Gesto audiovisual editado de manera conjunta en solidaridad con lxs prisionerxs subversivxs y anarquistas de largas condenas en lucha en las cárceles chilenas por el Ciclo de Cine Anticarcelario (Chile) y Antimidia (Brasil).
Source: Contra Info
Gesto audiovisual editado de manera conjunta en solidaridad con lxs prisionerxs subversivxs y anarquistas de largas condenas en lucha en las cárceles chilenas por el Ciclo de Cine Anticarcelario (Chile) y Antimidia (Brasil).
Source: Contra Info
On Monday, August 2, 2021, comrade Francisco Solar, through a simplified trial, assumes responsibility for the graffiti (“MEGA points, the police shoot”) outside the television channel, in the framework of a protest organized by the Coordinadora 18 de Octubre, for the freedom of the prisoners of the revolt.
Recall that on that occasion when he was arrested, on the sly, personnel of the OS-9 took DNA samples from his clothes, to later build the case for which he was arrested along with Monica.
Finally he was sentenced to pay 400,000 that he will have to pay when he is “free”.
On Monday, August 9, 2021, both companeros will face a hearing, where the South Prosecutor’s Office will request an extension of the investigative period, which has already been extended for nearly a year.
Sedition against the Police State.
Complicity and solidarity with Monica and Francisco.
On Friday 9 July in Carahue, a 29-year-old former anthropology student who had joined the Mapuche struggle through CAM (Coordinadora Arauco Malleco), Pablo Marchant, was murdered by a carabiniere with a bullet to the head during an attack on vehicles belonging to the Forestal Mininco forestry company. Far from seeking justice from the murderous state, various radical Mapuche groups from different regions (Biobío, La Araucanía and Los Ríos) immediately set out to keep the ideas of ‘Toño’ alive by attacking companies that exploit water or the forest. In less than a week, the authorities had already counted 44 road blockades, 22 gun attacks on carabinieri patrols or security guards, and 11 arson attacks that had destroyed 39 vehicles (trucks and forestry construction equipment).
Today, 1 August, a little less than a month later, all those who had hoped to reduce these vengeful attacks to an inevitable temporary flare-up of rage and anger for a few days were given a cold shower by the traditional official assessment of the Ministry of the Interior. Not only did the Ministry of the Interior report a 94% increase in “violent acts” in the Mapuche zone (Macrozona Sur) in the first half of 2021, but it also counted more than 150 “attacks” following the murder of Pablo Marchant.
Here is the continuation of our chronological overview of the sabotage carried out against companies in the region, which has destroyed an additional 50 pieces of forestry equipment in the last two weeks…
Río Negro, 18 July: three of the seven forestry machines set on fire
Los Lagos region
On the night of 18 July at around 3am in the municipality of Río Negro (Osorno region), a double attack took place which left 7 construction machines and 1 pick-up in ashes. The first attack took place on the El Mirador estate belonging to the Arauco forestry company, and the second on the Popóen estate belonging to the Huempeleo forestry company (1). Continue reading “Chile: Attacks in Mapuche areas continue to grow”
We carried out sabotage against the construction of the police station in Talcahuano, in memory of our Weichafe comrade, fallen into the hands of the police cruelty of murderous $hilean $tate.
In honor and memory of Luisa Toledo.
Down with the forest industry of the Wallmapu
Down with the yuta [Chilean slang for cops] of the hills of Thno
Down with the yuta of the entire world
Via: AMW
Facing what we see as direct interpellations towards us, the need arises to write this text to make clear the issues.
As we have written on several occasions both individual and collectively, we understand anarchy not as an embodiment or place of arrival, but as a tension, a permanent confrontation in the first personm putting at the center the search for individual freedom. For us, this constant struggle has been real, which is why we find ourselves today behind bars. This situation has not prevented us from continuing to participate in struggle initiatives both inside and outside the jail.
