs.org
“Now a hostile minority of unmanageable and nihilistic ‘internal enemies’ stands against a society of consumers and citizens who have internalised the system and whose socialised group-think is an endless closed circuit of obedience (of course including the political Left, most “anarchists” and eco activists, in the UK at least).
In fact the August insurrection showed up the majority of UK “anarchists” and “revolutionaries” as cowardly citizens who though they like to whine and complain about the “evils” of the world, are fundamentally content as passive slaves. Currently most UK “anarchists” appear happily bitter simply tagging along behind state socialists and liberals as the impotent “good conscience’’ and/or the “rowdy margin’’ who wear black and use swear words. This is pathetic. Speaking the language of politics, of creating a reasonable and programmatic anarchist project, the result is an anarchism that’s neither fish nor fowl. Failing both as political pragmatics and as anarchic rebellion, civil anarchism limps along sadly. The idea that reasonable ideas of social transformation are what draw people to rebel is totally false, although it does draw leftists and liberals to the political philosophy “anarchism” who generally remain such though calling themselves anarchists. I have never had any non-political friends or acquaintances EVER be interested in the boring dribbling of “social anarchism‘’ but many who have been interested by anarchism as an extreme position of proud revolt. “Talking serious to the people”generally means churning out sub-leftist rhetoric thatfails as political leftism because it is unrealistic and fails as anarchic agitation because it doesn’t break with the certainties of society. Leftism has proved to be a social force for improving existing society in terms of the rate and conditions of exploitation, acting as a barrier to the excesses of the elite in highly industrialised and post-industrial societies, while acting as a vanguard of the capitalist mode of production in non-industrialised and semi-industrialised areas. Leftism (including leftist anarchism) is an expression of social struggle over the terms of social oppression. The point is to create insurrectional openings, lines of flight beyond normality that go beyond representation and mediation, which broaden the destruction necessary to free ourselves (or at least to satisfy our desire for revenge and moments of liberation).”
– ‘No Future, Just Vengeance’
Library, because there will be located
volumes of the international anarchist movement
movement and of movements of
movements in general, as well as texts of
literature or non-fiction that give
other look. In the volumes torn
from the dust it is still possible
to find the germs of an idea that makes hearts beat
hearts beat and a stimulus to the
desire to subvert the world.
Anarchic, because the ideas contained
in those volumes do not remain only in the
hearts of those who read, but are reversed in the
in daily action; so that
deepening and criticism serve to
sharpen the weapons to try to climb the ladder
of their own dreams, far from any form of
form of authority and hierarchy.
Disorder, because we cannot stand
a daily order made of police
impositions, laws, politics.
A Disorder that expresses life
against a deadly Order made of wars
wars, massacres, borders,
economy. Joy, struggle, revolt against
work, consumption, entertainment
imposed and commodification of time.
Biblioteca, perché vi troveranno sede
i volumi del movimento anarchico
internazionale e di movimenti di
lotta in generale, oltre ai testi di
letteratura o saggistica che diano uno
sguardo altro. Nei volumi strappati
alla polvere è ancora possibile
trovare i germi di un’idea che faccia
battere i cuori e uno stimolo alla
voglia di sovvertire il mondo.
Anarchica, perché le idee contenute
in quei volumi non restino solo nei
cuori di chi legge, ma si rovescino
nell’azione quotidiana; affinché
approfondimento e critica servano ad
affilare le armi per tentare la scalata
dei propri sogni, lontano da ogni
forma di autorità e gerarchia.
Disordine, perché non sopportiamo
un Ordine quotidiano fatto di polizia,
imposizioni, leggi, politica.
Un Disordine che esprime la vita
contro un Ordine mortifero fatto di
guerre, massacri, frontiere,
economia. Gioia, lotta, rivolta contro
lavoro, consumo, divertimento
imposto e mercificazione del tempo.
PDF: (sometimes) truth is stranger than fiction…
The publication “(sometimes) Truth is stranger than fiction… (positions against lockdowns, bans, the organized institutionalization of discrimination, “Operation Freedom”, enforced vaccination and the dystopia of domination)” was printed in 750 copies in July 2021 in the metropolis of Athens by the “Council for the Diffusion of Disorder”. It is distributed hand in hand, challenging the rules of “social distancing”. It is distributed in self-organized spaces of struggle and occupations without charge.
For contact: councilofdisorder@protonmail.com
Council for the Diffusion of Disorder
Το έντυπο «(sometimes) Truth is stranger than fiction… (θέσεις απέναντι στα lockdown,τις απαγορεύσεις, την οργανωμένη θέσμιση των διακρίσεων, την «επιχείρηση ελευθερίας», τον επιβαλλόμενο εμβολιασμό και τη δυστοπία της κυριαρχίας)» τυπώθηκε σε 750 αντίτυπα τον Ιούλιο του 2021 στην μητρόπολη της Αθήνας από το «Συμβούλιο για τη διάχυση της απειθαρχίας». Μοιράζεται χέρι με χέρι, αμφισβητώνταςτους κανόνες της «κοινωνικής αποστασιοποίησης». Διακινείται σε αυτοοργανωμένους χώρους αγώνα και καταλήψεις χωρίς αντίτιμο.
Για επικοινωνία: councilofdisorder@protonmail.com
Συμβούλιο για τη διάχυση της απειθαρχίας
Source: Athens IMC
So what about vaccinations?
While the Greek state – like many other European states – is ramping up the pressure on its population to get the Covid19 vaccination, many seem to have ceded to this imposition of “making the responsible choice”. Let it be clear that we think individuals can have legitimate reasons to get the vaccination. We do not hold a moralistic judgment on getting vaccinated or not. But we keep on being reluctant. We think that the whole discourse about taking responsibility actually aims to give greater powers to the state by creating a dual society with privileges for those who comply and sanctions for those who don’t want to or cannot comply. This means a reinforcement of control and inequalities.
Believe the leaders
We don’t think we have to dwell on this very long. We have been forced to wear masks while walking alone in a park. We have been fined for being on the street at night while the metros were overcrowded during the day. We have been insulted for sitting on the squares while the indoors work places were running at full capacity. And we have seen them cynically calculating the costs of providing extra hospital beds against shutting down parts of the economy. We have seen them opting to hire more cops while the health of people was at stake. We have seen them trying to smother any form of protest while ramming through more exploitative and oppressive policies. They have lost all credibility and they know it, the only thing they can still do is twisting our arms and blackmailing us.
Believe the data
We are told that the data are clear, that getting the vaccination is the safe(r) choice. But even if we might accept that the existing data on vaccinations is correct, there is a whole lot of data we don’t have (yet). The first thing that springs to attention is that all the available vaccinations are temporarily approved through an emergency process. None of the Covid19 vaccinations are fully approved and they cannot be because we don’t have any data on the long-term effects. We can make assumptions based on other similar vaccinations in the past (although the vaccines based on the new mRNA technology don’t have such a history), but there are no guarantees about the long-term. Everyone taking the vaccination should be fully aware of this. And already because of this fact alone any obligation or pressure to take the vaccination should be ethically wrong. Continue reading “Athens, Greece: So what about vaccinations? by Anarchists, Mid-July 2021”
pdf read : ‘Rage Against Video Surveillance’
pdf print: ‘Rage-against-video-surveillance’
Translated from French by an anarchist comrade
for Act For Freedom Now!
July 2021