We present here for the first time 325 magazine in Indonesian, translated by our Indonesian comrades & Semerdekazine.
For the Black International & conflict with the Techno Prison World.
PDF: Jurnal-325-x-Semerdekazine
We present here for the first time 325 magazine in Indonesian, translated by our Indonesian comrades & Semerdekazine.
For the Black International & conflict with the Techno Prison World.
PDF: Jurnal-325-x-Semerdekazine
We receive and publish a series of texts and materials distributed during the initiative in solidarity with the Chilean prisoners, held at the Bencivenga Occupato on November 26, 2021. Two booklets: one on the hunger strike conducted by prisoners in Chile, the other is a collection of texts, many translated from the magazine Kalinov Most, which were intended to better focus the topics of the debate: the specific reality of Chilean prisons, solidarity, fight against prison. There are also two contributions of Juan and Alfredo for the initiative, which they asked to be disseminated.
(leaflet of introduction to the debate distributed during the initiative)
This initiative was born with the need to send, in our own small way, a gesture of solidarity to the comrades prisoners in Chile who in the first months of this year have undertaken two hard hunger strikes. We want to support them, also through the translations contained in the pamphlets prepared for this meeting, by spreading the determination with which they have carried out their struggle inside the prison, with the aim of feeling it closer to us who are outside those walls and far from those territories. Although at the end of their mobilization the prisoners did not get all that they demanded, it still allowed them to build and establish bonds of complicity, both inside and outside the prison. Ties that have made this struggle transcend barriers and borders and that, since it has clearly positioned itself against all forms of coercion and domination, have made it recognizable and vindicable by refractory people all over the world.
But it is not for simple voyeurism towards distant rebellions that we are here today. With this initiative we also intend to underline our complicity with our comrades who today are prisoners of the State, so that they know that they are not alone. Also in this part of the world we have anarchist prisoners who have recently conducted several struggles inside the prison. Struggles conducted individually or collectively, strikes and mass uprisings such as those of March 2020 against pandemic management inside prisons. Struggles whose quality, to take up a concept expressed with emphasis in the contribution that Juan, a prisoner in the Terni prison, wrote for this initiative, is closely related to the relationships that exist between inside and outside the prison. These relationships are the same on which prisoners and Chilean comrades have repeatedly insisted, stating that “the prison is part of the options of the struggle, it is part of it and therefore, instead of being a parenthesis or a pause, it is configured as one more scenario in which to carry out the clash” and that it is necessary to understand “the prisoner as an active comrade, in struggle, who is in this particular condition as a result of a chosen path that does not end within [those] four walls”. Relationships in which it is necessary to invest if we want to recognize a prisoner as our comrade, as a complicit in the struggle against all power, especially at this time when these relationships are under attack. The latest repressive operations in Italy have in fact, among others, the purpose of hitting the communication between the world outside and inside the prison, putting pressure on the epistolary communication through which prisoners continue to be part of the anarchist debate and struggle, providing reflections, contributions, proposals for action and stimuli for action. Now more than ever it is therefore the time to increase efforts in the direction of greater communication and complicity with the prisoners, having as its objective not mere support in the charitable way, but rather the reinforcement of our offensive capacity against this system of domination and exploitation. Continue reading “Rome, Italy: Texts and materials distributed during the initiative of 26/11/21 at Bencivenga + Contributions of Alfredo Cospito and Juan Sorroche”
As for today we don’t know how much actual damage was caused, but we do know that Terna might have to add our christmas pylon to its endless list of maintenance, improvements and adjustments which it is set to do over almost 75,000 km of Italian network.
Obviously the hope was, remains and will remain that of definitively turning off the system of energy supply, the beating heart of this sick world of consumerism and opulence, devastation, wars and death.
Terna is to be included in the list of energy supply giants already mentioned in our first communique (ENI and Ansaldo nucleare) that recount the usual fairy tale of clean energy and the ecological turning, boasting about “action for the climate” through plans of resilience, research, development and innovation. Continue reading “Genoa, Italy – Claim for an incendiary attack on a high voltage pylon”
“They fought, like the puppies of May play, it was normal;
they had time even for prison.