In short, anarchy for us is an ethics and a permanent practice against authority, a practice in which we have met with others (not necessarily “anarchists”), enriching and enhancing our visions and capabilities, as well as forging close relationships of complicity, strengthened in the course of years and confrontation. To designate that these relationships can only be established with those who are called “anarchists,” apart from being a fallacy that can only be believed by those who have not ventured to travel the paths of the conflict and spend their time in front of the computer, is something that we reject from the moment when we prioritize establishing links over repeating empty slogans until you get enough. To self-identify as “irreducible anarchists” does not mean anything without being accompanied by a confrontational practice that sustains it.
On the other hand – and most importantly – assuming that anarchists only should relate to anarchists reflects an absurd purism and a sectarianism that, without a doubt, is an expression of authoritarianism. Establish coordinations and joint struggle initiatives only between those who are self-defined “anarchists” is to restrict and limit greatly our relationships and with this our chances of growing. It is to lock up stupidly in dogmatisms that restrict us and prevent us from free association. So, we see how in the name of freedom, some raise absolutely the opposite, setting sects as the basis for relationships.
With this, we do not want to say that we establish indiscriminate relationships or do not have a type of filter.
We have left clear points that for us are impassable in previous communications; repentances, dissociations and institutionality corresponds to some red lines that constitute insurmountable aspects that prevent carrying out any joint initiative with those who opt for these roads. As you can appreciate, these points do not correspond to empty labels but are concrete, in ways of living in prison and not only here. They are options that generate a total contradiction between what is said and what what is done. Well, maybe for some, the only value is what incendiary proclamations are said online or on some social network. On the contrary, we prioritize the practice and from there, we are establishing affinities and ruptures.
And certainly, authoritarian practices represent a point that we will not tolerate. We have never established fighting relationships based on authoritarianism and the experience of anarchist and subversive prisoners is no exception. The common points we have between all of them are a lot stronger than the discrepancies that we can have, discrepancies that evidently, do not represent insurmountable aspects, since if it were so, we would have set aside from the beginning of this initiative. The ties that unite us with the comrades have been forged in the confrontation. Inside as outside the jail, for more than a decade, meaning for us a relationship and enriching experience that, undoubtedly, has nourished, strengthened and qualified our anarchic path. Today, in this new confinement situation, this joint initiative is not new, but the last year has counted on important mobilizations that allow us to develop interesting projections. Now, as we affirm it in the article “about the need for continue the fight within the prison” of the magazine Kalinov MOST 4, the anarchist prisoners have broken with certain codes inside of the prisons, installed and reproduced by the members of the armed left groups from the ’80s, codes that mainly had to do with the reproduction of organic-partisan logic inside jail and also with establishing a ratio of superiority with respect to the rest of the penal population. They have been in charge of keeping live subversive codes with which we feel identified and that we see indispensable to incorporate and live. We refer to a refractory position and attitude against the prison institution that grants a particular identity, view and recognition both by social prisoners and the jailers. We also refer to the undeniable fact of continuing the fight within the prison, to show in practice that with the confinement nothing ends, that It is only another struggle, which breaks with victimism. Many times in the struggle for liberty of prisoners, comrades for decades have raised and taken forward an anti-carceral practice that has pierced the walls that divide the street and jail. These are just some of the subversive codes that we share with the comrades, who reinforce our ties of affinity in the task everyday and we are moving away from those who, even calling themselves anarchist, diverts away from the fight or is completely disconnected from this. What do these purists and so-called “anarchists” who are completely disconnected from these ideas and practices do when they face a trial or are in prison? We reiterate, we establish relationships based on common practices, not on the basis of words or incendiary announcements published on the Internet. Finally, we see the need to refer to the danger that sectarianism or purism represents within our spaces, apart from authoritarian relationships mentioned above.
From our clear anarchic positioning, supported in the permanent conflict and in individual freedom, we are establishing relationships and coordinations that potentiate us and strengthen us on this path for total liberation.
As the incendiary comrades of Conspiracy of Cells of Fire said a few years ago: Solidarity with Anarchist Prisoners and Those that Do No Repent of all Revolutionary tendencies!
TODAY WE SAY: Comrades Pablo Bahamondes, Marcelo Villarroel, Juan Aliste, Juan Flores and Joaquín García: To the street!
Mónica Caballero Sepúlveda. C.p.f San Miguel.
Francisco Solar Domínguez. C.p. Rancagua.
