On March 17th, we attacked the coordination center for the payment card in Hesse with incendiary devices. Several transporters, as well as the building on Lilienthalstraße (Gießen), were damaged in the process. We did not choose this state facility by chance. The Government Presidium (RP) Gießen is involved in deportations every day with their transports from the initial reception centers and coordinates these throughout Hesse. For the reasons already mentioned, the RP deserves every attack.
Furthermore, the premises of the RP Gießen serve as the “operational coordination center” for the payment card introduced for refugees in the fall of last year. Basically, this means that the RP is responsible for the introduction and implementation of the payment cards in the initial reception centers and serves as the point of contact for all accommodations in the state of Hesse. The payment card is another insidious endeavor in which the German state demonstrates its racist and inhumane practices. Surely we should all be aware that the payment card is an attack on all the people who seek refuge and safety here, and it is just another step in the isolation of Europe.
Not only the state’s racist practice ignited our anger and hatred, but also the fact that this is another step by an authoritarian state to practice surveillance and control. As a society, we should assume that the payment card for refugees is a pilot project testing the extent to which handling payment cards will generally be suitable in the future. It is to be assumed that at some point there will also be payment cards for, for example, social benefit recipients. Because the German state loves to kick downwards and take from the poor and already stigmatized.
In solidarity with all those who evade their deportation and develop a collective practice against the authorities.
We greet the anarchist comrades in Bavaria, who are currently being persecuted by the state for their uncompromising political stance.
We send our solidarity and hope to all those affected by racist policies with our action. Another world is possible, let’s fight for it together.
Happiness and strength to all the comrades in hiding and blazing hatred against the walls that keep our friends and comrades imprisoned.
Comrade Ghespe has been transferred to the Spoleto prison.
Arrested in Spain on February 15 with an international arrest warrant, and extradited to Italy on March 4, Ghespe was first taken to the Rebibbia prison in Rome, and then transferred to the Spoleto prison.
Let us remember that Ghespe must serve an 8-year sentence for the manufacture, possession, and carrying of an explosive device, grievous bodily harm, and damage, related to Operation Panico of 2017 in Florence, accused of having manufactured the homemade explosive device found in front of the entrance of the bookstore “il Bargello” in Florence, the headquarters of the CasaPound fascists.
From the very first days of his detention in Spain, Ghespe has suffered pressure and abuses from the guards and his tormentors. At Rebibbia, he was not given his correspondence, and visits and phone calls were only authorized shortly before his transfer to the prison in Spoleto. If guards and state servants think they can use such tricks to break our closeness, they are very much mistaken.
To continue writing to Ghespe:
Salvatore Vespertino Casa di reclusione di Spoleto Località Maiano n. 10 06049 Spoleto (PG)
It has been more than two years since December 22, 2022, the day of several raids orchestrated by the South Metropolitan High Complexity Prosecutor’s Office, where six homes were raided, five of them in the Metropolitan Region and one in the Valparaiso Region, all searched by police groups OS9, GOPE and LABOCAR, resulting in six detainees, four of whom were remanded in custody. Two correspond to the brothers and comrades Aldo and Lucas Hernandez, in the course of the months the comrades will remain under investigation for the explosive attack on the National Directorate of Gendarmerie of Chile, Aldo is indicated as the alleged bomber of the device, he is also charged with crimes under the Law of Arms Control, as well as Lucas charged with various offenses under the Law of Arms and Explosives Control.
Months later, the comrades were asked for a re-formalization hearing, adding for both of them the case of manufacture of weapons and manufacture of explosive devices for various items found in the home raided in Pedro Aguirre Cerda.
In this process we have seen how the prosecution through trickery and dirty games have tried to harm and intimidate this environment with jail, seeking information and even informations in order to complete the investigation and to prove what the prosecution accuses, having a negative result to the harassment, since all the detainees after the raids have remained dignified and integrated to the mediocre attempts of the Prosecutor Claudio Orellana, demonstrating in practice complicity and loyalty to the principles of anti-authoritarian comradeship.
In the course of the months the comrades have lived diverse and different prison realities, since from the beginning the comrades have been separated trying to break their family ties without having contact and sharing the same physical space for more than two
At this moment the comrades are waiting for the oral trial preparation hearing, which has already been postponed twice due to different legal situations.
While waiting for the trial, which has taken more than two years, the comrades are still unable to meet due to security issues, violating their rights to preserve the family ties that unite them.
