Category: Library
Palestine: ‘Our Narrative… Operation Al-Aqsa Flood’
PDF: Our Narrative-Operation Al-Aqsa Flood
DN Note: We post the following publication that has been circulating amongst antagonistic circles and movements internationally. Despite some of the disagreements with Hamas’ ideologically we feel it is important to spread this publication to dispell the open arms acceptance of Zionist and Western imperialist propaganda about 7th October and the Hamas organisation, that has reached uncritical and hysterical levels in anarchist circles internationally, especially in Western countries. Hamas are not an organisation of ‘Islamic extremists’ comparable to the fascism of Islamic State/ Daesh, they are a national liberation struggle organisation. This feeds into the narrative of the Western powers ‘War on Terror’ that the Israeli fascist state proxy has adopted. To not even engage with the justified resistance of the Palestinians against the imperialist genocide is to ignore the existence of the Palestinians themselves, an existence of resistance in the biggest open air and technologically advanced surveillance prison on this planet. Along with the ever present death from above, from the bullets of Israeli Defence Forces and the settler scum, we are witnessing the extermination of a people live streamed, live feeded, on social media and on smart phones!
Question the lies of the West and Israeli state. Bring the war home, into the heart of the Western metropoles!
Philadelphia, U$A: New Issue of Anathema, Volume 10 Issue 1
Volume 10 Issue 1 (PDF for reading 8.5×11)
Volume 10 Issue 1 (PDF for printing 11×17)
In This Issue:
- What Went Down
- Fashion
- Things Are Getting Weirder
- Shifts In The Philadelphia Anarchist Space
- World War III?
- What The Fuck Does Reconstruction Even Mean To Y’all?
Video: Conspiracy of Cells of Fire – Phoenix Project – An account of the FAI/IRF Project ‘Phoenix’ (Black International) 2015
English subtitled version of the film giving the account of the early part of the Phoenix Project, international project of sabotage and attack with over a dozen hits in a variety of different countries.
Dedicated to Alfredo Cospito and Nicola Gai, Olga Cell FAI/IRF, who took responsibility for the laming of CEO Roberto Adinolfi of Ansaldo Nucleare.
“We are here, where everything starts now.”
The Project of ‘Phoenix’ is the unfolding of a hidden map marking one of the routes to the Atlantis of practical theory. An unknown and lost continent that exists beyond the edges of the burning cities of the interzone. Created through action, dialogue and ideas and organised informally with anarchic principles of permanent autonomous attack, revolutionary solidarity and internationalism. A sequence of attacks by different radical direct action groups around the world, breaking the silence of isolation and striking back again against the prison societies of the techno-industrial system.
The imprisoned members of CCF are charged with instigation for the attacks, Spyros Mandylas and Andreas Tsavdaridis were arrested and charged for act #4 in the project, sending a parcel-bomb to the former commander of the anti-terrorist agency, Dimitris Xorianopoulos, whilst Christos Rodopoulos is reportedly accused of the mailing of the parcel bomb to Dimitris Mokkas, chief prosecutor in the CCF case, as act #6.
The Phoenix project is now renewed through the 2015 attacks in Chile, Czech Republic and Greece, with the comrades within the territory of Czech Republic initiating the campaign “Let’s destroy repression“. The story of the Phoenix continues to be written…
Source: 325
DN Note: Eternal gratitude to the comrade who sent a copy of the English version of video our way that dissapeared from cyberspace.
Below we translate the article from the reposting of the Spanish version of the video that inspired us to repost the English version.
Nothing is over, everything continues…
(2013) Proyecto Fénix, video
Extraído desde otras páginas de contrainformación. El video en griego fue publicado en el año 2013 y traducido a diferentes idiomas en los años posteriores. Recordar que actualmente todxs los miembrxs de la Conspiración de Células del Fuego se encuentran en la calle, los compañeros Alfredo Cospito y Nicola Gai permanecen encarcelados en Italia y nueamente condenados por atentados explosivos de hace varios años atrás.
Puedes leer más acerca del juicio por Proyecto Fénix en Publicación Refractario.