Translated by AMW
Continue reading “Chile: Against Sectarianism. For an Affinity Supported in Practice. Words from compañerxs Monica and Francisco EN/ES”
It is difficult to start writing when my heart and mind are still in turmoil. The only thing I long for is a fraternal embrace, the sunlight and its warmth on my skin, and the only thing I have here is cement, cold, humidity and stench.
Perhaps it will be easier for me to leave by thanking: First of all my blood family who, far from all essentialism, have made me and my brother feel loved. Thank you for your sincere support. In 2nd place, to all the comrades and related who are “moving” outside, in some gesture of solidarity. In these moments everything helps and, as well as my family, thank you for your honest support.
Now, for those who wonder about it, I say: YES. Our prison is political. As political as any prisoners’ prison in this system. I would delve into more “theoretical” issues, but this is not the time.
I will only say that, if this prison were not political, then they would not have taken blood samples from us, against our will, under threat of “they would get them anyway”. If this presidium were not political, then fiskalia (slang for the GOPE, Special Police, like the FBI) would not worry about having copies of what we read and write… and they do. Patent of this is the raid of our computers and telephone, in which anything they find will serve them to weave their intrigues. If this prison were not political, then the fiskals of the south metropolitan would not have entered our house, with a huge media show and cameras, at the moment of our arrest. And finally, if this prison were not political, we would not have been part of Galli’s statements a few days ago.
Today more than ever we say: if we are not guilty, much less are we innocent.
The work of determining guilt, plunging the prisoners and their families into misery, belongs to the fiskalía. That is what they call “justice” in democracy. They in their homes, opulent, comfortable and with a “clean” conscience. We in the cages, without water, without light, far from all those who love us in any way.
Thanks to all those who move, a warm greeting to all the political prisoners of this world.
Freedom to all prisoners!
-Ignacio and Luis
Missed from 01/06/2021
On May 11, at 9:00 p.m., unknown persons arrive on a bicycle at Pérez Valenzuela and Antonio Bellet, in the Providencia district, where a building of the SODEXO food concessionaire is located.
After leaving a suspicious package, they quickly escape, and a few minutes later there is a loud explosion that destroys part of the windows of the building.
GOPE, Labocar and the South Prosecutor’s Office arrived in the area to investigate the attack, which left no injuries, only material damage.
Claim of the “Revolutionary Cells Nicolás Neira”.
Since March 22 different subversive and anarchist prisoners have been on hunger strike to demand the repeal of Legislative Decree 321, the freedom of comrade Marcelo Villarroel and the prisoners of the revolt. In this scenario of anti-prison struggle we point out:
1. During the night of Black May 11 and prior to the curfew we detonated an explosive device in front of the SODEXO company for its responsibility in the daily misery that tortures thousands of prisoners in the prisons of the Chilean democracy. SODEXO is in charge of the concession of the prisons of Antofagasta, Iquique, La Serena, Rancagua and El Manzano. The joint work between Gendarmeria, the Chilean State-Police and private capital make up a triad that evidences the lucrative business of the prison-companies, annihilating the dignity of the prison population according to their economic interests and the social order of the rich and powerful.
2. We affectionately salute the comrades who carried out a hunger strike for 50 days, demonstrating that the combative prison is a tool of resistance to prison submission, while spreading the germ of action in the streets. It is vital to maintain a rhythm of combat that accompanies the processes of intra-prison mobilization, understanding that the struggle for the liberation of our prisoners and their conditions of confinement is a long and relentless one.
3. In a context of police and military control the attack is possible, it only depends on our will and will to fight. In this sense, the discourse that all revolutionary action is assembly only affects the fighting spirit of those who organize and stand up with dignity against the enemy, devaluing a history of struggle that advances with hundreds of comrades imprisoned, wounded and dead. If we do not believe in our capacities the construction of a new world will only be a chimera, we call to organize the attack in all territories and realities.
4. In this Black May we remember our comrade Mauricio Morales who 12 years ago died in action trying to attack the Gendarmerie School. The memory is kept burning in the streets and in the multiform action, only those who forget die.
By anarchy we will win, in autonomy we will live.