In that trial they risk exemplary sentences, for comrade Aldo the prosecution requests a sentence of 90 years and for Lucas a sentence of 26 years, we point out that exemplary since this excessive amount of years only seeks to intimidate the environment and those who decide to return blow after blow without turning the cheek or waiting for illusory and idealized opportune moments to go after our enemies. The comrades remain intact and with the impetus intact to continue contributing to strengthen the anarchic walk outside and inside the prisons, clinging fiercely to their ideas and their values, contributing to various comrades who have been deprived of freedom like them, making their ideas a real threat to the range of harmful behaviors inside the prison and practicing prison solidarity, continuing to position themselves against the prison and their jailers inside their own homes (prisons).
The power continues to strike, reprisals are part of the daily life of our brothers. The last event was the transfer of Aldo to the maximum security module 2 in the prison of “La Gonzalina”, on December 24 last year, changing his prison regime. He is currently under a schedule of 21 hours of confinement and 3 hours of yard time, this added to restrictions such as the prohibition of electronic devices (TV, kettle and radios). This transfer was the result of a raid carried out in module 12 (module in which Aldo had been for two years) on December 18, in which the personal information of the 16 gendarmerie officers injured on the day of the attack to the national directorate on December 27 2021 was found inside Aldo’s cell. This information was contained in the respective investigative files of the case, which is why the high command of La Gonzalina decided to isolate him.
The practice of violence continues more than ever, and it is blood to pump the hearts of our brothers in prison. Each accurate action, propagandistic gesture reveals the vulnerability of a predatory system that is sustained by a false security that is nothing more than a breakable mask and within reach of our hands full of conviction and courage.
Actions such as attacks with weapons-bombs to institutions-police-apparatuses that protect the interests of power and the rich are just a sample of that, that the fear is felt by those who imprison us, that the bullets have names and surnames, that our energies are capable of creating what our imagination once thought, that every idea overflows in the minds of those who see that the violent struggle is possible.
Fire and death to the spectator, the scavenger, the martyr and the vulture.
Freedom for the convinced, certain and courageous who go against domination!
Anarchists, subversives and Mapuche prisoners to the streets!
Francisco has remained in Maximum Security modules for almost 5 years, since he was arrested in 2020 accused of attacks against repressors and the powerful.
Once sentenced, the isolation regime became even harsher, remaining for more than 6 months with a regime of strict isolation, restrictions on visits, 21 hours of confinement, no TV or radio.
By March the administrative authorities will decide whether or not the comrade will remain in solitary confinement. We call to remain attentive to the next information.
Facing the hardening of the prison regime: Solidarity and action!
Una vez más, por sexta vez consecutiva, el tribunal plenario de delitos menores de Lamia me honra con su decisión de rechazar mi solicitud de libertad condicional, con el argumento de que ¡no me he «corregido» y que no he mostrado «mejora moral»! ¡No puedo sino admitir que tienen razón!
En efecto, un militante consecuente, un revolucionario, un anarquista como yo, no podría ser «corregido» y «mejorado moralmente» por la cárcel, no importa cuántos años esté encarcelado. Un militante consecuente, un revolucionario, un anarquista, puede dar su vida por la lucha, como el compañero de la Lucha Revolucionaria Lambros Fountas, puede arriesgar su vida por la lucha, puede arriesgarse a ser asesinado por los pretorianos del estado, como casi ocurrió en mi caso, puede pasar muchos años en la cárcel -yo ya he cumplido 12 años por la Lucha Revolucionaria y otros 4 antes de eso- pero no se le permite dar un paso atrás, mostrar arrepentimiento o revisión, o en otras palabras y en el lenguaje del tribunal, una mejora «correccional» y «moral». Así que, desde este punto de vista, todas las decisiones de los tribunales y juntas judiciales, las seis del tribunal plenario y la una de la junta de apelaciones, me honran y me demuestran que sigo en el camino correcto. Si dijera lo contrario, empezaría a preguntarme si me he equivocado y he violado mis principios y valores morales. Mi única objeción es la referencia del tribunal sobre un “pretencioso” buen comportamiento por mi parte. Esto realmente me hace injusticia. Si tal cosa fuera cierta, en las audiencias del tribunal, en manera completamente «pretenciosa», contraria a lo que creo por lo que he sido condenado y por las faltas disciplinarias que he cometido, estaría murmurando disculpas y lamentos como hacen la mayoría de los presos penales para lograr su puesta en libertad. Pero tal cosa es impensable para mí.
