Category: Library
‘Without Delay’ – Michela Ortu and Pierleone Porcu
Tired of being an island within the island: We are breaking the silence!
‘Down the mask. – The time is always ripe to get rid of injustice when injustice exists. – Do you wait for the man to be back on his feet before raising him up again? – That will be the moment to give him help? – Or when he is lying down? Or when the assailant is on top of him? Or when he asks you for help?’
Carlo Cafiero
What is our struggle. What is our life.
In the present totalitarian democratic regime, the multitudes of excluded thrown to the edges of this global society are rendered invisible, useless, left to themselves because they are considered the inevitable “waste” of the highly specialized technological/capitalist production. And just as many are those who, exploited and oppressed, are suspended on the edge of the abyss and plodding on the slopes of the system that makes them chronic medical cases and infantilises them in the oppressive network of laws and assistance-dependency for life by the booming business of the “tertiary sector” that makes them outcasts of blackmail and misery, distrustful of each other, in the contest for crumbs.
The most striking outcome of this incessant seesaw of economic, social, moral, cultural, sentimental etc. obscenities is that, between compulsory servitude and involuntary servitude, the most widespread practice between exploitation and oppression becomes the breakdown into individual categories, dispossessed of oneself and crumbling among millions of particles upon which hordes of vampires parasitize and fatten themselves to the point of their total cancellation.
Thus, under the weight of authority, religions, unbridled consumerism and subservience to the bitter end, hosts of workers, unemployed, migrants and excluded of all kinds of give up fighting, they cowardly accept to barter their dignity and, slaves of their own ignorance and opportunism, albeit discriminated against and humiliated on the one hand in turn reproduce discrimination and constant humiliation on the other; completely dependent on and addicted to delegating, they even feel proud to claim the “subjects’ freedom” of being allowed to decide who should be elected in the government of the day; and having internalized authority to such a point, at every turn appeal to so-called State security, the institutions, the rule of law, the courts, the cops, judges, politicians, religious leaders, psychiatrists, social workers, voluntary work of every kind etc., in the illusory expectation and hope of being inserted by and into the system if thrown out, or become integrated if they are not yet settled.
Rather than react by violently rebelling against the blackmail, humiliation and abuses suffered every day on their skin and against the devastation and the poisoning of their territories, they give the bosses and rulers in power their life in exchange for work and security in exchange for freedom and, under the hallucinating expectation of an unlikely “class collaboration” with their oppressors, delegate, as well as to the politicians, the same bosses and capitalists, the changing of their own destiny, not giving a shit, among other things, if they themselves are contributing, with their so-called “work” to producing poisons, bombs, repression, destruction and death. Continue reading “‘Without Delay’ – Michela Ortu and Pierleone Porcu”
France: [Zine] History and context of the struggle in Bure
Source: Bure Bure Bure
Here is a map of the territory around Bure, with indications in the following text. It is a representation of the area, in order to better understand the different places and the high points of the struggle (Andra laboratory, the former station of Luméville, Lejuc wood, the struggle against Unitech in Joinville, the archives of Houdelaincourt, the GIP,…). The map, which is more of a bird’s eye view of reality, could be completed with other more precise documents, for a more refined vision of the territory. What was important to us here was the space left to the text.
The struggle in Bure has been going on for almost 25 years, and in order to have a more complete vision of the past years, the second part of the zine is a chronology of the struggle against Cigéo. The two parts go together, but can also be read separatly. This is why historical sequences can be redundant from time to time (Lejuc wood and 2016-2017, for example).
As with any written perception of the territory and past events, this is a subjective (although collective) vision, a kind of tool, a mean. It should not be taken for granted and is only willing to be criticized, confronted with other opinions or testimonies.
The present zine is also available in French, German and Italian.
On this beautiful pompous verbiage, we wish you a nice reading session (and more if desired) against Cigéo!
Summury :
The ANDRA’s Laboratory
La Maison de Résistance à la Poubelle Nucléaire
The Lejuc wood
The former station of Luméville-en-Ornois
In Froncles (42 km to the lab) : POMA, subcontractor of CIGEO
In Joinville (22 km to the lab) : UNITECH, another example of territory’s nuclearization
The GIP’s funding
The SAFER of land, forest and building grabbing
1) 1987-2000 : Where will be the storage site that nobody wants ?
