“Techno-sciences are not something neutral that we can possibly share or improve, they are one of the many tools that limit our existences. It is not their use that is right or wrong. The new face of capitalism does not contradict those who have preceded him in time, however, it has a horizon necrotizing more incisive, but no less attackable” (“Bulletin”, No. 6, Library of Anarchist Space Lunanera – Cosenza, June 2021).
Science and State: Open debate with some comrades of the editorial staff of the anarchist newspaper “Vetriolo”.
During the initiative will be present the anarchist distribution Malacoda.
Friday, July 23, 9:30 p.m.
Spazio Anarchico Lunanera
viale della repubblica 293 – Cosenza
e-mail: lunanera[at]mortemale.org
“By all means, I believe the violence within us is just. It’s necessary. I believe that we can no longer try to turn the other cheek. Not only is this motto a lie, but it also isn’t good for anybody. It can’t be. We have to capable of defending ourselves by being beautifully violent. We must cover our faces and go out into the street to be against everything that represents the atrocious powers we fight against.”– Luisa Toledo Sepúlveda
Words from Prisons for Luisa Toledo Sepúlveda.
Our mother, grandmother and eternal comrade Luisa Toledo Sepúlveda has left. From the different centers of punishment and isolation where we have traveled for decades and years, maintaining upward the autonomous, subversive and anarchic resistance, we meet again at the hearth of our herd to eternally embrace “Luisa”, our subversive mother.
We are in pain, with our hearts broken, traveling between different generations of comrades to whom the words and actions of “grandmother” have marked the journey for years from children in the town, rebellious adolescents and young combatants.
Feel the power of her voice as the voice of her children who at the same time are all of us who have been undeniably marked with the certainty of her words of fire, of bullets, of roars, of conspiracy, of conscience, of beautifully violent memory, from the inalienable insistence to the frontal fight against the world of power and all authority.
Your children who resist in prisons, the fugitives who remain in struggle, from different territories of the planet where your name is heard as a synonym of Resistance, Memory and Subversion, today, we shout together and united very loud and clear that we continue unconditionally hoisting the banner of social war, the permanent gesture of the conflict in the struggle for total liberation.
We call on all rebels who worthily claim the frontal struggle against power through direct action to demonstrate in war with concrete gestures in memory of Luisa Toledo Sepúlveda.
We call to keep alive the fire of her voice, her fighting spirit, her wise words, her incessant practice always on the side of illegality in clear subversive complicity.
We hug you and we are with you. Manolo, Flaca, Sol, Alen.
We salute Villa Francia and all the accomplices.
We embrace the Peñi and Lamngen at war!!
We embrace you with eternal love in war, dear woman, mother, grandmother, comrade!!
Luisa Toledo Sepúlveda, you live in the anti-authoritarian, autonomous, subversive and anarchic struggle forever!!
As long as there is misery, there will be rebellion!!
Death to the state and long live anarchy!
Combatant youth: permanent insurrection!!
Until destroying the last bastion of prison society!
Towards total liberation!!
Pablo Bahamondes Ortiz, Jail company Stgo 1.
Monica Caballero Sepúlveda, San Miguel female prison.
Marcelo Villarroel Sepulveda, Juan Aliste Vega, Joaquin Garcia Chanks, Juan Flores Riquelme, Francisco Solar Domínguez, Rancagua company jail.
Tuesday July 6, 2021- Santiago, Rancagua. Territories dominated by the Chilean state.
Four years after the murder of Santiago Maldonado, we continue to vindicate our comrade
Because anarchic memory is action, we make a call to remember Lechu, emphasizing the ideals and perspectives of our comrade.
We do not forget that Santiago was killed by the repressive agents of the State in a barricade in Puelmapu, nor do we forget the usurpation that reformist sectors and supporters of this society made of his death, using his face and his body for their political games. Because of this:
This year we propose NOT to use the physical image of Santiago in propaganda, but rather his songs, ideas and practices, thus combating the emptying and the washed-out image that has been taken by those in power.
Because we know that Lechu fought for the land and against capital, we propose to accentuate a multiform memory, which inevitably leads us to remember other comrades who fell in these same struggles. Thus, six months after the murder of Baucis by assassins in the process of recovering Mapuche land, we call for Bau to be present in the actions that we carry out.
We propose a memory of action that assumes that enemies are everywhere, which increases our capacity to attack. We can be creative attacking, let’s not forget.
For a black memory
To multiply the propaganda and actions
No comrade is forgotten.
To our compas in the dungeons of power in $hile, know that you are with us in every action.
July 2021,
MalosAires, Territory (still) dominated by the Argentine State.
