The future dystopia of a fully controlled life by smart cities, 5G, where your fridge communicates with your mobile phone or a street lamp, and supermarkets offer you everything you ask for in the (anti)social media is already here. Everything is increasingly connected and everything is being monitored. It’s a future where people will be controlled by the artificial intelligence of big capital – big data and machine learning. Whatever information capital collects is shared with the state. Technology means repression, blackmail and total social control.
At the same time, the ecological war for plutocratic resources called green energy is nothing but a new form of slavery on other continents, allowing Western capitalism to be as independent as possible from Russian gas or oil-producing countries. All this is another new great stage of capitalism – green capitalism. It is the exploitation of the climate crisis and biological extinction by capital and the state.
When the New Democracy government came to power, it began an unprecedented upgrade of the repressive apparatus in numbers and technical equipment. The cops are used as a solution to every “problem”: the pandemic, the universities, demonstrations and protests of all types, the gentrification of Athens. The cops are the number one remedy for everything.
All of the above are condensed in the memorandum of understanding between the government of the New Democracy and Volkswagen with the aim of turning Astypalaia into the first smart island, a laboratory that leads the inhabitants to become guinea pigs of the dystopian future. The contract began in September 2021, and aims to gradually replace the island’s conventional vehicles with electric ones. The project is being portrayed by the mainstream media as a technological leap that will benefit the environment and residents. In reality, of course, the memorandum of understanding is nothing more than another way of increasing profitability and repression at the expense of the natural environment and the inhabitants. VW will be able to test autonomous vehicles on the island on terms outside the strict EU legislation, gaining the upper hand against competition. At the same time there is talk of installing hundreds of wind turbines on the island, turning it into a hub for electricity generation and completely destroying the natural environment. Finally, one of the first moves of the project was the donation of electric vehicles from VW to the murderous assault battalions of the cops and the coast guard.
The cooperation between the bloodthirsty New Democracy government and VW is not unprecedented. VW has a long history of supporting fascist and oppressive regimes. From Nazi Germany in the 1930s, to the military dictatorships in Brazil and Argentina, to Franco’s Spain, VW has always been and continues to be at the forefront of capital profiting on top of harsh oppression.
For all these reasons, at dawn on May 10, we visited the VW dealership on Alexandras Avenue. Our intervention resulted in the destruction of several new electric vehicles and the destruction of the front of the dealership, without endangering passers-by or residents of the area. We consider it an integral part of anarchy to recognize those who profit on oppression, misery and exploitation and it is our duty to return the violence they cause.
We dedicate our action to the prisoners of the social war, Fotis, Iasona, Panos and Lambros, who are being prosecuted for the attack on the Piraeus traffic police.
Solidarity with our wounded comrades Boris and Serge from the militant ecological defence on the territories of the French state.
Solidarity to Mónica Caballero and Francisco Solar whose trial against them starts in a few days.
For a Black May, in memory of comrade Mauricio Morales, who fell in battle 14 years ago.
Source: athens.indymedia