2) 2000-2014 : Early years in Bure
3) 2014-2015 : Bure is not just a Meuse and Haute-Marne problem!
4) 2016-2017 : occupation of the Lejuc wood and agricultural resistance
5) 2017-2019 : repression on opponents intensifies
6) 2019-nowadays
7) Today’s issues : 2021 and the risk of acceleration for Cigéo’s project
Page by page format – zine format
Avis de tempêtes #43-44
Avis de tempêtes – bulletin anarchiste pour la guerre sociale n°43-44 (juillet-août 2021) est sorti. Pour lire, imprimer et diffuser ce petit bulletin autour de soi (il est en format A5, et celui-ci fait 24 pages), on pourra retrouver chaque nouveau numéro tous les 15 du mois, ainsi que les précédents, sur le blog :
“A l’heure où dans le monde entier, les conséquences de l’avancée folle de la machine industrielle et technologique se font ressentir chaque jour davantage, où les changements climatiques induits par l’industrialisation pourraient bien inaugurer des scénarios inouïs qui risquent de reconfigurer drastiquement les assises de la domination, la lutte mapuche dans un coin « perdu » du monde où des habitants et habitantes porteurs de façons de vivre antagonistes avec le capitalisme et l’étatisme se battent pour chaque mètre accaparé et exploité par des entreprises et l’État, peut avoir une signification qui dépasse le territoire du Wallmapu.
Philadephia, USA: New Issue of Anathema Volume 7 Issue 5
Volume 7 Issue 5 (PDF for reading 8.5×11)
Volume 7 Issue 5 (PDF for printing 11×17)
In the issue:
What Went Down
Hunger Strikes
Chilean Models
On Noise Demos
Brooklyn Center Riot Interview
Ecodefense Roundup
Everything Will Go
Progressives Refund Police
Fires At Ford For Floyd Uprising
PDF: August 2011 Revolt – Anarchy in the UK
“Now a hostile minority of unmanageable and nihilistic ‘internal enemies’ stands against a society of consumers and citizens who have internalised the system and whose socialised group-think is an endless closed circuit of obedience (of course including the political Left, most “anarchists” and eco activists, in the UK at least).
In fact the August insurrection showed up the majority of UK “anarchists” and “revolutionaries” as cowardly citizens who though they like to whine and complain about the “evils” of the world, are fundamentally content as passive slaves. Currently most UK “anarchists” appear happily bitter simply tagging along behind state socialists and liberals as the impotent “good conscience’’ and/or the “rowdy margin’’ who wear black and use swear words. This is pathetic. Speaking the language of politics, of creating a reasonable and programmatic anarchist project, the result is an anarchism that’s neither fish nor fowl. Failing both as political pragmatics and as anarchic rebellion, civil anarchism limps along sadly. The idea that reasonable ideas of social transformation are what draw people to rebel is totally false, although it does draw leftists and liberals to the political philosophy “anarchism” who generally remain such though calling themselves anarchists. I have never had any non-political friends or acquaintances EVER be interested in the boring dribbling of “social anarchism‘’ but many who have been interested by anarchism as an extreme position of proud revolt. “Talking serious to the people”generally means churning out sub-leftist rhetoric thatfails as political leftism because it is unrealistic and fails as anarchic agitation because it doesn’t break with the certainties of society. Leftism has proved to be a social force for improving existing society in terms of the rate and conditions of exploitation, acting as a barrier to the excesses of the elite in highly industrialised and post-industrial societies, while acting as a vanguard of the capitalist mode of production in non-industrialised and semi-industrialised areas. Leftism (including leftist anarchism) is an expression of social struggle over the terms of social oppression. The point is to create insurrectional openings, lines of flight beyond normality that go beyond representation and mediation, which broaden the destruction necessary to free ourselves (or at least to satisfy our desire for revenge and moments of liberation).”
– ‘No Future, Just Vengeance’
Nevermore – An Anarchist Journal of Heresy and Thoughtcrime
EN: Nevermore – An Anarchist Journal of Heresy and Thoughtcrime
The monstrous Black Volcano which has loomed and leered menacingly over Happy City since it was founded has finally erupted.
