Life and death on the road with the most anarchic punk band to ever come out of the Welsh valleys.
Watch video here of 2000 DS trailer
The Jackanory is going to be told
Fuck the law – Squat the lot
Life and death on the road with the most anarchic punk band to ever come out of the Welsh valleys.
Watch video here of 2000 DS trailer
The Jackanory is going to be told
Fuck the law – Squat the lot
Reality of proletarian struggle versus workerist myths
It was on June 17th, 1953. Important sectors of the proletariat rose up in East Berlin before this revolt spread all over the “German Democratic Republic” and was repressed by the intervention of the Red Army (red with insurgent proletarians’ blood).
We will not here, in this short text, develop in detail how this movement expressed itself. We only insist on drawing the main forces and weaknesses, which historically recur from one struggle to another despite the particular conditions that make emerging such a struggle at a place and a moment, and not at others. Our goal is not to tell a story but to draw programmatic lessons from previous struggles for the future insurrections. Nevertheless, we invite comrades to read Cajo Brendel’s booklet “1953: The Working Class Uprising In East-Germany” (which was one of many sources of inspiration) despite the fact that we have reservations about the ideological framework (i.e. councilism) of this militant and that we criticize in the course of the present text.
This uprising, some weeks after Stalin’s death, put back on the forefront of history the visceral antagonism that opposes two social classes with antagonistic and contradictory interests and programs. And this, whatever shape the bourgeoisie takes to contain proletarians. Because it’s always with force that the proletariat imposes its existence of a class which is deprived of all and its necessity to put an end to this old world, whatever the nature of the facade restoration may be or the colour (red, white, brown…) used to repaint our exploitation. At the strongest moment of the counterrevolution, whereas our enemies robbed our flags, whereas their state proclaims itself to be a “workers’” one and they pretend to manage us in the name of the “dictatorship of the proletariat” (which in fact never existed and was replaced by their dictatorship over the proletariat), it’s the internal contradictions of the social relation that make class struggles re-emerging. Continue reading “June 1953 – Proletarian uprising in East Germany”
“There are many people today who see that modern society is heading toward disaster in one form or another, and who moreover recognize technology as the common thread linking the principal dangers that hang over us… ”
T.J.Kaczynski, Anti-Tech Revolution: Why and How
Kaczynski will be looked back as one of the individuals who tried to do what they could to hasten the demise of techno-industrialism. Years without the chance to interact with the natural world and wilderness that he tried to defend, walking only in brutal concrete yards and without any chance to escape to the wild, the existent collapse and horror we are living in today and which only a small elite are profiting from, serves to vindicate this incredible man and stands as it falls – a bewildering and tragic testament to Ted Kacznski’s vision, warning and courage. Vengeance for the comrade. For the end of the machine world.
Dark Nights
From La Nemesi:
It is with grief that we learn of the death–a few hours ago, on June 10–of Ted Kaczynski, an inmate in U.S. maximum security prisons since 1996. We publish some words from fellow anarchists.
More rational words will surely come out shortly. Now as anarchists we feel compelled to break the news of the death of revolutionary prisoner Ted Kaczynski. We mourn this passing and will add his name to the list of our revenge, continuing to weave the black thread of our paths of denial.
Starting today, the Ears and Eyes project is now hosted by the Counter-Surveillance Resource Center (CSRC). The present website will not be updated anymore. The new address is:
This new website has a modern design, is easier for us to update and brings advanced search features to our database, allowing you to filter and search through our 100 cases of surveillance devices hidden by law enforcement and intelligence agencies.
Feel free to check out CSRC’s other projects, including their database of resources on targeted surveillance and their Threat Library (a threat modeling tool for anarchists).
As usual, you can get in touch with us if you have feedback, criticisms or information to give us. We also welcome translations in any languages. You can now contact us at CSRC’s email address – – or use our old address if you prefer.
Source: Ears and Eyes
Political tribute of the imprisoned member of Anarchist Action Thanos Chatziangelou on the 47th anniversary of the murder of RAF fighter Ulrike Meinhof.
Protest is when I say I don’t like this. Resistance is when I put an end to what I don’t like.
Ulrike Meinhof
9 May 1976
RAF fighter Ulrike Meinhof is murdered in Stammheim solitary confinement. This is preceded by the murder of hunger striker Holger Meins, who was constantly subjected to force-feeding, and a year later Andreas Baader, Gudrun Ensslin and Jan-Carl Raspe are murdered in Stammheim solitary confinement cells, and Ingrid Schubert is murdered in Stadelheim.
The fighter Ulrike Meinhof was a revolutionary, flesh and blood of the armed anti-imperialist struggle, born and died on the path of contributing to the struggle for individual and collective liberation. She abandoned legitimacy during action to free the imprisoned revolutionary Andreas Baader and became an organizational member of the first generation of the Red Army Faction.