La última decisión negativa del tribunal plenario de Lamia me excluye efectivamente de la posibilidad de la libertad condicional, a pesar de que ya he cumplido más de 4/5 de mi condena.
Dentro del endurecimiento general en los últimos años, de la legislación penal y «correccional», en cuyo marco se han aumentado los límites de las penas, y los límites para la concesión de la libertad condicional y de los permisos; basicamente el derecho a la libertad condicional y a los permisos estan bajo abolicion. Se han introducido carceles de maxima seguridad (algo parecido a las antiguas prisiones de tipo C para peor), probablemente seré la primera persona con una condena de 20 años que cumplira la condena completa -las 5/5 partes de la misma- sin posibilidad de libertad condicional, acercándose a una cadena perpetua, es decir, 16 años según el antiguo código penal.
Este endurecimiento de la represión penal y «penitenciaria» es una consecuencia y un eslabón de una larga cadena de curso evolutivo sociopolítico, que parte de la derrota de la insurrecction social y popular contra los memorandos de 2010-2012, el retroceso de las luchas sociales y desemboca en el totalitarismo estatal y de régimen que vivimos hoy.
Nikos Maziotis, condenado por la Lucha Revolucionaria
We are responsible for the burning of Two Hana Bank ATM machines, the Hana Bank office building, a capitalist-owned advertising videotron, and a motor vehicle belonging to the Indonesian National Army. The arson occurred after a space occupation carried out by demonstrators in the aftermath of a demonstration against the passage of the Indonesian National Army Law (TNI law), the arson occurred in Bandung, West Java on Friday night 21/03/2025.
The action carried out by the demonstrators in front of the Regional House of Representatives (DPRD) was not ignored at all by anti-riot police, despite the throwing of molotov cocktails, propane, stones and firecrackers into the veranda of the building. Until in the end, we chose direct action by burning at several points above.
We are completely beyond the authority of the language of the state and capitalism, we are irrationality, we are a form of the illogicality of the authority of the language itself. We are one of the informal organizations of the end of the world who do not believe in the coming of enlightenment for tomorrow, because for us the future is a new form of suffering. We are a fire that devours entire city buildings at night. We do not believe in the revolution of the left and other social anarchists. We are writers and poets, insurrection is poetry, poetry is insurrection.
Death to The State!
Death to The National Army!
Death to an Entire Civilization!
Burn The World Bank!
Long Live The Conspiracy of Cells of Fire!
Long Live The Free Association of Autonomous Fire!
Long Live FAI/IRF Long Live Anarchy!
Below we document a letter from Burkhard Garweg, which was sent exclusively to »nd«. Garweg is one of the most wanted people by German police authorities because of suspected RAF membership and several robberies in which millions of euros were stolen. His letter is a critical outline of the history of the Red Army Faction (RAF) and at the same time a response to Caroline Braunmühl, daughter of RAF victim Gerold von Braunmühl, who in January in the »nd« was critical of her brother’s »call for clarification« , but also responded to a previous letter from Burkhard Garweg. Burkhard Garweg now addresses Braunmühl’s statements in his current text. He criticizes the RAF for a phase lasting from 1977 to around 1990 in which the urban guerrillas made military confrontation with the state the focus of their politics and neglected social revolutionary struggles. The author, born in 1968, comes from the autonomous squatter movement and now lives illegally, alternates between two levels in his text: one that analyses and evaluates from today’s perspective and a second, in italics, that speaks very personally from the past and his youth. Burkhard Garweg’s contribution is fully documented below.
“The possibility of a historic moment is now”
On the history of the RAF and the question of the reconstruction of an anti-capitalist, social revolutionary, anti-patriarchal and internationalist movement in the present day.
“The possibility of a historic moment is now”
On the history of the RAF and the question of the reconstruction of an anti-capitalist, social revolutionary, anti-patriarchal and internationalist movement in the present day.
In her text in »nd.Die Woche« of January 18, 2025, Caroline Braunmühl presents an alternative position to the bourgeois attitude that attempts to depoliticize the history of militant and armed resistance by reducing its content to violence and negating a political conflict.
In my statement of December 2024, it was also important to me to present resistance to capitalism in the context of the relations of violence – exploitation, the rule of man over man, nationalism, militarism and war – and thus to conduct the debate according to historical reality and to counter the historiography of the rulers and their attempts at manipulation.