Vast rivers of lava are streaming down the mountain slopes towards the human settlement and ash is already beginning to rain on the rooftops. It is only a matter of time before a pyroclastic cloud scorches instant death onto the people or the molten rock pours into the narrow streets and kills everyone.
But in the city there is complete calm. Reassured by the King’s insistence that they are in no danger and that the volcano is not actually erupting at all, the city folk are going about their everyday lives. Goods are bought and sold, meals prepared and eaten, couples married and children educated.
There was a brief moment of confusion when it was discovered that the Happy City authorities had cut down every single tree in the Great Gardens in order to build a massive wooden fence on the northern limits.
But rumours that this was designed to hide from view the erupting Black Volcano were soon dismissed as malicious paranoid fantasies, as the King explained that it was a completely necessary step to protect his people from blood-thirsty foreign pirates and smugglers.
And so, as certain extinction draws ever closer, the people of the Happy City keep bustling around, making money, gossiping, squabbling over the petty details of their lives and reporting to the Official Inquisitor any citizen seen to be sniffing suspiciously at the sulphur-laden air, cocking an alert ear to the distant rumbling or trying to peer through the gaps in the Great Anti-Crime Fence in order to see if the lava is close.
Welcome to Dystopia 2021.
Get in touch:
France: Nyctalopes
If there is one open secret that has been going around in the world of children for decades, it is undoubtedly that which the fox confided to the Little Prince: «It is only in the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye». Would it be mere coincidence that the heart that pronounced this phrase in the middle of the last century, while not wearing the military livery, slipped easily into the journalist’s rags, for example to denounce the «republican crimes» of Spain of 1936-37 in the major nationalist newspapers? Or that as a fervent admirer of a Marshal reconciling the Frrrrench people under his rule after the debacle was rewarded with a nomination to the provisional committee of the Rassemblement pour la Révolution nationale [National Popular Rally, collaborationist under the Vichy regime] (1941)? As some pointed out later on another occasion, the most important thing in matters of official trifles is not so much to be able to refuse them as to not deserve them. On 31st October [2020], therefore, his pathetic heirs of Master 2 Security and Defence of the University of Assas were not wrong in adopting the name of Saint-Exupéry for their sixteenth promotion, recognizing in him the alliance between «literary genius and military spirit: honour, respect, courage and love of country.». Apparently, it seems the essential can sometimes leap to the eyes all the same! But let’s move on.
At this unquestionably particular time, what could an organ that despises the spirit of the barracks as much as State terrorism discern on the other hand? At first glance, between a deadly pandemic justifying authoritarian measures of all kinds, strengthening of the technological prostheses from work to school right to all relationships, the environment becoming increasingly devastated and artificial under the incessant blows of industry, or the absence of utopian horizons – that «unrealized but not unrealizable dream» as was defined by someone famous «athoricidal projectile thrown upon the pavement of the civilized» — it is true that times seem more favourable to the clouds of domination than to the social tempest. And that there would almost be enough to lose the memory of the time before, as if covid-19 had swept it all away.
Forgotten the brief start of an insurrection in Greece a little more than ten years ago, which had at the same time marked a possible in the heart of old Europe and shown the limits of lack of revolutionary perspectives that go beyond a simple riotous extension? Forgotten the possibilities opened up three years later by the various of uprisings on the other side of the Mediterranean, drowned in the blood of civil wars, crushed under the military boot or suffocated by religious and democratic sirens? Forgotten the uprising in Chile of barely a year ago, so powerful in its acts combining expropriations and massive destructions in the face of the military, but retreating at the last moment so as not to cross the threshold of the irreparable unknown, in a territory still traumatized by a ferocious past? Forgotten these recent North-American riots against the police, for once capable of overcoming the old divisions by starting to question one of the pillars of domination, without however succeeding in undermining all the others, if not through the enraged action of few minorities? Forgotten even the famous movement of the yellow vests, undoubtedly deeply linked to the demand for a better State, while being able, in the very name of its reformist postulate to regain a spontaneous taste for riot in the face of the one in place, or that of sabotage against various power structures through self-organization in diffuse small groups? Nonetheless a promising example of identification of the enemy’s structures, which did not content itself with toll booths, tax centres or radars but had, for example, also pushed exploration to the relay antennas, to the homes of elected officials or the electrical systems of industrial and commercial areas. Continue reading “France: Nyctalopes”
Lecce, Italy: Who builds prisons, who builds freedom!