She was a charismatic person who balanced theory through practice, playing a leading role in both the theoretical formulation of the RAF’s ideological and political line, without ever leaving the operational field of armed metropolitan resistance. It was a key part of those initiatives that carried the legacy of the Latin American guerrilla movements on their backs, building the armed ‘metropolitan front’ in the European centres. Who took the hostilities to the “heart of the beast”, putting solidarity into practice with the peoples of Vietnam, Palestine and the third world countries that were fired upon by the imperialist interventions of the United States.
At a time when Schmidt’s German chancellery was an imperialist centre of decision-making and operations, carrying Nazi droplets in the mechanisms of power, the flourishing of the urban guerrilla put into practical question and annulment both the regime’s omnipotence and the oppositional tolerance of imperialist crimes by the reformist left. The history of revolt and resistance was written in the blood of those tortured in the internment hellholes, those murdered in ambushes and anti-terrorist operations by the special SoKo B/M department of the Federal Criminal Investigation Service – BKA and those executed in the death wings of the sensory isolation cells.
Comrade Ulrike was just that disobedient star. Her theoretical and practical contribution to the birth of the armed struggle in Germany and the unification of the resistances in Europe and the Middle East categorized her as a central target for elimination in the BKA’s lists. From slandering her political integrity and standing, to spreading false news of her death while she was struggling in an illegal regime, to her exterminating treatment in the isolation of the dead ward, the social democratic chancellery initiated Ulrike’s execution in the Stammheim hellhole, citing the obviousness of suicide. Indeed, state revanchism was not content with Ulrike’s death, desecrating her dead body when it removed her brain in secret to conduct investigations.
Revolutionary history is written in blood and gunpowder. In this history, personalities like Ulrike and the other RAF comrades are taken out of the matrix of the class struggle for social liberation. They stand unscathed, translucent through time like the brightest stars, with the same integrity that challenges and denigrates the monopoly of tyranny. The life and death of comrades and comrades like Ulrike are a cry to the rebellious hearts that yearn for the enduring revolutionary necessity, deafeningly declaring themselves to their persecutors: I was, am and will be.
Honour to our comrades Ulrike Meinhof, Gudrun Ensslin, Holger Meins, Andreas Baader, Ingrid Schubert who were murdered in the sensory isolation cells by the German state.
Honour to our comrades Petra Schelm, Georg Von Rauch, Thomas Weissbecker, Katharina Hammerschmidt, Ulrich Wessel, Siegfried Hausner, Werner Sauber, Brigitte Kuhlmann, Wilfriend Böse, Willi-Peter Stoll, Michael Knoll, Elisabeth Von Dyck, Juliane Plambeck, Wolfgang Beer, Sigurd Debus, Johannes Thimme, Jürgen Peemoller, Ina Zipman, Gert Albartus, Wolfgang Grams who dedicated their lives to the anti-imperialist struggle for liberation through the ranks of the German urban guerrilla .
“Behind all of us lies a common history – we will meet again on the unknown and complicated paths of liberation.”
Thanos Chatziangelou, captured member of the Anarchist Action Organization
C’ Wing, Larissa Prison
Source: athens.indymedia
Received & transmitted:
On Thursday April 27 as affinities we broke into the normal functioning of the university citizenship of the UAHC to celebrate the day of the paco in the way we like the most: with street violence. We set up a barricade of debris to interrupt the Condell traffic and thus invoke the bastards to fight them with Molotov cocktails. While we waited, we set fire to the electricity pole of a surveillance camera located at Obispo Salas and Condell. In this context, the response of the ratis2 was not long in coming; helmets, shotguns, bullet-proof vests and a shield were timidly placed outside their gate to intimidate and provoke our action. Unfortunately, we did not take the bait and waited for the police onslaught in order to fight back in a more optimal way, not as a sign of cowardice towards the ratis (we always went straight at them, even provoking them with a couple of Molotovs on the ground and stones), but knowing that if we attacked them directly, they would unleash an onslaught of shots and the panic could have caused a worse accident given the crowd of people in the street.
In this context, the wait for the police onslaught took almost two hours, which exacerbated the spirits of several of us. During this wait, a citizen-cop threatened us in a stupid and naive way with the intention of hitting us. A brief scuffle broke out and ended with his precious car out of service thanks to a Molotov that set fire to the driver’s seat of the car. We are not ashamed to attack the material goods of those who try to act as police without wearing a uniform; they more than deserve it.
