Tag: Conspiracy of Cells of Fire
Video: Conspiracy of Cells of Fire – Phoenix Project – An account of the FAI/IRF Project ‘Phoenix’ (Black International) 2015
English subtitled version of the film giving the account of the early part of the Phoenix Project, international project of sabotage and attack with over a dozen hits in a variety of different countries.
Dedicated to Alfredo Cospito and Nicola Gai, Olga Cell FAI/IRF, who took responsibility for the laming of CEO Roberto Adinolfi of Ansaldo Nucleare.
“We are here, where everything starts now.”
The Project of ‘Phoenix’ is the unfolding of a hidden map marking one of the routes to the Atlantis of practical theory. An unknown and lost continent that exists beyond the edges of the burning cities of the interzone. Created through action, dialogue and ideas and organised informally with anarchic principles of permanent autonomous attack, revolutionary solidarity and internationalism. A sequence of attacks by different radical direct action groups around the world, breaking the silence of isolation and striking back again against the prison societies of the techno-industrial system.
The imprisoned members of CCF are charged with instigation for the attacks, Spyros Mandylas and Andreas Tsavdaridis were arrested and charged for act #4 in the project, sending a parcel-bomb to the former commander of the anti-terrorist agency, Dimitris Xorianopoulos, whilst Christos Rodopoulos is reportedly accused of the mailing of the parcel bomb to Dimitris Mokkas, chief prosecutor in the CCF case, as act #6.
The Phoenix project is now renewed through the 2015 attacks in Chile, Czech Republic and Greece, with the comrades within the territory of Czech Republic initiating the campaign “Let’s destroy repression“. The story of the Phoenix continues to be written…
Source: 325
DN Note: Eternal gratitude to the comrade who sent a copy of the English version of video our way that dissapeared from cyberspace.
Below we translate the article from the reposting of the Spanish version of the video that inspired us to repost the English version.
Nothing is over, everything continues…
(2013) Proyecto Fénix, video
Extraído desde otras páginas de contrainformación. El video en griego fue publicado en el año 2013 y traducido a diferentes idiomas en los años posteriores. Recordar que actualmente todxs los miembrxs de la Conspiración de Células del Fuego se encuentran en la calle, los compañeros Alfredo Cospito y Nicola Gai permanecen encarcelados en Italia y nueamente condenados por atentados explosivos de hace varios años atrás.
Puedes leer más acerca del juicio por Proyecto Fénix en Publicación Refractario.
PROYECTO FÉNIX (traducido al español, 2015)
El “Proyecto Fénix” nace como un gesto solidario dedicado a Alfredo Cospito y Nicola Gai, del “Núcleo Olga FAI/FRI” que asumió la responsabilidad del ataque armado contra Roberto Adinolfi, empresario nuclear de “Ansaldo Nucleare”, y además como una iniciativa internacional de ataque, comenzando en Grecia con la colocación de un artefacto explosivo contra la Directora de la Prisión de Korydallos.
La expansión de las acciones enmarcadas dentro del proyecto se desarrolla a lo largo y ancho de distintos territorios donde la práctica insurreccional pasa de la teoría a la acción, en absoluta consecuencia con las palabras de quienes se declaran en Guerra contra toda Autoridad y el Poder. A su vez, es un incandescente foco revolucionario que insta al diálogo y al debate entre distintos individuxs organizadxs de manera informal y difusa que dan forma al ataque permanente y minoritario.
La práctica del internacionalismo anárquico es uno de los cimientos del proyecto, es el momento donde el ataque autónomo encuentra un campo en común que une, nutre y potencia distintas realidades y tensiones, apuntando y calibrando en su alma la persiste confrontación contra lo existente.
Cada instancia de sabotaje y acción insurrecta coordinada en el Proyecto Fénix, significa asumir una proyección de lucha y combate que desafía sin tregua ni misericordia la paz del orden ciudadano, haciendo entender que cada sitio es un punto de conflicto, y que la expansión del ataque solo depende de nuestras capacidades y voluntades.