Waiting for them outside was
The same rage, the same spring…”
(History of an employee, Fabrizio De Andre, 1973)
0- Note
Not long after beginning to write this text which intends to reaffirm our concrete and destructive internationalist anarchic solidarity, a brutal offensive in the territories of the Wallmapu began at the same time. The hitmen working for the companies with interests in the forests (in the province of Río Negro) assassinated a Mapuche commoner – Elías Garay -, and gravely injured another one. At the same time, far-right paramilitary groups from Bahía Blanca city, issued responsibility claims for grave attentats (against native groups); encouraging and foreshadowing more criminal acts. As if that wasn’t enough, the shit pro-fascist mass-media newspaper Clarín was attacked with molotov bombs, and now an “anarchist witch-hunt” has begun, with one arrest (so far) and in search of capturing another eight. Black storms are coming… It seems fitting of the surrealist tradition, that in the face of such a panorama, we insist on focusing on things that happen thousands of kilometers away…. But it just so happens that we’re capricious and inveterate like that, us anarchic ones: our fatherland is our feet; and we walk barefoot, but with the fury of an Ideal beating in revolt, in our black hearts.
I- Prologue
The light is better observed from the dark. To see the frame, it’s necessary to be outside the frame: Danilo is one of the four compas in the Brians I, CATALONIAN prison. The manipulation by the left (which has always been an enemy, and let’s not forget that) has no limits, nor scruples. It just so happens that they control a pseudo-campaign for the liberation our affines, from a supposed “assembly”. And the saddest part is the inaction of those who claim to be anarchists in Barcelona, and they allow it to happen, without moving a finger… And they use us even in Milan, to make propaganda for their disgusting rapper. The support campaign organized by the pro-amnesty Movement – read neo-ETA-oids, Catalonian branch- in a separatist athenaeum belonging to “Arran” (who are part of the same government that’s holding them in prison!) was an absolutely ruinous and detestable farce. No one says anything? And they even took the opportunity to use our captive compa to announce their annual nationalist statist Stalinist and inter-class procession with torches, very “anti- prison”. Nothing to do with calling for a wild nocturnal manifestation. Their task was precisely that: demobilize, pacify… Hate and war against the CUPolice, compas.
II- Liberi tutti?
Not much imagination is required to have a simple vision of what the “separatist Catalonian left” intends to put in place in the territories they consider belong to them (?). There are too many coincidences between what they call Pandania in the north of Italy (Rome is a thief, say the ultra-rightists of the Liga Nord) and the “Espanya ens roba”, in the Barcelonian version. An uncomfortable truth, if there’s such a thing, is that for centuries, its imperialist bourgeoisie amassed immense fortunes by slaving thousands of Africans in the Caribbean and within the borders of the current metropolis, and big avenues and copious monuments are named after these aberrant families. Every now and then (in a hypocritical historical revisionist manner) someone proposes to rename them. This is just to try to clumsily erase the trace of that past. When what was later known worldwide as “May 68” blew up, few remembered that it was revolt with a bourgeois slant; detonated by restrictions to enrollment in the most elitist universities. A corseted and frustrated middle class. Best not speak of working class revolt! Continue reading “New Call for Direct Action Against Catalunya”
ES: Individualidad y grupo anarquista
ES: Individualidad y grupo anarquista (Portada)
PT: Individualidade e grupo anarquista
PT: Individualidade e grupo anarquista (Portada)
“Hoy, tenemos que cuidar los riesgos de repetición. Es inaceptable retroceder a la ignominia. Por eso la urgida necesidad de puntualizar un sustrato mínimo e imprescindible, que potencie nuestra gramática y fomente el ensanchamiento de la Anarquía negra en estos días; un objetivo, un deseo o, tal vez, un anhelo esencial que, en algún momento impreciso pero, preferiblemente próximo, nos gustaría compartir con todas aquellas individualidades anárquicas que muestran una inocultable proximidad teórico-práctica que les convierte en compañerxs de ruta de una conspiración internacional que base su causa en Nada.”
Gustavo Rodríguez.
La publicación en español y portugués de “Individualidad y grupo anarquista” del compañero Gerasimos Tsakalos (quien fuera parte de la Conspiración de Células de Fuego de Grecia), nos ha ofrecido la oportunidad de realizar una profunda revisión de su contribución, afianzando desde la praxis la cristalización del debate que da sustento a la Internacional Negra en estos días.