After two hours of long and tedious waiting, the guanaco3 located at Condell and Providencia begins to advance while from Rancagua and Condell another guanaco also advances, trying to make a “trap” strategy. It is at this moment when we launched a couple of Molotovs, which triggered the advance of the ratis, covering themselves with the guanaco to proceed to execute about 9 shots, which left a person from the university wounded in his skull.
After this offensive, we continued the confrontation with Molotov cocktails inside the vicinity of the university. It is at that moment when the guanaco threw water directly into the face of a student.
Apart from any useless victimhood, we know that in the face of our inflammatory provocation they will do the impossible to see us imprisoned/dead; we are proud enemies of power and we are consistent with that, our lives are always open to the possibility of jail or death. Moreover, we also know that these events occur in this way because the precious government of the progressive bourgeoisie has given unlimited guarantees to its forces of order, all this under the neo-fascist rhetoric of “citizen security”. The trigger-happy law does nothing more than evidence the political crisis of progressivism and the unrestricted union of the entire political class. The progressive sector has not been able to repress subversion under the counterinsurgency mechanisms of social democracy (recuperation, democratization, grassroots politicking, etc.) and has given ground to the rhetoric of punitive populism, which leaves them only one option to safeguard their reputation: self-perpetuate at gunpoint.
It should be noted that, in addition, during this day simultaneous confrontations occurred at the Liceo Barros Borgoño (with a compa run over by the cops), Liceo 1 (with several detainees), INBA, Liceo de Aplicación, the former Pedagógico (where the cops attacked entering the university), among other establishments that were also occupied after the riots.
In relation to all that happened during that day, it is worth reflecting on the means of attack that we use in the face of the armed threat of the police in the context of trigger-happy behavior. We know that the police have always shot at us at random, however, this cannot remain just an inconsequential chant that says “all the bullets will be returned” while standing idly by. It is our certainty that those bullets do not return on their own and that when they least expect it we return them with ferocity and that in those moments they exhibit all their cowardice when they see us armed… Yes, this is also a threat.
It is time to study new means, new objectives, to qualify the attack, to strike harder and harder and to be unpredictable and invisible to the eyes of power. In a self-critical way we think that if we have to make incendiary exits we cannot only arm ourselves with Molotov bombs, paint or stones. It is necessary that our offensive puts their miserable lives at risk and that they feel the taste of blood in their mouths. Enough of raising banners waiting for them to stop shooting and killing us and let’s take arms into our hands not only in the peripheries of the city, but also in the heart of the metropolis; without leadership, without platforms, without vanguards, without leaders, informally and among like-minded individuals to unleash the anarchic war against all the existent.
For these reasons and more, we call for the multiplication of anarchic urban guerrilla actions throughout the world, making an Internationalist Call for a BLACK MAY in memory of comrade Mauricio Morales and in solidarity with Mónica Caballero and Francisco Solar as their oral trial is about to begin on May 19. We leave you these words to be spread around all the black threads of the world, dedicated to those who have ears to hear them, minds to reflect and hearts to take action and explode in rebellion.
Today again we hope you can feel the warmth of our words. We thank you for inviting us to share our feelings and reflections. Autumn has arrived and with it comes that mixture of nostalgia, rage, regret… among other emotions that well up in every young combatant and that day by day leads us to embrace our ideas and act coherently with them. If we are gathered here today, we agree that we must continue to nurture this historical and combative memory that we share among different warriors antagonistic to the system. Generations of fighters have made the streets and towns barricades of confrontation against the police, remembering Eduardo, Rafael, Paulina, Norma, Pablo, Araceli… And all those young fighters who committed their lives to fight against the dictatorship. More than 30 years have passed since their bodies perished but not their convictions, their ideas, their love for freedom. All these young people seeded rebellion and today we continue to learn from their successes and mistakes, every autumn we meet again, to observe ourselves, to contrast our realities, to analyze the disastrous context in which we live and although our present is very bitter we continue to resist. From different trenches our spirit continues committed to this struggle, for decades this flame has not been extinguished and every time a young rebel throws himself with his actions into the infinite abyss of the anarchic, subversive, nihil or insurrectional struggle it means that we correspond to those warriors who left us.
