Category: Direct Action
Athens, Greece: Responsibility claim for the bomb attack at the National Bank of Greece in Petralona by ‘Group Conspiracy Vengeance’
At a time when the “liberal” economy is imposed by the capitalist system with the foundation of the right-wing agenda, both in Greece and in most countries of the world, the banks are the crown jewel.
The legal pimp that intervenes and influences our lives in the name of money, impoverishing the people and enriching the minions and stooges of the governments.
It is no coincidence that the cabal of private giants, bankers and governments are the main beneficiaries of the permanent crisis that has been hitting the country for years. They privatize all public services that belong to the people, securing their money in the banks with exorbitant interest, getting richer and richer. They play a leading role in the auctions, grabbing people’s houses as fast as possible without any light being shed on the people who have been suffering for years because of them.
The examples are endless, elderly people with health problems, the unemployed and many others who simply do not belong to the corrupt circle of crooks – predators of the government, big business and bankers. It goes without saying that they have the support and help of the uniformed garbage police, who as the known puppets of the rich run around to carry out the “mission” of eviction, taking the bribes from the big-name loan sharks.
We could say too much, but we all know the miserable role of the banks. So we will come back to this after our next hit.
The key reason why we chose to attack this bank at 115, 3 Ierarchon Street in Petralona, is the appeal hearing on 2/2/2024 of the comrade – anarchist Tziotsis Fotis, in the context of practical solidarity.
This bank was the first financial goal of his action, in order to continue the conscious path of illegality he chose, “breaking” his license from the Larissa prison, not returning to captivity, choosing with dignity to continue walking on the paths of freedom and armed struggle.
No state bastard can stand in the way of freedom.
Nothing will go unanswered, judges, prosecutors, cops who happily shuttle prisoners back and forth to the courts, remember that no one is alone.
Everything goes on…
The responsibility is assumed by the group
Conspiracy Vengeance
Source: athens.indymedia
Video: Conspiracy of Cells of Fire – Phoenix Project – An account of the FAI/IRF Project ‘Phoenix’ (Black International) 2015
English subtitled version of the film giving the account of the early part of the Phoenix Project, international project of sabotage and attack with over a dozen hits in a variety of different countries.
Dedicated to Alfredo Cospito and Nicola Gai, Olga Cell FAI/IRF, who took responsibility for the laming of CEO Roberto Adinolfi of Ansaldo Nucleare.
“We are here, where everything starts now.”
The Project of ‘Phoenix’ is the unfolding of a hidden map marking one of the routes to the Atlantis of practical theory. An unknown and lost continent that exists beyond the edges of the burning cities of the interzone. Created through action, dialogue and ideas and organised informally with anarchic principles of permanent autonomous attack, revolutionary solidarity and internationalism. A sequence of attacks by different radical direct action groups around the world, breaking the silence of isolation and striking back again against the prison societies of the techno-industrial system.
The imprisoned members of CCF are charged with instigation for the attacks, Spyros Mandylas and Andreas Tsavdaridis were arrested and charged for act #4 in the project, sending a parcel-bomb to the former commander of the anti-terrorist agency, Dimitris Xorianopoulos, whilst Christos Rodopoulos is reportedly accused of the mailing of the parcel bomb to Dimitris Mokkas, chief prosecutor in the CCF case, as act #6.
The Phoenix project is now renewed through the 2015 attacks in Chile, Czech Republic and Greece, with the comrades within the territory of Czech Republic initiating the campaign “Let’s destroy repression“. The story of the Phoenix continues to be written…
Source: 325
DN Note: Eternal gratitude to the comrade who sent a copy of the English version of video our way that dissapeared from cyberspace.
Below we translate the article from the reposting of the Spanish version of the video that inspired us to repost the English version.
Nothing is over, everything continues…
(2013) Proyecto Fénix, video
Extraído desde otras páginas de contrainformación. El video en griego fue publicado en el año 2013 y traducido a diferentes idiomas en los años posteriores. Recordar que actualmente todxs los miembrxs de la Conspiración de Células del Fuego se encuentran en la calle, los compañeros Alfredo Cospito y Nicola Gai permanecen encarcelados en Italia y nueamente condenados por atentados explosivos de hace varios años atrás.
Puedes leer más acerca del juicio por Proyecto Fénix en Publicación Refractario.
PROYECTO FÉNIX (traducido al español, 2015)
El “Proyecto Fénix” nace como un gesto solidario dedicado a Alfredo Cospito y Nicola Gai, del “Núcleo Olga FAI/FRI” que asumió la responsabilidad del ataque armado contra Roberto Adinolfi, empresario nuclear de “Ansaldo Nucleare”, y además como una iniciativa internacional de ataque, comenzando en Grecia con la colocación de un artefacto explosivo contra la Directora de la Prisión de Korydallos.