Revolutionary Cells Nicolás Neira
NOTE: The 15 years old anarkopunk comrade Nicolás Neira dies after being hit by a tear gas bomb fired by the ESMAD police during the May 1st clashes in Colombia.
Source: Noticias de la Guerra Social
I had the opportunity to speak with her only a few times, however I had the good fortune and the enriching possibility to listen to her on countless occasions.
I don’t think I was indifferent on any of those occasions. The power of her words and gestures, the intensity she brought to each of her statements and harangues motivated me enormously and still do. I remember them -in this encierro- and my hair still stands on end.
How lucky we all were to have been able to coincide in life with a person like Mrs. Luisa!
Another thing that never ceased to impress me was her permanent interest in updating herself, in knowing what was being discussed and proposed, and in knowing what were the motivations of the new generations of young fighters. This kept her fully up to date. It kept her in the struggle, rejecting any place of honor from where many feel they have the power to direct and delegitimize the new experiences. Mrs. Luisa is inseparable from the struggle because she herself is an expression of struggle.
The time I went to her house to invite her to the launching of a book – which was one of the few times I spoke with her – she was already ill and very weak, but in spite of that we talked for a long time asking me, with an interest that surprised me, every detail of our prison experience in Spain, which speaks and reaffirms her concern for every new event, especially for the situation of the prisoners, a reality that she lived directly with the imprisonment for several years of her granddaughter Sol.
I heard about her death on television and there they talked about the sad death of «Luisa Toledo, activist and human rights defender», evidently trying to hide what she really was and the annoyance she meant and will mean to the powers that be. Ms. Luisa was a vindicator and encourager of political violence, permanently affirming, explicitly, the urgent need to provide more forceful attacks. To go further, to carry out revenge against what she called: «the murderers and exploiters of the people», so that the denomination of «defender of human rights» I think it falls short (to say the least) accommodating only to those who profit from the struggle and the dead.
Finally, I send an affectionate embrace to all those close to him and his family, especially to Don Manuel and Ana.
Only those who forget die die!
Francisco Solar D.
C.P Rancagua.
From: Buscando la Kalle
Via & Translated: Anarquia
In the south of Chile, a section of the Mapuche population has been waging a fierce struggle for many years against the large landowners (burning down their villas and occupying their land) as well as against agro-forestry operators, large hydro-electric dams and intensive salmon farms. It was in this context that Pablo Marchant Gutiérrez was murdered on Friday 9 July in Carahue during an attack on the vehicles of the company Forestal Mininco (a subsidiary of the cellulose giant CMPC).
The 29-year-old former anthropology student, who later joined the Mapuche struggle through CAM (Coordinadora Arauco Malleco), was participating in the burning of a minibus, a skidder and a tanker at around 5pm on the Santa Ana-Tres Palos estate when he was shot in the head at close range by carabinieri charged with protecting the interests of the loggers. Another saboteur and an employee were also wounded by bullets in the exchange of fire, and the public prosecutor’s office was quick to speculate that the bullet that sent the latter to hospital came from the M16 held by Pablo Marchant.
For its part, the CAM immediately made public the fact that Pablo had been shot by a carabiniere during a sabotage action carried out by one of its local groups (Órgano de Resistencia Territorial, ORT), the one called Lafkenche-Leftraru, thus becoming a Mapuche fighter (weichafe) who had fallen during the struggle. His body was accompanied the next day by 300 people from the Temuco Forensic Institute to the municipality of Lumaco, where a vigil for his body (feretro) will be held until Tuesday 13 July, the day of his burial.
The announcement of the assassination naturally triggered angry demonstrations the following Sunday from Santiago to Antofagasta, as well as numerous roadblocks, gunfire against carabinieri or landowners’ guards, and incendiary attacks by other radical Mapuche groups in several different regions (Biobío, La Araucanía and Los Ríos). Far from seeking justice from the murderous state, the latter immediately set about keeping Pablo Marchant’s ideas alive by attacking companies that exploit water or the forest throughout Mapuche territory.
Continue reading “Chile: Mapuche zone ignites after the murder of Pablo Marchant [update]”