PROYECTO FÉNIX (traducido al español, 2015)
El “Proyecto Fénix” nace como un gesto solidario dedicado a Alfredo Cospito y Nicola Gai, del “Núcleo Olga FAI/FRI” que asumió la responsabilidad del ataque armado contra Roberto Adinolfi, empresario nuclear de “Ansaldo Nucleare”, y además como una iniciativa internacional de ataque, comenzando en Grecia con la colocación de un artefacto explosivo contra la Directora de la Prisión de Korydallos.
La expansión de las acciones enmarcadas dentro del proyecto se desarrolla a lo largo y ancho de distintos territorios donde la práctica insurreccional pasa de la teoría a la acción, en absoluta consecuencia con las palabras de quienes se declaran en Guerra contra toda Autoridad y el Poder. A su vez, es un incandescente foco revolucionario que insta al diálogo y al debate entre distintos individuxs organizadxs de manera informal y difusa que dan forma al ataque permanente y minoritario.
La práctica del internacionalismo anárquico es uno de los cimientos del proyecto, es el momento donde el ataque autónomo encuentra un campo en común que une, nutre y potencia distintas realidades y tensiones, apuntando y calibrando en su alma la persiste confrontación contra lo existente.
Cada instancia de sabotaje y acción insurrecta coordinada en el Proyecto Fénix, significa asumir una proyección de lucha y combate que desafía sin tregua ni misericordia la paz del orden ciudadano, haciendo entender que cada sitio es un punto de conflicto, y que la expansión del ataque solo depende de nuestras capacidades y voluntades.
En ésta versión del video agregamos el resto de acciones desde el Noveno Acto (México) hasta el Catorceavo Acto (Reino Unido), que siguieron dando forma y pulso al proyecto durante el 2014. Durante el año 2015 se han realizado tres acciones enmarcadas dentro de esta iniciativa internacional de ataque, en Grecia el grupo “Anarquía Combativa FAI/FRI” reivindica un ataque incendiario contra oficinas de Microsoft, en República Checa la “Célula Poesía del Fuego FAI/FRI” asume la responsabilidad de un ataque incendiario contra un vehículo policial e inician la campaña “Vamos a destruir la represión”, mientras que en Chile un artefacto incendiario es activado en una sede de explotación animal y es reivindicado por la “Célula Anarquista de Ataque Incendiario “Fuego y Conciencia” FAI/FRI”.
Durante las últimas detenciones en Grecia, la policía vincula a Christos Rodopoulos con el paquete bomba enviado a Dimitris Mokkas, fiscal encargado del caso Conspiración de Células del Fuego, y continúa la investigación y el proceso contra los compañeros Spyros Mandylas y Andreas Tsavdaridis, que fueron detenidos y acusados de participar en el envío del paquete bomba contra Dimitris Xorianopoulos. Ambas acciones enmarcadas dentro del proyecto, acto seis y cuatro respectivamente.
Enviamos nuestra absoluta complicidad y hermandad con lxs compañerxs de la Conspiración de Células del Fuego en Grecia, saludamos la victoria de su huelga de hambre, y la permanente actitud de confrontación frente al carcelero, sin ceder ni un centímetro ni doblegándose ante la Autoridad. A la compañera Anggeliki Spyropoulou, que pese a las avanzadas represivas se mantiene digna y de frente al enemigo.
DN Note: Unfortunatly the English translation of the Project Phoenix video has dissapeared from the Internet. We would appreciate any copies that anyone may have to be sent to us or to communicate with us if anyone is willing to translate the subs, even create a new English version.
‘Letter from Gaza’ – Ghassan Kanafani
“Letter from Gaza”
“Letter from Gaza”, a work of short fiction, was written by Ghassan Kanafani in 1956.
Dear Mustafa,
I have now received your letter, in which you tell me that you’ve done everything necessary to enable me to stay with you in Sacramento. I’ve also received news that I have been accepted in the department of Civil Engineering in the University of California. I must thank you for everything, my friend. But it’ll strike you as rather odd when I proclaim this news to you — and make no doubt about it, I feel no hesitation at all, in fact I am pretty well positive that I have never seen things so clearly as I do now. No, my friend, I have changed my mind. I won’t follow you to “the land where there is greenery, water and lovely faces” as you wrote. No, I’ll stay here, and I won’t ever leave.