En ésta versión del video agregamos el resto de acciones desde el Noveno Acto (México) hasta el Catorceavo Acto (Reino Unido), que siguieron dando forma y pulso al proyecto durante el 2014. Durante el año 2015 se han realizado tres acciones enmarcadas dentro de esta iniciativa internacional de ataque, en Grecia el grupo “Anarquía Combativa FAI/FRI” reivindica un ataque incendiario contra oficinas de Microsoft, en República Checa la “Célula Poesía del Fuego FAI/FRI” asume la responsabilidad de un ataque incendiario contra un vehículo policial e inician la campaña “Vamos a destruir la represión”, mientras que en Chile un artefacto incendiario es activado en una sede de explotación animal y es reivindicado por la “Célula Anarquista de Ataque Incendiario “Fuego y Conciencia” FAI/FRI”.
Durante las últimas detenciones en Grecia, la policía vincula a Christos Rodopoulos con el paquete bomba enviado a Dimitris Mokkas, fiscal encargado del caso Conspiración de Células del Fuego, y continúa la investigación y el proceso contra los compañeros Spyros Mandylas y Andreas Tsavdaridis, que fueron detenidos y acusados de participar en el envío del paquete bomba contra Dimitris Xorianopoulos. Ambas acciones enmarcadas dentro del proyecto, acto seis y cuatro respectivamente.
Enviamos nuestra absoluta complicidad y hermandad con lxs compañerxs de la Conspiración de Células del Fuego en Grecia, saludamos la victoria de su huelga de hambre, y la permanente actitud de confrontación frente al carcelero, sin ceder ni un centímetro ni doblegándose ante la Autoridad. A la compañera Anggeliki Spyropoulou, que pese a las avanzadas represivas se mantiene digna y de frente al enemigo.
DN Note: Unfortunatly the English translation of the Project Phoenix video has dissapeared from the Internet. We would appreciate any copies that anyone may have to be sent to us or to communicate with us if anyone is willing to translate the subs, even create a new English version.
(2011) ‘The Sun Still Rises’ – Conspiracy of Cells of Fire
Knowledge chooses its project,
each project is new and chooses its moments,
each moment is new, but simultaneously emerges from
the memory of all the moments that existed before— The Interior of the Absolute
1. The Beginning
The Fire Cells Conspiracy revolutionary organization didn’t begin its activity from out of nowhere. It wasn’t as if a straight line had cut through space and time. It was a future crying out from the past. The Conspiracy comprised a collective synthesis, connecting the backgrounds and viewpoints of all who participated in it and drawing valuable conclusions from past experiences of subversive projects and attacks we took part in.
It represented our desire to take a step further, not to climb some ladder of informal hierarchy that fetishizes violence and its methods, but to simply advance, move forward, and explore new perspectives, making the shift from a “bunch of friends” to an organization, from the sporadic to the consistent, from the spontaneous to the strategic.
Along the way, we assumed a critical stance toward the past, but we never went out of our way to be hostile. We are anarchy’s misfits, born from its potent moments and gaping voids. Additionally, the goal of critique and self-critique is not to put an end to something, but just the opposite: it’s an aspiration to evolve something. The fact that we’re not going to elaborate a corresponding critical review right now doesn’t mean we’re afraid to recognize our mistakes. Rather, it’s because that kind of examination is better served by distance and cool nerves than by impulse.
During no phase of our brief, intense history did we lose our collective memory of the anarchist milieu we come from. We also feel we discovered something we have in common with comrades who began the struggle before us, engaged in their own battles, were arrested and imprisoned, but never lowered their heads. We discovered the unrepentant passion for revolution that connects histories and realities of struggle from different decades in a shared context of individual and collective liberation.
In that context, we forged our own alphabet. Speaking the language of direct action, we openly raised the issue of creating organized infrastructure. As anarchists, we often distance ourselves from the concept of organization because we equate it with hierarchy, roles, specialization, “you must,” and obligations. However, words acquire the meanings given by the people who use them. As the Fire Cells Conspiracy, we stormed into battle over the meaning of revolutionary anarchist organization. Continue reading “(2011) ‘The Sun Still Rises’ – Conspiracy of Cells of Fire”
Providencia, Chile: Claim of the explosive attack against Fundación Paz Ciudadana by the Brígadas Anárquicas Luis Ramírez Olaechea (May 22, 2023)
Claim of the explosive attack against Fundación Paz Ciudadana by the Brígadas Anárquicas Luis Ramírez Olaechea (Providencia, Chile, May 22, 2023)
Claim of the explosive attack on Fundación Paz Ciudadana
Those who have been here, in the minority and diffuse practice, know that failing an attack is part of the many probabilities that arise in the bravery of the street, when we believe that everything is going well, we are surprised that something escapes from what was arranged and planned.
