I have had the pleasure of reading the words of comrades from different territories, who showed their fervent solidarity with the hunger strike of Alfredo Cospito, to get out of the torture regime of 41 bis. In these lands a group of subversive, anarchist, anti-authoritarian, anti-speciesist and nihilist prisoners also expressed our unconditional solidarity with the comrade. To fraternize with a comrade as valuable as Alfredo, and even more so in the difficult moment he is going through, is a necessity for those of us who position ourselves as negators and antagonists to the current life governed by authority. Sending words of solidarity from prison to a like-minded comrade is never too much.
In my case, when I have received words of solidarity from a comrade while imprisoned, I have always valued and treasured them as something very precious. But at this moment comrade Alfredo Cospito needs words to be transformed into actions, to attack, coerce, subvert, manipulate, threaten, etc. To all those who have the power to change his prison situation and/or who sustain the 41 bis regime.
Alfredo’s situation is no longer preoccupying and has become urgent. The matter is simple, if Cospito’s request is not granted, he will die and there are not too many days left if he continues his hunger strike.
To make the decision and carry out a mobilization such as a hunger strike, has many difficulties, your struggle is in multiple scenarios, on the one hand you have a whole repressive and judicial framework with several tools that bet on dissuading you to stop the strike, on the other hand there is your own survival instinct, your own body! Continue reading “$hile: Urgent words in the face of an extinguishing flame. Written by Mónica Caballero in response to Alfredo Cospito’s hunger strike.”