La expansión de las acciones enmarcadas dentro del proyecto se desarrolla a lo largo y ancho de distintos territorios donde la práctica insurreccional pasa de la teoría a la acción, en absoluta consecuencia con las palabras de quienes se declaran en Guerra contra toda Autoridad y el Poder. A su vez, es un incandescente foco revolucionario que insta al diálogo y al debate entre distintos individuxs organizadxs de manera informal y difusa que dan forma al ataque permanente y minoritario.
La práctica del internacionalismo anárquico es uno de los cimientos del proyecto, es el momento donde el ataque autónomo encuentra un campo en común que une, nutre y potencia distintas realidades y tensiones, apuntando y calibrando en su alma la persiste confrontación contra lo existente.
Cada instancia de sabotaje y acción insurrecta coordinada en el Proyecto Fénix, significa asumir una proyección de lucha y combate que desafía sin tregua ni misericordia la paz del orden ciudadano, haciendo entender que cada sitio es un punto de conflicto, y que la expansión del ataque solo depende de nuestras capacidades y voluntades.
En ésta versión del video agregamos el resto de acciones desde el Noveno Acto (México) hasta el Catorceavo Acto (Reino Unido), que siguieron dando forma y pulso al proyecto durante el 2014. Durante el año 2015 se han realizado tres acciones enmarcadas dentro de esta iniciativa internacional de ataque, en Grecia el grupo “Anarquía Combativa FAI/FRI” reivindica un ataque incendiario contra oficinas de Microsoft, en República Checa la “Célula Poesía del Fuego FAI/FRI” asume la responsabilidad de un ataque incendiario contra un vehículo policial e inician la campaña “Vamos a destruir la represión”, mientras que en Chile un artefacto incendiario es activado en una sede de explotación animal y es reivindicado por la “Célula Anarquista de Ataque Incendiario “Fuego y Conciencia” FAI/FRI”.
Durante las últimas detenciones en Grecia, la policía vincula a Christos Rodopoulos con el paquete bomba enviado a Dimitris Mokkas, fiscal encargado del caso Conspiración de Células del Fuego, y continúa la investigación y el proceso contra los compañeros Spyros Mandylas y Andreas Tsavdaridis, que fueron detenidos y acusados de participar en el envío del paquete bomba contra Dimitris Xorianopoulos. Ambas acciones enmarcadas dentro del proyecto, acto seis y cuatro respectivamente.
Enviamos nuestra absoluta complicidad y hermandad con lxs compañerxs de la Conspiración de Células del Fuego en Grecia, saludamos la victoria de su huelga de hambre, y la permanente actitud de confrontación frente al carcelero, sin ceder ni un centímetro ni doblegándose ante la Autoridad. A la compañera Anggeliki Spyropoulou, que pese a las avanzadas represivas se mantiene digna y de frente al enemigo.
DN Note: Unfortunatly the English translation of the Project Phoenix video has dissapeared from the Internet. We would appreciate any copies that anyone may have to be sent to us or to communicate with us if anyone is willing to translate the subs, even create a new English version.
About the Switch Off! attack campaign
A year ago in Europe a campaign of attack against companies and infrastructures that feed the ecological catastrophe around the world, entitled Switch Off! was launched. Large and small actions have positioned themselves in offensive from the concern and need to confront an evident eco-systemic collapse provoked by the global capitalist machinery that destroys everything in its path.
The intention of the campaign is to “attack the system in a sustainable way”, placing direct action in a common context through anonymous communication with each other, inviting to arm themselves with their own means and go on the offensive against the productive infrastructure and with it the property, without falling into false discursive, institutional and/or technological illusions, “making it clear that there can be no green capitalist alternative, nor peace with the existing conditions”.
In a first statement of presentation we can see more precisely what is the background and objective of why to invite the use of the slogan “Switch Off!”:
Switch off – a call to revolt
(DN Note: We make our own translation into English from the original German text.)
The certainty that the current system will lead to the collapse of the massively damaged ecosystem has already moved countless people and driven them into resistance. Tens of thousands are taking to the streets against the capitalist machinery’s “business as usual”, people are resisting the destructive large-scale projects en masse, the system’s infrastructure is being blocked and courageous fighters are setting fire to the machines that are robbing them of their livelihoods.
What we need in the struggle against the destruction of nature and the resulting social misery is the common striving for the real revolutionary break and the freedom of all. For an initiative that rejects all compromises and cosmetic corrections of the state and brings about a transformation of our social relations.