Deciding on an electrical system to detonate an explosive charge is not a whimsical decision, it is the result of studying the objectives, our forces and our resources for action. With a quick entry and withdrawal from the environment we prioritize the safety of our comrades, understanding that the materials at our disposal come and go, while the life and freedom of our brothers and sisters is the most valuable component of the arsenal.
These bitter situations are softened when we know from practice that although the State, police and prosecutors are careful to protect their territories, neighborhoods, institutions and infrastructures, the attack is still possible in contexts of control and passivity. The attack does not come to life in fervent virtual slogans, it is a threat when it bursts into the streets.
In the face of a mistake we could remain comfortably silent but we are proud to persist in action, charged with memory and militant solidarity. We take the words of the comrades in Bolivia, “Long live all the efforts of the anarchic struggle!” because to advance vertiginously along the paths of confrontation is a victory for our revolutionary horizons. We continue, we know that nothing is over and everything continues, and that our only defeat will be not to try.
On the objective
On April 2, 1992, a gang dressed in suits and ties burst into a large house located on the corner of Valenzuela Castillo and Marchant Pereira streets in the Providencia district in broad daylight to found what we know today as the Fundación Paz Ciudadana (Citizen Peace Foundation). No newspaper or television channel dared to treat them as high-risk criminals, despite the fact that among the attendees that afternoon were Agustín Edwards (great financier of the socio-political destabilization in the 70’s) and other prominent figures of Chilean political corruption such as Carlos Alberto Délano, as well as Nicolás Ibáñez and Nicolás Ibáñez, as well as Nicolás Ibáñez, a well-known ultra-right-wing businessman, who when he ran D&S boasted a life-size bust of Pinochet in the middle of his living room, and other members of Chile’s most powerful business groups such as Bernardo Matte and Guillermo Luksic.
Fundación Paz Ciudadana emerged when the longed-for social peace of the agreed transition was cracking and a hard blow was dealt to one of the country’s wealthiest families. A split of the Frente Patriótico Manuel Rodríguez kidnapped Cristián Edwards, Agustín’s son. After this event, the need for an anti-crime plan and a new Penal Code became urgent, since it could not be allowed the audacity of stalking the magnates of this estate. Continue reading “Providencia, Chile: Claim of the explosive attack against Fundación Paz Ciudadana by the Brígadas Anárquicas Luis Ramírez Olaechea (May 22, 2023)”
Athens, Greece: Responsibility claim for incendiary attack on a retired cop’s house by ‘Andreas Baader Cell’
We take responsibility for the incendiary attack on the house of retired cop Fotis Theodoros in Kaisariani, at 5 Manoliassas Street. We were very pleased to learn in the following days that a second retired cop lived in the same building.
The reason for this attack was the state murder of Kostas Fragoulis by the uniformed garbage of the DIAS unit. Once again, the agents of the state apparatus murder in cold blood, but this time, as last year with Nikos Sampanis, the race of the victim became the main issue in the political and social arena. We as anarchists do not need to analyse our position, it is clear. But we ought to recall that this is not a random incident but a manifestation of the wider war that is being waged unabated by the state and capitalism against the oppressed of this world and especially against those who dare to question their domination. We take a stand in this war and declare that we will walk through your homes and over your dead bodies.
<<Now it is not fitting that the flame of candles over a young grave but that whole states should be lit>> C.C.F. [Conspiracy of Cells of Fire] ( for the murder of A. Grigoropoulos)
Shortly after the murder of Kostas Fragoulis, the police released a text to all cops, explaining how to be careful and how to avoid or manage attacks either while on duty or in their homes. The attacks in Sygrou, Patras, Zografou and now here have shown once again how important our organization is and how willpower humiliates the stupid plans of the state. Here we have to mention that the target was chosen by chance and only because of its location, that is, within a stone’s throw from the YMET headquarters (riot cop unit) and apparently we approached-we left-we fled and nobody bothered us.
The 2nd main reason for the attack ( that is, apart from the targeting of the cops anyway) was, as the comrades in the attack in Zografou put it, the attack on the doctrine of “law and order” with which the New Democracy has been doing politics from the beginning and hopes to be transformed again into thousands of votes by their stooges. We don’t want to say anything else the rest is well known and well said, we prefer to put it into practice. Let the results of our actions speak!
Strength and solidarity to comrade Alfredo Cospito who is on hunger strike and the Italian state chooses to murder him.