We cannot fail to remember through these words our everlasting compañera Luisa. Within these walls we always strengthen our fortitude with numerous memories and/or scenarios that our comrades live or have faced. Luisa is that weychafe woman who inspired and incited many young rebels to continue fighting, she moved us with her words as well as many times she was there with us in the midst of burning tires. In here our thoughts live a chaotic back and forth, but what has made us unbreakable has been the seed that people like Luisa have left us. Only in us is the way to not undermine, we decay, but we must continue standing. The seeds that Luisa left us are an inexhaustible source, as well as those left to us by her family who have never given up their struggle. Today we are transforming the prison into our barricade. The confrontation here is constant, not only with the prisoners, because sometimes the worst policemen are those who wear the cap in their hearts. Luisa urged us to learn from each of our experiences, to not leave or abandon each other, to leave superficial differences aside, because a huge machine is trying to crush us. In prison everything that we detest and repudiate is gathered and intertwined. In spite of everything we continue to use every tool at our disposal, attentive to every breaking point to slip away and break the isolation and silence. Every morning we remind ourselves of who we are, we will not let confinement rot our roots and rob us of our essence. We remember all our fallen comrades with love and rage. Permanently their spirit emerges wildly against every wretched institution, against every wretched authoritarian. None of you is forgotten, neither those who left us nor those who today are held captive in prisons around the globe. We embrace each one of you, as well as each family who lost their child in combat, each one of them lives in our restless minds and hands. Neither jail nor death will stop the permanent confrontation. In memory of all the fallen and their families.
With love, Tomas and Mawvnkho.
Source: Publicacion Refractario
Words by Mónica Caballero
Luisa Toledo’s persistence in the beautiful exercise of remembrance was probably one of the triggering factors that made us know and commemorate today the murder of Rafael and Eduardo Vergara Toledo by the police and at the same time that this day became the moment in which we evoke all the fallen young combatants.
It is difficult to separate the small and strong figure of Luisa from March 29th, I see in her resilience forged in the immense pain for the loss of her children, as the substrate that has nourished the path of the generations of young fighters of yesterday, today and tomorrow, who continue and will continue to confront domination in its different forms.
Comrades like the mother of the Vergara Toledo brothers leave us multiple teachings, which can be felt in practice, in their example. An example that shows us that no matter how many blows you receive, you can always get up and that scars heal better among comrades and that they are worthy of pride.
With our pains and our dead we continue in the persistent combative memory.
No one is forgotten
Vergara Toledo Brothers
Luisa Toledo Pte!
Mónica Caballero S.
Anarchist Prisoner
The pyromaniac at the Élysée Palace set the fire. In Nantes, as throughout France, spontaneous calls against the 49-3 brought tens of thousands of people together within a few hours. It was no longer about pensions, but about the “revolution” that was sung in chorus in the demonstration marches.
In Nantes, the repressive apparatus that has terrorized the city for months was caught off guard this time: even with all its grenades, it could not quell the rage.
For several hours, dozens of barricades burned throughout the city center. The whole heart of Nantes smells of burnt plastic and tear gas, but it’s a boost of oxygen: finally, people are raising their heads.
Various shop windows of capitalist businesses are smashed. The CRS1 assaults are kept at bay by impressive fireworks. Many trade unionists hold the street together with the youth. In the Rue de Strasbourg, the BAC2 has to flee under the throwing of Molotov cocktails. A huge fire softens the asphalt. The city center belongs to the demonstrators! Several marches move in different places in a yellow vest atmosphere. In the alleys of Bouffay, you no longer know who is demonstrating and who is coming out of the bars, because “everyone hates the police”. There is singing on the terraces. Luxury boutiques and flagships of multinationals are cleared. Until 1 a.m., the forces of order cannot move without being insulted from everywhere. At 11 p.m., a fire is still burning on the Cours des 50 Otages, and demonstrators are driven away by volleys of grenades. After midnight, the Rue de Strasbourg is still blocked, torn up and torn up again, and littered with projectiles for hundreds of meters. The word “revenge” is written in red letters on a wall.
As soon as the French state does not march several dozen militarized squadrons in our city, as soon as the union leaders do not organize the “dangerous route” requested by the prefecture, the anger of Nantes can finally unleash the full potential of its force. And the numbers don’t matter much, because this night of barricades will have made more noise than the eight previous, well-supervised processions with their tens of thousands of people. Rennes, Nantes, Paris, Marseille or Lyon, the fire is spreading.
After canceling a trip to the Gironde region, Gérald Darmanin (Minister of the Interior) convened all prefects of France this morning for a video conference on the “social situation”. Four more years with Macron are unthinkable for everyone. The calls for an “inter-union” day in a week seem ridiculous. After this night of rage, we should act without delay.
This report on the spontaneous revolt in Nantes on March 16 after the French government imposed its “pension reform” by decree (49.3) appeared on Contre Attaque on 17.32023.
Found on bonustracks.blackblogs
Source: Kontrapolis
DN Notes
1. CRS, Compagnies républicaines de sécurité. The CRS are a civilian corps (unlike the gendarmes, who are military), trained in anti-insurrection and antiriot techniques.
2. BAC, Brigade anti-criminalité. Plain clothes cops, identifiable in riot/protest situations by their orange arm bands. Used regulary in so called “sensitive areas” such as housing estates (banlieues) or economically poor or even migrant neighborhoods.