The present social system cannot mitigate social inequalities, because it generates them and is built on them. It cannot eliminate wars, because it breeds wars and feeds on them. It does not care about the ecological destruction of the planet it creates.
The current social system, which has profit as its religion and ideology, is responsible for the thousands killed in labor “accidents”, the thousands of dead migrants at the borders, the millions killed by wars, hunger, water shortages.
The primary violence of Capital, the violence of exploitation, the violence of the oppressors aimed at maintaining and increasing social inequalities, the blatant contempt for the lives of the people of our Class, must be crushed.
The violence of the State and Capital is terrorizing the social base. The violence of the repressive mechanisms, the violence of poverty and unemployment, alienation, apathy and alienation.
The repressive mechanisms of the State are, especially at this juncture, the vanguard of a peculiar democratic junta that is shredding every notion of freedom and justice. It strikes at every voice of protest and resistance. The constant upgrading of the State’s legal arsenal, with the passing of ongoing and new decrees that shrink individual freedoms and collective acquis, aims to criminalize the traditional forms of resistance of the class/contest movement (demonstration, strike). At the same time, it creates conditions of preventive counter-insurgency until the final surrender of the (antagonistic movement) to the appetites of the employers, the fascists, the repressive mechanisms. The permanent bans on even the most peaceful means of protest and questioning and the crushing of those who strongly and stubbornly resist this condition is a breakthrough for the post-independence period.
The ongoing repressive attacks against striking workers, the permanent occupying police army at the universities and in the neighbourhood of Exarcheia, the unyielding attitude of the government towards the last means of struggle of political prisoners (such as the hunger strike), the constant impunity of uniformed murderers and torturers and their rewarding by the media (see the murder of Sampanis), reveal the extreme intensification of the repressive policy implemented by the modern neoliberal/police state. Continue reading “Athens, Greece: Responsibility claim for the attack on the political office of Takis Theodorikakos” →