THREE DAYS AGAINST TECHNO-SCIENCES July 23-24-25, 2021 3rd International Meeting at Altradimora, Strada Caranzano 72, Alessandria (AL), Italy
13.00 Lunch
15.00 Presentation of the meeting 15.30 Introduction by Resistenze al nanomondo
Immunity and the machine Contribution by Sarajevo (Athens)
World-Laboratory: from the health emergency to the techno-sanitary dictatorship Contra Toda Nocividad (Madrid)
As a result of the “health emergency” decreed practically all over the planet, our lives have been regulated and structured under the imperatives of health: social distancing, confinement, masks, “vaccines”, virtual relationships, etc. All these pharmacological and non-pharmacological measures have been taken from a sanitary-securitarian and authoritarian vision by the health technocracy. Measures that are solely and exclusively ideological and political and in no case show improvements in population health.
The catastrophic story of the media and authorities has meant the exposure to high doses of fear and terror of a large part of the population that has accepted this health dictatorship, we wonder if it would have accepted with the same submission a dictatorship of any other type. This catastrophic history has led us to a war scenario in which we have seen the invasion of space by the military and the acceleration of repressive measures and laws. In the course of this war against the ‘virus’ the enemy to be beaten are our own pathologized bodies and possible carriers of the ‘virus’, we will focus the discourse on the critique of this attack on our bodies and especially on our immune system that will involve pharmacological measures. Especially gene therapy, which is hidden behind mRNA “vaccines”, which will mean the expropriation of our immune system, the mechanization and conversion of our bodies into a drug factory at the service of the pharmaceutical industry and the cellular-genetic alteration of our bodies that will lead to a true epidemic of autoimmune diseases.
20.00 dinner
21.00 Screening of the documentary Bioethics and the new eugenics by James Corbett
At first glance, bioethics might seem like just another branch of ethical philosophy where academics endlessly argue with other academics about how many angels dance on the head of a pin in far-off, science fiction scenarios. What many do not know, however, is that the seemingly benign academic study of bioethics has its roots in the dark history of eugenics. With this knowledge, the dangers inherent in placing some of the most important discussions about life, death and the health of humanity in the hands of a select few become even more apparent. Continue reading “Italy: Program Three Days Against the Techno-Sciences 23-24-25 July”→
Anarchist comrade Alfredo Cospito has been transferred from the Alta Sicurezza 2 (“High Security 2”) section of Ferrara prison to that of Terni. Below the new address:
Alfredo Cospito C. C. di Terni strada delle Campore 32 05100 Terni Italia – Italy
The comrade has been in prison since September 14, 2012, following the repressive operation that led to his arrest and that of another comrade, both accused of having shot and wounded Roberto Adinolfi, the CEO of Ansaldo Nucleare, on May 7 of that year in Genoa. The action, claimed by the Nucleo Olga of Federazione Anarchica Informale – Fronte Rivoluzionario Internazionale (“Informal Anarchist Federation – International Revolutionary Front”), was then claimed individually by the two comrades also during the first degree trial held in Genoa. The comrade had been imprisoned in Ferrara’s AS2 since 2013.
We also recall that Alfredo, in addition to the 9 years and 5 months sentence received in the trial for the action against Adinolfi, was sentenced to 20 years in first and second instance of the Scripta Manent trial held in Turin since 2017 and derived from the arrests of September 6, 2016. Around twenty comrades were charged in the trial, with regard to the activities of the FAI (later FAI–FRI) in Italy, involving also specific charges relating to a series of actions realized between 2005 and 2016 and for some anarchist publications and websites run by comrades. In the appeal sentence of November 24, 2020, three comrades were convicted for subversive association with the purposes of terrorism and subversion of the democratic order and for “incitement to commit crimes”. Among these three comrades, Anna Beniamino and Alfredo Cospito were convicted for some actions (explosive attacks and parcel bombs) carried out between 2005 and 2007. In addition, ten other comrades were sentenced for various reasons only for “incitement to crimes”. Currently, in addition to Alfredo, Anna is imprisoned (in Messina prison), sentenced to 16 years and 6 months.
Forgetting the prisoners of the social war means forgetting the war itself: revolutionary solidarity with the imprisoned anarchists.
From the struggles against the devastation and plundering of the earth to the struggles against borders that divide people and split up the world, from the antimilitarist struggle against the massacres of war and arms trafficking to the struggle of those who fight against work exploitation… The enemy is always the same: power, neo-liberal domination, the capitalist system that grabs everything for the privileges of the few to the detriment of the many.
For power those who rebel become dangerous individuals to be monitored. Repression transforms affinity between people into terrorist cells and subversive associations. Our response to these attacks is self-organization and carrying on the struggle in spite of the repression.
-Presentation of the English anarchist insurrectionary magazine 325 (the last issue was published in Greece and financially supported by the Solidarity Fund for Prisoners & Exiled Fighters). Intervention of a comrade involved in the publication
– Presentation of the book STORIES OF FIGHTING published by the Solidarity Fund for Prisoners & Exiled Fighters. The presentation will feature comrades who, through this book, convey their experiences from the time when they were forced to live as fugitives wanted by the state mechanisms.
The whole event is supported (and financially) by the Solidarity Fund.