The aim of bourgeois historiography is to delegitimize and criminalize anti-capitalist resistance and its history. Its elites have a fundamental interest in maintaining the conditions of exploitation and oppression and in being able to continue to make profits. This is what the proclamation from the ranks of its elites in the 1990s, which has gone down in history, stands for: “there is no alternative.”
Caroline Braunmühl associates the RAF and other militant groups, such as the Rote Zora, with radical resistance against the “violence of socially dominant groups and individuals against socially subordinates – such as class justice, patriarchal violence or transnational relationships of exploitation, oppression and war, from which the economic elites in the Federal Republic of Germany have profited and continue to profit today.” She identifies the justification for militant resistance against violent relations and at the same time denies the legitimacy of targeted assassinations by the RAF in its history.
She criticizes my statement from a feminist perspective and for lacking criticism of the RAF.
I agree with her that a reflective picture of the history of the struggles with the ability to see their weaknesses is necessary. The main thing is to be able to draw conclusions for the struggles of the future.
The world of the dominant capitalist system is moving at an increasing pace towards social and global erosion: war, poverty, displacement and the destruction of the planet’s ecological basis for life. The bourgeois state – and this affects the entire capitalist center of Europe and the USA – is increasingly using right-wing and authoritarian means. It uses the construction of a “national community” to differentiate itself from migrants, Muslims, refugees and the poor. It uses racism, nationalism and rapid militarization both internally and externally. This has repercussions – some of which are also intended – on bourgeois society.
This is becoming radicalized by the deeply rooted racist, patriarchal and social forms of differentiation, exclusion and oppression within society. The world is unmistakably moving towards an infernal tipping point of social, ecological and military erosion.
Capitalism offers no solution to this. It would also be a contradiction in terms. The elites’ solutions to the crisis are now authoritarianism, fascism, war and the process of unifying bourgeois and fascist politics. This is nothing other than a journey into the possible abyss with clear parallels to the historical crises that culminated in the world wars of 1914 and 1939 – albeit with an extremely increased global destructive potential in modern times.
Anyone who wants to prevent this should focus less on the hopeless rescue of bourgeois democracy as a facet of capitalism and the associated retention of the fundamental relations of violence, but rather on social revolutionary alternatives that can only be achieved as a result of social revolutionary and emancipatory struggles.
Existential questions arise: In which steps, initiatives and processes can the reconstruction of an anti-capitalist, social revolutionary and internationalist left be achieved?
But also: What do we take with us into the future from the struggles and concepts of history, from the attempts to overcome the thoroughly violent capitalism and imperialism? How do we as revolutionary leftists discuss and write history from below and appropriate it for the struggles of today and tomorrow and against the propagandistic, depoliticizing and criminalizing historiography from above? Continue reading ““The Possibility of a Historic Moment is Now” – Burkhard Garweg”→
Switch off the security state! Four unmarked police vehicles set on fire at Doventor police station
On the night of 9 to 10 March, with several incendiary devices, we disturbed the mortuary peace of the police station in Doventor, on Daniel-von Büren Street, which was open. In good conscience, we set fire behind the station, in front of and in the parking lot.
To the cops:
That night, you arrested the wrong people. Again, you’re fumbling in the dark. You made the press, and therefore all of us, believe that you had everything under control. It’s more than embarrassing. This shows once again how arbitrary and racist your actions are, when we learn who you have arrested. Be ashamed and deal with your over-inflated authoritarian ego. Instead, recognize that it is possible to sneak into your police station and place incendiary devices under your vehicles.
Shame and fear must change sides. For more imitators.
To people aged 15 to 27:
We are really sorry that the cops harassed you because of our action and that you were held until Monday afternoon. We know what it’s like to be taken to a police station. It’s annoying. We hope you are doing well and that your friends are taking good care of you.
To our enemies:
The new German government wants more military weaponry. Everyone agrees to give even more money and murderous orders to the arms industries. Fascism is getting closer and closer. Everywhere we look in the world, we see crazy people, usually men, who are turning their inhumane, patriarchal, right-wing fantasies into reality. This diligently pushes to a new, lower level. We must not believe that this simply fell from the sky. In many countries of the European Union, it is rather an insidious process and thus everything that has to do with self-determination and solidarity is gradually being stifled. History repeats itself. Democracy, with its cowardly attitude, opens wide the doors to fascists. Hate campaigns are still trending in Germany, and remigration is on everyone’s lips.