“He who builds prisons expresses himself less well than he who builds freedom,” said an anarchist poet a few decades ago. And language in fact, understood as the expression of a world, is a central issue in this period, although in a reverse way to that recognized by the poet; those who build prisons are establishing a single dominant thought, while those who want to build freedom are forced into the corner, as often happens, after all. They started with confinement for everyone, then came the curfew; now the attack is directed towards those who are not vaccinated, who will be deprived of even the smallest freedoms if they are not convinced to do so. What is more frightening is the applause of the gray zone, that is the majority of citizens, especially of the left, convinced that taking away freedom is the way to solve the problems of all. If you do not align yourself with the single thought, you are considered irresponsible. It is not understood that the application of these measures will be extended gradually to all, regardless of health aspects: if you are not in compliance with what is prescribed by the State, whatever it is, you will be excluded from services and social life.
Yet the questions multiply. Why should we trust those who are using the bodies of billions of people as guinea pigs to make stratospheric profits and genetic information? Why should we trust those who created the health emergency: ignoring for years that it could occur, dismantling health care for decades, both territorial and centralized, in fact creating the conditions for the death of many people – we should remember this when we are continually clouded with numbers and we say that intensive care units are collapsing. Why should we trust those who feed a permanent war, in order to manage in a military and emergency way any problem that arises and to accept any abomination? Why should we trust those who exploit and devastate the planet, creating the conditions for epidemics to occur? The species jump has, in fact, an environmental cause. Why should we trust those who carry out criminal research in the laboratory to increase the danger of a virus? This happens and is allowed in the name of science. That science is the master of the world, accepted in a fideistic way, like an oracle. No doubts, no critical thinking, only obedience. This is the world that lies ahead. A world of digitized and medicalized slaves, without experience, without autonomy, without freedom. Unable to carry out any daily activity without the help or the imposition of a machine, an app, a device. Where it will not be the same machines to permanently replace the human being, now surplus of an economy and a world governed by computer processes and fear.
So be it.
There are not only those who build prisons. There are also those who build freedom. Who is banished, excluded, clandestine. Those who defend their autonomy, their experience, their culture, their history. Who will not be subjects, slaves, soldiers, who will not be a body to be recombined.
Who will continue to sabotage this world!
Source: Disordine
Athens, Greece: (sometimes) Truth is stranger than fiction
PDF: (sometimes) truth is stranger than fiction…
The publication “(sometimes) Truth is stranger than fiction… (positions against lockdowns, bans, the organized institutionalization of discrimination, “Operation Freedom”, enforced vaccination and the dystopia of domination)” was printed in 750 copies in July 2021 in the metropolis of Athens by the “Council for the Diffusion of Disorder”. It is distributed hand in hand, challenging the rules of “social distancing”. It is distributed in self-organized spaces of struggle and occupations without charge.
For contact:
Council for the Diffusion of Disorder
Το έντυπο «(sometimes) Truth is stranger than fiction… (θέσεις απέναντι στα lockdown,τις απαγορεύσεις, την οργανωμένη θέσμιση των διακρίσεων, την «επιχείρηση ελευθερίας», τον επιβαλλόμενο εμβολιασμό και τη δυστοπία της κυριαρχίας)» τυπώθηκε σε 750 αντίτυπα τον Ιούλιο του 2021 στην μητρόπολη της Αθήνας από το «Συμβούλιο για τη διάχυση της απειθαρχίας». Μοιράζεται χέρι με χέρι, αμφισβητώνταςτους κανόνες της «κοινωνικής αποστασιοποίησης». Διακινείται σε αυτοοργανωμένους χώρους αγώνα και καταλήψεις χωρίς αντίτιμο.
Για επικοινωνία:
Συμβούλιο για τη διάχυση της απειθαρχίας
Source: Athens IMC