I am really upset that our lives won’t continue to follow the same course, Mustafa. For I can almost hear you reminding me of our vow to go on together, and of the way we used to shout: “We’ll get rich!” But there’s nothing I can do, my friend. Yes, I still remember the day when I stood in the hall of Cairo airport, pressing your hand and staring at the frenzied motor. At that moment everything was rotating in time with the ear-splitting motor, and you stood in front of me, your round face silent.
Your face hadn’t changed from the way it used to be when you were growing up in the Shajiya quarter of Gaza, apart from those slight wrinkles. We grew up together, understanding each other completely and we promised to go on together till the end. But…
“There’s a quarter of an hour left before the plane takes off. Don’t look into space like that. Listen! You’ll go to Kuwait next year, and you’ll save enough from your salary to uproot you from Gaza and transplant you to California. We started off together and we must carry on. . .”
At that moment I was watching your rapidly moving lips. That was always your manner of speaking, without commas or full stops. But in an obscure way I felt that you were not completely happy with your flight. You couldn’t give three good reasons for it. I too suffered from this wrench, but the clearest thought was: why don’t we abandon this Gaza and flee? Why don’t we? Your situation had begun to improve, however. The ministry of Education in Kuwait had given you a contract though it hadn’t given me one. In the trough of misery where I existed you sent me small sums of money. You wanted me to consider them as loans. because you feared that I would feel slighted. You knew my family circumstances in and out; you knew that my meagre salary in the UNRWA schools was inadequate to support my mother, my brother’s widow and her four children.
“Listen carefully. Write to me every day… every hour… every minute! The plane’s just leaving. Farewell! Or rather, till we meet again!”
Your cold lips brushed my cheek, you turned your face away from me towards the plane, and when you looked at me again I could see your tears. Continue reading “‘Letter from Gaza’ – Ghassan Kanafani”
Greece: The first issue of the anarcho-nihilist newspaper “Blessed Is The Flame” has now been published
In the following link we provide the digital version of the first issue of the newspaper of our project “Blessed Is The Flame“, a project for the diffusion of the theory and praxis of black-flag anarchy* While the newspaper is in Greek, we would like to see it translated in other languages too and be disseminated internationally. If any comrades are interested in this undertaking, contact us at blessedistheflame (at) riseup (dot) net, and we can provide you with an editable .odt version of the file.
PDF: Ευλογημένη Η Φλόγα Τεύχος
In this newspaper we will cover topics like international and local anti-info of the two most recent months, discussions, claims of responsibility, ideas and tips about direct action and anti-surveillance.
Editorial: “The present newspaper is the printed form of the project Blessed Is The Flame, which will be irregularly issued. The purpose of this project is not only to disseminate black-flag anarchy, but more generally to disseminate the radical thoery, praxis and criticism that stems from the act of insurrectionarry armed desire, recognising that the social situation we are in, and which we did not choose, leads our lives to bankruptcy, to the alienation of our Egos.
We do not attempt to persuade anyone, we do not wish to bet on the mass mobilisation of a robotised society. What we are trying to do is contribute in building a communication bridge between those who have chosen to revolt here and now and those who want to revolt. We are what we are because we got courage and inspiration from the rebels who show us what is possible. We do not postpone the insurrectionary and revolutionary action for an indeterminate future because we are liberated from the bonds of hope. We are not nihilists because we are simply pessimists. No, we are nihilists because the situations around us do not allow us to think of future utopias, because we do not wait for freedom to come, but we bring freedom each time we act with defiance and without compromise against society, state, capital, and any other aspect of civilisation. This is the most immediate realisation of anarchy.
Long live direct, anarchist and guerrila action
No resignation, no truce, no peace
For anarchy and nihilism”
*In the terminology used within the Greek radical circles, black anarchy (μαύρη αναρχία) refers collectively to the nihilist, individualist, insurrectionary, anti-social and egoist currents of anarchism.