As a result of these debates, the cops are also rearmed and they have more leeway and better weapons. We will not accept the violent and threatening behavior of the cops and the state. Four cars, with which the shitty cops spy on us, denounce us, threaten us, observe us, less…
Attacking the cops is an act of resistance and disarmament!
To our comrades in combat who are in prison and to all the comrades who are affected by the repression:
Rest assured: we will continue our common struggles against exploitation and oppression. Freedom and happiness for Maja, Hanna, Nanuk, Gino, Nele, Paul, Luca, Zaid, Paula, Tobi, Clara, Moritz, Marianna, Dimitra, Sarah… Fiery greetings to the anarchists of Munich, who were attacked during the night by 140 heavily armed policemen, and to the anarchists M. and N., incarcerated in Stadelhem.
To Burkhard*:
We read your discussion invitation text, “The Possibility of a Historic Moment is Now.” We too believe that in the coming years the situation will worsen so much that we may no longer be able to avoid an armed struggle. We will continue to discuss these options in our circles. Until then, we will attack the cruel authoritarian world with the current means, such as fire.
We also greet you and send you a lot of strength, wherever you are.
Until everyone is free!
* Note of Attaque: Burkhard Garweg, former member of the RAF, still in hiding after the dissolution of the organization in the 90s and the arrest of Daniela Klette in February 2024. He recently sent an open letter to the daily Neues Deutschland. It is available here. (DN: In German)
“What is worrying is that the extreme polarisation that is being created is the best fertiliser to further develop the anti-establishment climate. And it certainly sends by itself the people to the squares of 28th February, reinforcing he conditions of destabilisation of the country. I suppose it’s hard to explain what that means in a world that’s becoming increasingly unstable after the rise of anti-establishment in the US…”
To Vima [mainstream Greek newspaper], G. Papachristos, 24-2-2025, The fertiliser of destabilisation
“In the age of global madness, we could easily leave the rails of logic and get into a phase of non-governance and chaos. The Greek society, however, knows to avoid disasters, perhaps because it brushed past one such disaster ten years ago. We have matured. […] Many of the citizens who went to the streets know well that they will have no choice other than Mr Mitsotakis when the ballot boxes are set up again.”
Kathimerini [mainstream Greek newspaper], A. Papachelas, The resounding message of anger
In the immediate period preceding the 28th of February for the 57 dead in Tempi, a number of publications described the “disturbing findings of the polls, which cause dark thoughts”, about the “danger of anti-establishment” as “Greece stands on the threshold of an era of new adventures”. Opponents of the rally, journalists, analysts, government deputies and ministers, tried in every way to discourage people from participating, because then the participants would turn into an object of exploitation by the “populists”, with the result that “the new division” would have disastrous consequences for “democracy and institutions”, “stability” and the “hard-won normalcy”, while also hiding “national dangers”.
Social media accounts modified the poster of the “Tempi 2023” association calling for non-participation in the rallies. In the original poster there is only one word: “justice”. In the modified one, it reads “I will not go, I trust justice”
Efforts to weaken the rallies of 28th of February and to consolidate the climate of terrorrism continued with prosecution orders for criminal investigation and persecutions against “online incitement to commit violent riots”, but also announcements about policing, preventive prosecutions, arrests and “zero tolerance” by the 6,000 police officers who will monitor the protesters.
And yet, all of these designs failed miserably.
As we were emphasising recently, the “return to normalcy” was set as a common ground for the political system, whether it was promoted as a project of anti-left orientation or as an anti-right political project, with the reconstruction of the “progressive faction”. But the vision of a “return to normalcy” has faded, and it is no longer persuasive, as it is no longer persuasive the kind of logic of “the glass is half-full, not half-empty” or “certainties” of an unbroken general opposition and aversion in the social sphere to new “adventures and instability”. As we wrote shortly before the elections in the summer of 2023, the “new normal”, however, symbolises further social inertia for its left- and right-wing creators and for the securing of social peace. They are counting their chickens before they are hatched. Neither the benefits, nor the micro-amenities, nor the “beautification” of the health and labour system, nor the family ministries and the digital “paradises” promised by Mitsotakis’ state can hide the reality.
For this very reason, the ivory tower of the current administrators of state affairs is proving to be very fragile, while at the same time the next most “suitable” administrator after Mitsotakis emerging is “Nobody”, according to a number of polls, reaching the same level of social denial and questioning of parties, institutions and politics as that recorded in the years of the crisis, especially in 2010-2012. We have to repeat here that the left, socially discredited and exhausted in its capacity of assimilation, is suffocating and is unable to mobilise even its few members and its bored followers, let alone to exploit a social anger that remains politically unsupervised.