Because the destruction of the planet by the neoliberal economic system is inextricably linked to patriarchal thought patterns, racism and colonialism. The initiative for this must necessarily come from below. From the struggles of the marginalized. From the struggles of those who oppose the state’s promise of salvation with a self-organized, solidary coexistence. From the struggles of those who see that there can be no compromise in the fight against the systemic destruction of the biosphere.
We should also be aware that we cannot completely prevent the gradual collapse of a massively damaged ecosystem. Not the loss of biodiversity. Not the depletion of resources. We will not be able to prevent the climate catastrophe, as we are already in the midst of it. Admitting this – without any doomsday pathos – does not paralyze us. On the contrary: it should open up the question for us and our contexts of what our lives and our revolutionary struggles could look like in the future.
We can hardly block and sabotage as radically and uncompromisingly as the climate change caused by capitalism requires. But we should not be discouraged by this. Let us question, sabotage and sustainably attack the infrastructure of capitalism in the fight against exploitation. So that another world becomes possible! Let us cooperate with each other in solidarity so that we can live a dignified life. Let us realize our ideas in the here and now and already within our struggles and actions. We will not be lulled into complacency by the attempts at appeasement by those in power.
Against their technological solutions
The solutions offered by those in power for the now noticeable effects of the ecological crisis are primarily technological. This is obviously also driven by lobbying, but above all it is a strategy to legitimize themselves. The development, control and application of the “technologies of the future”, which are supposed to make growth capitalism “sustainable”, are in the hands of the state, industry and science and are inextricably linked to them. If we are being sold the illusion that climate change can be stopped technologically, then this is based on the belief that those in power only need to take the right steps, the right measures, to save this world. For one thing, they have absolutely no interest in ending the expansionist capitalism that secures their position of power. And for another, technological reform, with the new dependencies it produces, is also doomed to failure. Examples of this could be e-mobility or technologies for the production of so-called renewable energies. The required raw materials are often procured in the course of neo-colonial environmental exploitation. The transportation of these raw materials and components is in turn highly dependent on fossil fuels. As a result, a conversion of the current industry to renewable energies before the global oil reserves dry up is unthinkable anyway. Continue reading “About the Switch Off! attack campaign”
Chile: Territorial action of the Matías Catrileo Propaganda Group, January 2024.
On January 6, in the town of Las Araucarias/Los Copihues, as Matías Catrileo propaganda group, we carried out a territorial occupation, deploying ourselves in the town that was 54 years old since its creation under the name of Toma Unidad Popular, where we handed out pamphlets, zines and information that emphasize the importance of direct action and territorial self-organization as valid and necessary means to recover our lives, as Matías taught us.
There are many examples throughout history that show us how to do, from autonomy and direct action, that generate other ways of inhabiting this world in the here and now. The land seizures are one of the most effective ways to directly solve a problem as big as access to housing, also enhancing the revolutionary struggle, generating fertile spaces for carrying out revolutionary processes.
Since colonization, the territory was divided into large estates, estates and states, where neither the poor, nor the Indian, nor the mestizo, had a part in this division, often forcing us to sell our labor force for miserable wages to these same masters who through deception and violence became owners of the land.
What the law says does not really matter, slavery was legal, the embezzlements of the police, milicos and politicians are legal and continue in complete impunity, destruction of the land is legal, the destruction of the Maipo river, the Panul forest is legal and the usurpations and appropriations of the rich are legal, demonstrating that the law is only their system of defense and robbery to maintain their interests and those of their class.
We propose self-organization as the only possible way to recover our lives, through direct action as did our grandfathers and grandmothers who knew how to raise an entire population by sheer will and mutual support, as does the puñi/lamgen in Wallmapu who have managed to push back the advance of capital on their lands, as do the peoples of the continent who resist the advance of this system of misery and death.
It is necessary to look back and reuse the tactics that in the past allowed not only to provide housing solutions, but also gave way to generate land and fertile spaces to carry out the conflict against power and carry out revolutionary processes aimed at the destruction of the state-capital.
Accomplices of the wind and living only to be free, simply free, immensely free.
The expansion of the anarchist urban guerrilla is imminent!
Long live territorial recuperation!
Towards territorial and autonomous organization, without leaders or parties!
For the freedom of the Maipo River and the Panul forest!
For the life that was stolen from us!
In Wallmapu and the city war to the State and Capital!
-Grupo de propaganda Matías Catrileo [Propaganda group Matías Catrileo]
Source: Informativo Anarquista
$hile: Day of agitation in memory of Matias Catrileo
During January 3, in different parts of the territory controlled by the State of Chile, barricades were erected and confrontations took place in a new commemoration (No. 16) of comrade Matías Catrileo, who in the context of territorial recovery and vindication, was assassinated in the former Santa Margarita estate by Lance Corporal Walter Ramírez Inostroza.