Han pasado seis años desde que Tsakalos lanzó su propuesta organizativa desde la cárcel, atravesando barrotes y muros, y burlando la vigilancia de sus verdugos en la prisión de Korydallos; y dos de que fue excarcelado junto a su hermano Christos. Durante este período hemos acumulado experiencias que podrían ser suficientes como para indicarnos qué cosas son susceptibles de ser modificadas o clarificadas hoy. Sin embargo, más allá del tiempo transcurrido, para cualquier anarquista informal e insurreccional que lea estas páginas, saltará a la vista un sinfín de contradicciones que difícilmente podemos suscribir desde la anarquía negra y el anarco-nihilismo que anima la tensión anárquica contemporánea, particularmente si buscamos darle respuesta a la pregunta que sirve de eje vertebral a su contribución: ¿La individualidad anarquista se encuentra subyugada o se mantiene libre al interior del grupo?
En honor a la verdad, debemos de admitir que, tras la traducción y relectura de este texto, y después de un intenso debate interno entre quienes impulsamos la difusión en español y portugués de la Internacional Negra Ediciones, hemos encontrado infinidad de planteamientos con los que discrepamos íntegramente. A pesar de lo anterior, coincidimos en que lo que realmente nos invita a publicar este folleto es la voluntad de mantener viva la práctica solidaria de darle voz a NUESTRXS PRESXS, rompiendo de forma enérgica todo aislamiento, porque, entre otras cosas, son ellxs quienes, al estar secuestradxs por el Estado a consecuencias de sus acciones, abren las puertas al debate en curso, incitando la reflexión y alimentando la praxis. Continue reading “Individualidad y grupo anarquista. Gerasimos Tsakalos (Internacional Negra Ediciones)”
Two years after the October Uprising, nothing has been settled.
May our practices empower and lead to a new urban guerrilla warfare
Because fighting the impunity of murderers, mutilators and torturers will be our victory.
On the night of October 17, we installed an explosive device inside the headquarters of the National Academy of Political and Strategic Studies (ANEPE), on the eve of a new commemoration of the October revolt.
This partner in matters of State security and maintenance of public order carries out permanent academic activities aimed at police elements, in terms of intelligence, investigative and counterinsurgency strategies. It is a repressive body under the Ministry of Defense, which also shares knowledge internationally with States such as Spain, Colombia, Israel, etc.
Different academics of this den of Power have written about anarchic practices and tendencies, trying to analyze our ideas, dynamics and proposals, with texts of pretended studies about international projects (Black International/FAI-FRI) or the current panorama of our environments.
Héctor Barros, official on duty at the South Prosecutor’s Office, took intelligence and investigation courses at ANEPE, as did Gonzalo Blu, who was in charge of DIPOLCAR during the times of the so-called Operation Huracán, demonstrating that this site is only intended for the improvement of the police, judges and prosecutors, and not for “all Chileans” as they claim from this center. Continue reading “Chile: Claim of explosive attack against ANEPE by ‘Autonomy Faction Cristián Valdebenito’”
Postcard Barcelona SUCKS! In the last years we have seen, from near and far, how the Catalan institutions have managed to continue selling an image of “inclusive city”; when it is an ultra-capitalist city that expels and mistreats its own population (not to mention the thousands of migrants who are sold at ridiculous prices, or are dragged into the vilest prostitution) in order to have something to eat. Colau is a fake who plays to establish pacts with the most aberrant powers, to exercise her second mandate as mayor. She skillfully negotiated with many squatted spaces -to legalize them- and thus reduce her refractory actions against the System. Unfortunately for us, the tactic has been successful: they have “tamed” us. The once called rose of fire only burns when interclassist nationalism orders it to do so. And there is no lack of sheep…
On February 27th, in the context of a demonstration (promoted by the most Stalinist and retrograde communist authoritarianism) they arrested a group of comrades, previously arrested by the organizers themselves – read Arran, the youth of the CUP – in a disgusting set-up, tending to blame “Italian anarchist insurrectionalists”, for the riots resulting from the imprisonment of the unclean rapper Pablo Hasel. We do not forget that it was an act of revenge for a previous set-up in Girona. The so-called ‘purge-of-Girona’ perpetrated by anti-anarchist groups to sweep out of their city those who did not conform to their political interests… Currently 6 of our people are still in prison, in the territory dominated by the Catalan pseudo-state. And there is a silence (complicit) on the part of an infinity of supposedly “libertarian” collectives, about this alarming situation. It is time to shout ENOUGH!
