Source: Resistenze al Nanomondo
Third International Meeting:
23 – 24 – 25 July 2021.
in Altradimora, Strada Caranzano 72, Alessandria (AL), Italy
The program of the meeting will be published in the next days
Again this year we propose a moment of discussion and reflection between individuals and their realities engaged in the construction of critical analysis and paths of opposition to this techno world.
We will focus on the techno-scientific processes and developments that are accelerating under the pretext of this pandemic, the 5G network, the Great Reset, the cybernetic and transhumanist society, the need for resistance.
More than a year after the WHO declaration of pandemic and state of emergency, the planetary situation becomes clearer. One thing is certain, this “state of emergency” is made to last for a long time, the time necessary to accelerate certain processes, provided that in the meantime they have not decided to give another name to this “emergency” to continue. the process is even faster. A bit like the continuous variants of the Coronavirus, necessary to keep the general attention under pressure and, consequently, to force every decision on the agenda of the future from the new techno-medical paradigm.
In addition to the pandemic times that want to be long-lasting and above all permanent, becoming the new normal, other aspects of this program are now increasingly evident, which is being carried out internationally in very different ways depending on the countries and the various geopolitical blocs. Surely, in the first place, an unprecedented experimentation of genetic engineering (“vaccines” of recombinant DNA and mRNA) is being carried out on very large sectors of the population: a gene therapy of cellular reprogramming and modification that allows, in addition to the control of bodies, the grafting of many other techno-medical practices for each individual from birth to death.
The digital society is invading all dimensions and social aspects: from the way of working, studying, living spaces, to the way of conceiving health, one’s own body and the world. We will no longer be surrounded by the elements and emotions that make up all bodies, but by artificial elements that will irremediably project us into the world of mechanical automatisms.
The race towards the world of machines is enabled by the new 5G network, which besides being harmful by its very nature will be precisely that first fundamental step that will give way to the internet of communicating bodies, where objects will be so omnipresent with our bodies as to make it part of them in a single communicating whole, giving way to that cybernetic organism so dear to the transhumanists. These first aspects are allowing the innervation of much more, think of the new digital passes to travel between countries without having to go through the various medical-medical security oppressions and the microchips that will be implanted in the bodies. Continue reading “Italy: 3rd International Meeting: Three Days Against Techno-Sciences. July 23-24-25, 2021” →