France: Black Out. Controversy about meaning and efficiency of sabotage
We present the English translation of the French publication ‘Black Out. Controversy about meaning and efficiency of sabotage’
Between February and March 2020, all over the world, heads of state made solemn and grave announcements in order to prepare their populations for what appeared to be a new era : one of war against the virus. Within a couple months, the sabotage of telecommunication infrastructures had almost become a daily event in France, as well as in other European countries. Simultaneously, a debate sprang up within anarchist and radical ecological publications, in particular about the meaning and efficiency of these acts. How could we undermine technological control ? Could we provoke a tipping point within this situation? What scenarios did these sabotages open up ? How could we consider efficiency, organization and ethics altogether? Nowadays, the situation has evolved, but the problems brought up by the following texts remain unresolved, maybe even more so now, and without obvious answers : what are the links between direct action and social or ecological movements? What strategies emerge when we separate or combine anarchist, ecologist and techno-critical perspectives? How do these strategies integrate a now-decisive element : the war in Europe, which will guide and harden the grip of states on their populations.
Italy: ‘How does it change?’ (Come si cambia?) from the 12th issue of the internationalist anarchist newspaper “Bezmotivny”
DN Note: On 8th August a repressive operation has been inflicted upon 10 comrades, resulting in four house arrests with all restrictions, five residence obligations with overnight return, and one comrade in prison due to not having proof of residence. All are accused of the charge of subversive association for the purpose of terrorism (art. 270 bis c. p.) and incitement to commit crimes (art. 424 c. p.) aggravated by the purpose of terrorism, in connection with the publication, as of 2020, of the fortnightly internationalist anarchist “Bezmotivny,” as well as offense to the honor and prestige of the president of the republic and clandestine printing.
We translate and reproduce below the editorial from the last publication of Bezmotivny No.12 ‘Come si cambia?’ (How does it change?)
More about the unfolding operation:
How does it change?
Within the Italian anarchist movement, is the need and importance of a printed newspaper still felt? In a world dominated by digital and immediacy, is it still subversive and revolutionary to print and disseminate a material tool of anarchist propaganda?
These are two questions that we have been asking ourselves over the two and a half years that the fortnightly “Bezmotivny” has been out, and which become all the more urgent now, at a time when the paper has been going through, unfortunately for several months already, a deep crisis that seriously threatens its existence.
Yes, comrades, “Bezmotivny” is in danger of never coming out again, seriously beset by two fundamental problems.
The first is financial: there is no more money to be able to pay for the printing and mailing of the newspaper. The fact is that nearly 50 percent of subscribers have not yet renewed their subscriptions for the current year, although they continue to receive the periodical. In addition, some places that receive 5 or 10 copies to disseminate it have long since stopped sending us money from newspapers sold. Add to this the increases in paper and shipping costs, and that’s it.
The second problem involves both the editorial staff and, in our opinion, the anarchist movement itself. The editorial staff, inasmuch as only 3 or 4 comrades are now left to work constantly for the release of each issue of the journal, while the others make minimal material contributions. The movement, in that the initial project of “Bezmotivny” to enlarge the editorial area to include other and different comrades outside the Carrara area (from which the idea of the fortnightly came and which saw comrades give heads and arms to the paper) has essentially failed. Failed both in the enlargement of the editorial staff itself and as contributions on certain issues or debates. Because, if there were contributions at certain times, these were unfortunately occasional and did not lead to more constant collaboration on the part of the comrades involved, as was the initial intention of the paper. Collaboration that, beyond the articles or interventions sent, also concerned the diffusion of the periodical within the area of anarchism to which it, for good or ill, referred, and that if on the part of some realities was constant and passionate, on the part of many others unfortunately did not develop. Continue reading “Italy: ‘How does it change?’ (Come si cambia?) from the 12th issue of the internationalist anarchist newspaper “Bezmotivny””
Indonesia: Konspirasi dan Subversi
Sebuah percakapan Federasi Anarkis Informal (2006)
& Surat untuk berbagai realitas FAI Informal
Sebuah refleksi oleh Gabriel Pombo da Silva
Translasi oleh Rudal Jelajah
24 Halaman
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Unduh file pdf secara bebas melalui link berikut: Konspirasi dan Subversi.pdf
Ps: Jika Anda tertarik untuk berkontribusi dan mengirimkan essay, teks, artikel terjemahan dan sebagainya, silakan kirim melalui alamat surel
Source: Insendier