Here are some records:

Continue reading “$hile: Day of agitation in memory of Matias Catrileo”
Berlin, Germany: Arson attack on police vehicle
In the night from January 17 to 18, we decided to set fire to a police sixer on the occasion of the Rondenbarg trial in Hamburg.
We are going on the offensive and not waiting for a repressive verdict, because we believe that the trial taking place today and the 24 trials scheduled to follow are reason enough to take our anger to the streets.
This trial is not only an attack on the freedom of assembly, but a further attack on anti-capitalist and anti-fascist resistance. Apparently it was not enough for the authorities to violently suppress the protest at the time, and another 80 activists were subsequently charged.
Unfortunately, we were not able to capture the burning car for you, but maybe you will be lucky enough to see the burned vehicle between the Arcaden and the S-Bahn station Berlin-Spandau.
We call for a militant demonstration on January 20th in Hamburg!
PS: our text is a bit short, but you have many possibilities to inform yourself about the process: (collection of many articles on the Rondenbarg trial)
Source: de.indymedia
Norway: Wolf murderers go into hiding after being targeted with caltrops
13th January
According to pro hunting reports, several wolf hunters in Norway have been targeted over night, with activists placing caltrops around their personal homes.
The wolf cull in Norway seeks to murder 18 wolves throughout the country in 2024. The latest wolf census for the country showed a total of 89 wolves living in Norway.
Environmental minster and known wet wipe Andreas Bjelland Eriksen has publicly condemned the actions, saying “I have full respect for the fact that many people want to challenge predator management, but this is done through democratic processes such as campaigning in front of Parliament and being clear in the media, not through illegal actions that can be directly dangerous for those doing a job for the community,”
The “vandalism” and “illegal actions” referred to by Andreas is the direct attack to several hunters who are actively attempting to kill wolves in Kongsvinger area.
Since the news of the caltrops, the wolf cull in the area has been halted. Whilst the hunting team says it is due to the weather and difficult tracking conditions, the police says it is difficult to know when they’ll be ready to go back out hunting.
Source: Unoffensive Animal
Belarus: Attack on the Belarusian Telegraph Agency (BelTA)
Internal pass system for employees of the Belarusian Telegraph Agency
The propagandists of the Belarusian Telegraph Agency (BelTA) harm the Belarusan people on a par with the punishers from Lukashenka’s Ministry of Internal Affairs and special services. All the years of dictatorship they poison the minds of Belarusians with lies and manipulations to please the tyrant. For this we strike a blow to BelTA’s computer network, paralyze the work of pro-government propaganda websites and destroy backups.
The internal network and major websites are compromised.
Domain controllers compromised.
90GB of data (internal documents, accounting, personal data of employees) has been downloaded. The rest is propaganda garbage, it is necessary not to pump out, but to burn.
Wiped out all accounting, workstations, archives, backups, website servers.
Details of the hack
We launched the cyberattack on December 29. The date was specifically chosen so that the propagandists’ New Year’s holidays were “successful”. The attack started right in the morning, when the employees had just arrived at the BelTA office and turned on their computers.
As one Cyberpartisan shares:
Let the accomplices of the dictatorship have no holidays until they return the country to the people.
And we also wanted to please the honorable Belarusians, so that at least on New Year’s Eve they would have fun, there would be a good reason to celebrate the holiday and drink champagne.
Usually an attack on the internal network of an organization is developed from several weeks to months. But, according to our information, someone had tried to encrypt Belta’s network before, only they didn’t follow through. We knew that the “holes” in the network had not been fixed since then, so we decided to take advantage of it.
BelTA employees do not observe even the minimum rules of computer security and information hygiene. For example, they used pirated software and systems. Therefore, they easily picked up our “cyber bombs” and suffered heavy losses.
As one of the participants in the attack shares:
“When the admins were fussing and trying to put out the ‘fires’, we quietly watched them and continued to mash the servers and interfere with their work.
Now, according to our information, work in BelTA is virtually paralyzed. Employees are forced to try to perform tasks from their home computers. The working equipment refuses to work as it should. Many people have no access to mail and their usual work chats.
We believe that Lukashenka’s propagandists fully deserve it for years of lies, manipulations, and filth against free-thinking Belarusians. They deliberately condone harsh political censorship and repression, including against independent media: seizure of TUT.BY domains, squeezing out of the country the freedom of speech, arrests on political grounds, etc., etc.
By the way, our superiors forbade BelTA employees to talk about our cyberattack.
We won’t be surprised if they will deny everything, as usual, as the usual habit of the regime’s arrogant accomplices. But you all know what happens in such cases.
Source: a2day