The so-called “casals catalans”, numbering a hundred in 40 countries, are good targets to express our rage. And there are also many economic interests in Catalonia, for those who are willing to do a little digging. Any of these sites is a good place to remind these cretins that active international solidarity with our prisoners of the Social War is not just words: LET’S ATTACK! That is why this OCTOBER 27th, eight months after the captivity of our comrades, we will make the voice of those who have tried -in vain- to muzzle, heard. Organize your group, plan a fire, an attack, a protest canvas, a sabotage, or whatever you want; but do not remain impassive? There is too much posturing among so many verbose groups that do NOTHING. To the street already the kidnapped ones, for that story of the damned burned police van…
Some Pissed Off Insurrectionists (FAI/FRI)
The following text is the intervention of fellow anarchist Alfredo Cospito, currently imprisoned in Terni, for the debate on the book What International?, held in the context of the second edition of the initiative “Land of Love and Freedom”, two days of anarchist publishing in Calabria focused on internationalism and revolutionary continuity, in Grisolia 23-24 August 2021.
Lately I have been wondering with what nerve an anarchist prisoner for ten years as I claim to express an analysis “realistic” about the present, the real movement outside these four walls. The interview with “Vetriolo” caught me still relatively soaked in reality, out of the fray of the struggle, still convinced of having a “realistic” and objective view of the world. What international? is the result of thirty years of practiced struggle, of blows inflicted and received, of affinities and friendships born and then traumatically severed by the wall of a prison. Summing up, today I can say with a certain conviction that the only moments in which I was certain of having contributed to changing things were those moments in which I clashed with the system, in which I risked my freedom and my skin. In those moments I lived, I felt more alive than ever. And the pleasure I felt was incomparable, comparable only to the love for one’s own or one’s partner in the most intense moments of passion. I remember when, as a young boy, it seemed impossible for me to intervene concretely, the level of deepening always seemed insufficient, the practical skills I had didn’t seem up to the task, I didn’t know where to start, at the beginning one feels inept, incapable… I was waiting for a suggestion, a start from my more experienced companions. Often, in exchange for my enthusiasm, I received a good dose of “realism” that dampened or risked dampening any revolutionary “ambition”, any drive to action. Incredible as it may seem, “realism” sometimes makes any action, any impetus, impossible. I came out of this sort of “dead end” only when I decided in an impish, reckless, crazy, provocative way to arm my hands. Then everything became “easy”, failure after failure, step by step, things started to work. I looked for my companions and I found them, we recognized each other by making the refusal of delegation and wait-and-see our compass. Many (perhaps too many) years have passed since that time and today I find myself on the other side, “navigated” anarchist with more “experience”. And what I feel like saying is simply to follow your instincts and not to pay too much attention to the prudence of those who from the height of their lives “lived” push for moderation. Because that popular saying “you are born an arsonist and you die a fireman” is not so far-fetched. Every day in here I fight with myself to remain what I was, and I don’t always succeed. In my words I sometimes glimpse what I’ve always fought, opportunism, paternalism, realism… “politics”. Dynamics that risk making me forget how beautiful it was to communicate only through gestures of destruction and the words that followed them. When I wasn’t in danger of becoming a “point of reference”, when I was a complete stranger. And the stupid things I happened to say remained limited, no one rightly spun them. The tragicomic thing is that the “metamorphosis” is almost painless and does not only affect us prisoners but perhaps even more those who outside these walls every day relate to a reality that tends to normalize. The “realism” drags you to a continuous decline that leads you to judge those who remain “themselves” as naive, provocative, childish, deluded. Continue reading “Italy: Intervention of Alfredo Cospito to the initiative “Land of Love and Freedom” in Grisolia (24.08.2021)”
-Interview with comrade Gustavo Rodriguez (Third of three parts)
AI: To what extent was the 1959 revolution willing to destroy the system of domination and its protagonists determined to promote a Social Revolution?