According to Max Weber, the emergence of the “charismatic” leader presupposes the manifestation of “crisis”: “The charismatic leadership […] always appears in extraordinary, especially political or economic, circumstances, in unusual mental, especially religious, situations, or when the above coexist”. So, in times of “crisis”, the “charismatic leader” appears as the “called-for”, that is, the one who is “called” to help, the “comforter”, with “extraoridnary” duties, and with “extraordinary” mission. Let’s not forget that today’s political caricature, called Tsipras, wore exactly this mantle of the “unparalleled” and “charismatic” leader in monents of “crisis” and greate collective “over-agitation”, while also demanding blind obedience and loyalty of the subjects to the “mission” he embodied.
Mitsotakis emerged in 2019 again as a “called-for” leader, that is, as a technocratic politician, who dominated by stepping on the evolving political disintegration of the ruling left, appearing as the “only one”, and therefore as the “charismatic” one, who could wield the “new normalcy” and even through a global exposure.
On 16-5-2022, an article in the German newspaper Handlesbatt stressed that Mitsotakis will become the first Greek prime minister to address the US Congress and “will do everything to distinguish himself as a trusted partner of the alliance”. In early September 2024, Mitsotakis receives the Global Citizen Award from the Atlantic Council think tank (American think tank in the field of international affairs, favoring Atlanticism and founded in 1961 based in Washington). The Atlantic Council, it should be noted, has as its founding objective and mission to encourage the continuation of cooperation between North America and Europe, which began after World War II. The prize was awarded to Mr. Mr Mitsotakis by the chief executive of Pfizer Albert Bourla, who described the Greek prime minister as “a visionary champion of a new era of economic prosperity, a leader committed to his country, who has won the trust of the Greek people. A humble leader, whose re-election has shown that he keeps his political promises, while having the respect of the world’s leaders.”
Since then it seems as if a century has passed!
The change of administration in the US, the developments in Ukraine, the fragmentation of interests within the so-called collective West, and even the questioning of the usefulness of NATO by the American “friends”, seem to place the current managers of state affairs in the Greek space, rather, on the wrong side of international relations. Moreover, the “right side of history” in these terms has been judged in every historical period, and even more so in the current broader period, in which the post-war order of things is changing dramatically.
As we have already described, the crushing failure of the orchestrated campaign against the 28th of February demonstration proved to be more than monumental. All the methods used to slander the demonstration and its participants were not enough to prevent or even mitigate the earthquake, which was recorded by the largest Metapolitefsi gatherings in Greece, a total of 262, as well as 124 demonstrations in European cities, Turkey, the USA, Australia and even Mexico, Japan and South Korea.
In Athens, an unprecedented influx of protesters began at 9:15 a.m., with the area around Syntagma Square already flooded by 11 a.m. Hundreds of thousands of protesters continued to approach the city centre from many areas of Attica, flooding Patision, Vasilissis Sophias from the height of Ilision, Syngrou from the height of the Acropolis metro and then, the main avenues and streets, Vas. Amalisas, Vas. Sophias, Panepistimiou, Akadimias and Stadiou. For many hours almost all the central districts of Exarcheia, Kolonaki, Victoria, Clathmonos Square, Omonoia and of course Syntagma remained suffocatingly crowded.
Around 1:00 p.m. and while the speeches were over, hundreds of protesters launched a fierce attack on the Parliament and against the repressive forces in the courtyard area, with Molotov cocktails, stones, marbles, smoke grenades, as well as metallic and other objects. Protesters were also setting fire to a compartment of the Evzones regiment. Violent attacks against the forces of repression continued for hours, in scattered locations around Syntagma Square, along the entire length of Vas. Amalias Avenue, which resembled a quarry, on the Sygrou Avenue, through the columns of Olympian Zeus, in Kallirois, in Panepistimiou, in Stadiou, around Omonoia, up to Patisia.
In total, both in the prevention phase and during the attacks, the repressive forces detained 220 people, of which 73 turned into arrests with dozens of protesters being referred for criminal acts, while dozens of injuries were recorded among protesters and police officers.
Rallying of Anarchists
Posted in ΔΙΑΔΡΟΜΗ ΕΛΕΥΘΕΡΙΑΣ [ROUTE OF FREEDOM], issue 257, March 2025