Solidarity to all political prisoners.
Andreas Baader Cell
Source: athens.indymedia
Solidarity from Indonesia with Alfredo Cospito
Solidarity Poster from Indonesia for Alfredo Cospito who is on hunger strike. Long live the subversive and anarchist prisoners who are on a hunger strike! Indifference and passivity will never be our allies; solidarity will be. As well was expressed in a letter with a bullet inside to the Italian newspaper “Il Tirreno”: “If Alfredo Cospito dies, all the judges are a target”. Let’s let the Italian state know that if Alfredo dies, we will be his worst enemy. freedom for Alfredo Cospito end the 41bis isolation regime!
Dan untuk ini juga kami memberi anda senyuman, pelukan, ciuman, kedipan mata, dan solidaritas abadi kami!
Death to all the state!
Long live Anarchy!
Long Live CCF/FAI-IRF!
Long Live Black International!
Let’s attack the state!
Source: Abolition Media
Kalimat tentang “Kebebasan” Wawancara oleh CCF – Bersama Alfredo Cospito, Anggota Sel yang Dipenjara
PDF: Kalimat tentang -Kebebasan-
Penulis: CCF & Alfredo Cospito, terjemahan Inter Arma
Kematian, penjara, telah muncul di jalan ini tanpa bisa mengalahkan kita. Kekuatan kita adalah kesadaran penuh akan siapa kita, kesadaran penuh bahwa begitu rasa takut dikalahkan, kehidupan yang layak dijalani, terbentang di depan kita, selama itu berlangsung, intensitaslah yang penting.”
Greece: 41 BIS is torture – Strength and solidarity with the unrepentant anarchist of praxis Alfredo Cospito EN/GR
41 BIS is torture – Strength and solidarity with the unrepentant anarchist of praxis Alfredo Cospito
Anarchist prisoner Alfredo Cospito has been in Italian prisons since September 2012. He has claimed responsibility for the shooting in the legs of Ansaldo Nucleare CEO Roberto Adinolfi by the Olga Cell of the Informal Anarchist Federation (FAI-IRF).
From the very first moment of his detention, the Italian state has exercised all kinds of repressive experiments against the comrade. New prosecutions, new exhausting sentences, disciplinary sanctions, repressive operations against his political comrades. The comrade was sentenced to 9 years of imprisonment for the action against Adinolfi, while in prison he was sentenced to an additional 20 years of imprisonment (which is appreciable in total, an equivalent sentence in Greece would be 2 times life) after the prosecutions brought against him within the framework of the repressive operation Scripta Manet. In essence, the comrade was convicted as an instigator for all the actions of the FAI, since he was accused as its founder and leader, in a case that deserves special mention as it is a monument to arbitrary interpretations and vindictiveness.
The Italian state is a hybrid state when it comes to issues of anti-terrorist policy. It is a model state for its brutality and rigour in these matters, having been called upon to manage low-intensity civil war conditions during the period when armed revolutionary movements flourished in the 1960s and 1980s. The Greek state has followed the Italian example on many occasions, one need only recall the similarities between the ‘Marini case’ in Italy and the ‘Conspiracy of Cells of Fire case’ in Greece. Continue reading “Greece: 41 BIS is torture – Strength and solidarity with the unrepentant anarchist of praxis Alfredo Cospito EN/GR”
London, UK: 11/07/22 Intervention at the Greek embassy in London for G.Michailidis and the struggle of the migrants in Elaionas
Intervention at the Greek embassy in London for G.Michailidis and the struggle of the migrants in Elaionas in Greece.
the text given out:
Giannis Michailidis is an anarchist prisoner on hunger strike since 23/5. He has served 8.5 years in prison and, while he fulfils all formal conditions for his release, he is kept in preventive detention. The Greek judges backed by the Greek state refuse to release him on the pretext that he does not meet the substantive conditions of release. This additional detention is being used at will to punish him for remaining unrepentant and maintaining a militant stance within the prison walls. This is not the first time Michailidis faces the vengeance of the Greek state. His heavy prosecution began in 2011 when an arrest warrant was issued against him for involvement in the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire, for which he was later acquitted. He chose the path of illegality and was arrested in 2013 in Velvento Kozani, after expropriating a bank together with 3 other anarchists, where he was tortured by the police. Continue reading “London, UK: 11/07/22 Intervention at the Greek embassy in London for G.Michailidis and the struggle of the migrants in Elaionas”