First of all, it is necessary to examine thoroughly who were the forces in conflict in 1959; what were the motivations and; above all, the ideological limitations of those involved. Of course, this is an exercise fraught with difficulties for those who continue to be fascinated by the official mythology1 and; equally difficult for those who -from different points of view, even dissidents- cling to the supposed tendencies raised by certain protagonists (Camilo Cienfuegos, Hubert Matos, Ernesto “Che” Guevara, Pastorita Núñez, for example), as if trying to decipher (at a distance of six decades) what would have been the attitude of this or that character in a specific situation or whether or not he or she was right at a given time and what would have been his or her action if he or she had greater political weight in the process. In that tenor, the legends of Camilo “anarchist”; Matos “socialist”; Che Guevara “Trotskyist” and Pastorita “feminist” arose. All dilettante speculations that in no way help to understand what those figures hypothetically opposed to revolutionary autocracy and bureaucratization represented. Unfortunately, these digressions do not manage to escape from the legends that must be demolished. Neither Cienfuegos was “anarchist” nor Matos “socialist” nor Che “Trotskyist” and, Pastorita, much less “feminist”. By the way, the latter came from the old nucleus of Fidel Castro’s nationalist militancy2 ; as did Huber Matos, Ñico López, Haydée Santamaría, among other members of the “Orthodox Youth” of the Cuban People’s Party (Orthodox)3 who would found the 26th of July Revolutionary Movement (MR-26-7).
The opposition to the Batista dictatorship was made up of a coalition of traditional nationalist (anti-imperialist) parties4 and the so-called “revolutionary movements” which -from diverse and equally nationalist perspectives- were articulated in the course of the struggle. Among the traditional parties, the following stood out: the Cuban Revolutionary Party (Authentic), which emerged after the nationalist revolution of 1933; the Cuban Orthodox People’s Party, -established in 1947 by Eduardo Chibás, after his break with the “authentic” ones-; the Cuban Revolutionary Nationalist Party (Authentic), which was formed in 1947 by Eduardo Chibás, after his break with the “authentic” ones; the Revolutionary Nationalist Party (PNR) of José Pardo Llada (co-founder of the Orthodox Party) and; the Free People’s Party, instituted by Márquez Sterling and a group of assailants of the Moncada barracks who had broken with Castro and precociously warned: “We come from armed struggle, exile and clandestinity. We have shed blood […] and we invite you to break the hateful conspiracy of silence and fear. Against Batista. Against the Dictatorship. Against the useless blood that serves as a pedestal for new pernicious dictators “5 . Among the “revolutionary movements”, the following stood out: the July 26th Revolutionary Movement (MR-26-J) led by Fidel Castro; the Revolutionary Directorate (DR), created by José Antonio Echeverría – assassinated during the ill-fated assault on the Palace – and led by Faure Chaumón; the Federation of University Students (FEU) and the Radical Liberation Movement, founded by Amalio Fiallo and several “moncadistas” who also distanced themselves from Castro’s dictatorship. Continue reading “Part Three: What’s happening in Cuba? An Anarchic look at the 11-J protests EN/ES”
Internationalism has always been the principle inspiring the actions and horizons of the exploited who do not accept the role that society has given them. It has always been a vaccine against opportunism of every kind, a guarantee that those who practice it are not the servants of their boss or a foreign boss, but are authentic enemies of all forms of exploitation and authority. Internationalism as tension, as spirit, does not change with the changing of times. But the way it becomes real in history changes. Reformists, opportunists and authoritarians have always tried to pervert internationalism towards their own interests. The question of questions, the lever get the world to rise up, is therefore the International. How, what should the International be today? Should it be a real “organization”, a federation of groups, a “world party”? Or can there be instruments or “structures” that are closer to the anarchist Idea and that are more effective in this historical period?
Like “scientific” socialism, anarchism was born to oppose a global process, capitalism and the advent of the bourgeoisie. It is more than natural that anarchists and Marxists have from the beginning pursued with alternating fortunes an international organizational dimension. In the nineteenth century, with Bakunin, anarchy abandoned the philosophical, idealist level to take its first steps in the real world. First against Mazzini’s messianic liberalism, to then clash with Marx’s state socialism, giving rise to the autonomist federalist currents within the First International.
Continue reading “Interview and dialogue with Alfredo Cospito from the prison of Ferrara [Published in anarchist paper Vetriolo, Issue 2, Autumn 2018]”